
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 21 (Part 1) Examination Date and Whistle Blown.

Kazu Nini woke up that morning and got ready with half haste and half caution. She was going to worry about what to wear when she remembered that they might consider the Telewatch's outfit as an external aid which might get her banned. Kazu Nini groaned then donned on elastic shorts that hugged her thighs and a top that hugged her torso but flew out at her calves. The red trench coat and the black shorts complemented the black thick flip flops and she decided to go with that. Kazu Nini stepped out of the room to see the Spirit in a burgundy cloak and the Goblin in clothes that looked like they would have worked out on a 3-year-old. Except that they stopped at her ankles and wrists respectively. Her cute pink sandals were the deal breaker. Thus, Jagonu Nanhor and that Pixie could not help but laugh which made Isimaila Fginja blush dark purple.

"Yeah, yeah. Have your fill."

Kazu Nini wiped a tear as they closed the door behind them and walked to the Testing Grounds for the 1st level Martial Student Applicants. It was a large dome made of plastic glass. And just before he stepped in, she was barred by her favorite Sphinx.

"Hah, Pixie, we meet again."

"My best friend in the whole wide world."

"Who would want to be friends with you?"

"I mean, that was a figure speech known as sarcasm but since you do not seem to know what it is, I am sure your brilliant eyes can see people by my side."

The Granny beside her became a rat and then an owl.

"I want to add to the bet."

"Hmph, you seem to like losing this much?"

"Although the ultimate decider of the victor would be the individual with the highest marks, I want all my other friends in on this and I also want to add more stakes to this; I not only want the winner to transfer all the awards and prizes from the looser but I also bet 100 Artificial Raw Ores." [1.]

She did not see Uniah Gramanos's other friends but she did want to back down either. "What are those?"

"Oh, so you do not know it." She laughed until her head dropped and Kazu Nini was going to use the chance to ignore the girl, when she blocked her way again. "They store energy useful for cultivation."


"Let's shake on it."

Kazu Nini scoffed.

"Let us go, not worth your attention." The Goblin spat after a hearty laugh.

"How's the weather down there?" The voice coming from the owl was after it had flapped until the Goblin's eyesight was stung by sunlight.

"G-go eat a cannister of worms." Isimaila Fginja jumped to high five the spirit.

However, Kazu Nini paused at what Uniah Gramanos had said, "and here I thought the idiot was just blabbering." The Sphinx's face had long been a frown. "Tell you what? I would not do too good so that you are not too embarrassed."

The Sphinx then stood to the side, "ladies first."

Kazu Nini saw no need to waste more time so she moved in the space to get into the doors.

"Sorry, I meant suckers!"

The boy chuckled before his form changed and his laughter along with it.

The Goblin kicked the Sphinx who failed to snatch her and the giggling Spirit

The large 50-meter radius of the building already had 8 lines, even though it was just 8 in the morning, so she joined the 9th. Halfway, hall was at least 400 meters from wall to wall and at the middle point up ahead, there was a table along with several equipment.

There was what looked like a circular disk suspended by 2 straps to a wooden frame, were the face of the face where open so that the one of the supporting frames were to the students. Like an open cube.

The next one was a large tray that rattled every time the Elf shook it.

Another was the first heavy perfectly circular stone that stood without any support. The second stone, also facing the other end of the hall were there were no students, was in the middle of a room that was like an open cuboid. No not an open cuboid but the part facing the students was made through a screen of light while the 'walls' were covered with curtains pinned to the ground.

And the last stone was behind yet another room that was transparent plastic.

Kazu Nini had wanted to speak something back to Uniah Gramanos who was outside before she felt a thwack on her back from a cane. The pain blossoming from her shoulder blade made her look up to see an 8-foot Slime holding a stick while it threw its head from side to side to see any more noise makers. Her riled up Ko-jin was a second away from making a glass hand that punched it. So, she was happy that she did not move. She saw the Sphinx and the Shapeshifter laughing outside and on the floor, then looked away even as her roommates began making gestures back at the ones outside. But without sound this time, lest they incur the wrath of the Slime.

When her eyes reached up, she saw a countdown that showed 30 seconds left and she sat cross legged on the floor, calming her mind and emotions. The floor was reflective tiles but she sensed that there was something with great energy far beneath which felt like a low hum. Zlai Dfon wanted to call her name but she knew what would happen so been using gestures to no avail because her boss had kept her eyes closed. The Goblin and the Spirit had made eye contact and they were having a funny animated conversation before Kazu Nini tapped them and tapped on the Telewatch. The fairy felt embarrassed and they all began chatting on Skynet.


The piece of circular metal hung between a sturdy wood panel and its strike ignited a sound that reverberated about the hall for a good 10 minutes so that the doors were shut and the hall was thoroughly quiet.

"Your Bone Age will be tested," The speaker was a lady who seemed to have her eyes closed. She looked young but there was a mismatch of colors on her skin, otherwise she looked to be hale but sleeping. "Then, your cultivation. And from there, your talent would be written down."

She stood up, a head taller than everyone apart from the Slime. "Then your physical strength will be tested. After which will be your Unique Strength and then your fortitude. The walls are lined with DamageRooms so need not worry about destruction. But first, you will have to run a race."

The students all shared looks as they knew that this 'race' might not be what it seemed.

The lady then rose a beeping button that was surrounded by a plastic card half the size of their Identification Cards to the crowd so that they saw it clearly. "These will be your identifications and throughout the test they will be clipped on your Identification Cards. If you forgot to bring them then you have already failed this test much like our late friends crying and banging at the door." She then returned to her seat, "come!"

The hall echoed with groans all over and Kazu Nini sadly searched the line to see Uniah's happy face on the 10th queue, she would have enjoyed mocking the Sphinx for an easy win. But, whatever, it did not matter either way. The lines were cut by a quarter as the Slime kicked out those pleading for another chance or those who had not gotten the message to leave immediately. The people outside grimly mocked the ones coming to join them, and the lines readjusted themselves to take their cards.

Kazu Nini's eyes were in shock when she saw that she was number 999. She then took a look at the crowds again, seeing as they were this number even after being cut then she could imagine their total. After getting her number, she met with Zlai Dfon and her roommates who had told each other on the Skynet that they would develop their own sign language.

The woman clapped her hands after extending both arms to different sides and the sound threw some students all the way to the door. "There is the T6rial Track course set for the participants, obstacles have been created on them from hanging bars to pole vaults and high jumps, or Long Jumps and shot put. Each track is designated according to the lines you joined up to queue with." The lady then raised a clock. Your time here will begin once you leave this place but the timers on your cards will begin once you step on the track. Meaning once your feet hit those tracks, begin the physical trials. She then stood up. "My name is, Loveth 2,4,5,1,7,9. And once your card shows an 'x' over itself you have failed."

A whistle appeared on her lips as if it was always there and after packing in air in her lungs, she blew terrifying noise that made them all scurry towards the door. Seeing them struggle to get out, she did not stop any. Kazu Nini knew her time was ticking and for everyone that was fighting, she shook her head.

"Our job will be to pull people away from the struggle so that those in front can have space to move and everyone will benefit at least until we can leave."

Isimaila snarled. "There at least 3000 students in this test and you want to play hero?"

"Not hero, I need to know the number of cultivators there are by those who will react to me, I need to show them that fighting at the door only reduces their chances and I need to know the races I am dealing with."

"A-are you saying even non cultivators c-came to take this test?"

"Without a doubt, Spirit."

"I am with you, boss." Zlai Dfon said that and a light shove from Kazu Nini encourage her to appear at the door and begin carrying out her orders.

As they walked, she could see the anger on the Goblins' face and she pointed to a window. "The lady only wants people to leave this place, you can jump."

Isimaila Fginja saw the opportunity but walked with Kazu Nini, "I will only remove 50 obstacles."

"As you will, Goblin."

They both sped to the door using Ko-jin and met several arms that they pulled, joining Zlai Dfon.

Kazu Nini pulled people manually; a fore arm away and behind her before docking from a stray fist and then noticing that the surroundings had become painfully cold. She saw someone with fangs who was responsible then moved from that area into another were after hauling 10 bodies away from that place, she felt extreme winds from a female youth with long ears. Chuckling to herself as she mentally made note, she shifted position again.

Isimaila Fginja hopped on heads, faces, shoulders, torsos and knees. And where she did not break, sprain, dislocate or strain them, they were either sent flying or hurled like thrown pebbles. Another half minute of doing so and she leapt towards the wall where she saw some of her colleagues flying out from after Isimaila Fginja had inspired their initiative.

The Spirit had walked into an area where they suddenly began laughing. Of these ones, she pulled out with difficulty only because they were a slight strain as she had no physical form. Then at another time, the bunch would become painfully somber and sad and she would repeat the process again.

Zlai Dfon was using the same process as her Boss and where they were not physically thrown, she would send them in space to another location. But if even that did not work, she would finally resort to taking her body into another coordinate so that she began anew with another bunch.

Kazu Nini shouted out both their names when the process reached half a minute with barely any notable reduction through the windows that they barely fiddled with to get open where they both joined her.


Artificial Raw ores are less than Artificial Crystals

Artificial Crystals are less than Artificial Vein Crystals

Artificial Crystals are less than Bronze Ores

Bronze Ores are less than Bronze Crystals

Bronze Crystals are less than Bronze Vein Crystals

It was Bronze Vein Crystals and Bronze Crystals that were mentioned in Prologue 18 part 1.