
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 2 (Part 3) National Jhoklon Park And Zoo (2) and Epic Beasts.

They passed many animals as they forked out from a boulevard that had a sign post on it;

Unawakened Beasts ahead

Class 1st Beasts quarter mile.

Class 2nd Beasts ¾ mile.

"If it can't cultivate then a Beast is usually referred to as Unawakened." They passed under street lamps and cages with roars or silence. The occasional patrol passed by.

"How do they start cultivation?" Some of the cages were on elevated ground while others were eye to eye. Shrubs stood before the gutters in a hedge that was wherever there was road to pass.

"Patience or fierceness."

"I understand fierceness, but patience?"

"Take a creepy crawly, like a worm, if they wanted to cultivate, they would have to wait only taking in power accumulated around them, or rabbits; they could gather Ko-jin filled objects so that they benefit as an effect of proximity, until they trigger their heavenly tribulation."

"They too have Heavenly Tribulation?"

"Yes," she said without surprise to her curiosity, "Animals are not as intelligent as humans, and the world spirit would not let them be defenseless or extinction might occur."

"That's cool for them, but what would they even have to work on; I know the first Human Tribulation after the first Trilogy is supposed to work on blood, hormones and bodily enzymes."

"Theirs is actually quite peculiar." She stopped in front of an Unawakened Epic Beast. The Puma's habitat had hills, great rocks and trees amongst greenery. "When they are Unawakened, their first tribulation happens after they have pushed their bodies to the peak – either through the need for survival actively or passively. Class 1st Epic Beasts receive their own tribulation twice in their cultivation Tetralogy."

"Twice?" she admired the creature's patience; it muscles that moved with its purposeful steps and feral nature of it all. "Why is it a Tetralogy?"

"Dawn or Early, Noon or Mid, Dusk or Late and Midnight or Peak." She held her hands up. "These four split the Human cultivation into Divine Early 1-7, Divine Early 8 - Divine Medium 4 - Divine Late 1 and Divine Late 2 – Divine Late 10 respectively."

She nodded her head as if trying to remember it. "What about the twice there."

"It differs per Tetralogy, but everyone boosts all its potential and capabilities."

"Does that make them stronger?"

"Potentially, yes."

She frowned at the older Pixie, "are you purposely trying to confuse me with your words?"

"No," she giggled. "In a bout, strength is not always what determines a victor."

"You mean like cunning and all that."

"Constitution and how it is used, yes."

"Let's go." Now that her arm had mostly recovered, she rotated it as she watched the flesh knitting itself back together.

They moved in the patches of light towards the Class 1st area. If it had been noon, they would have seen the statue that towered of a myriad of beasts with the words, 'National Park and Zoo of Jhoklon,' written in golden letters underneath the stone spectacle. Not too far from it was another map because of the size of the place. Roads that led to the restaurant and other eateries or resting areas that were lush with greenery. The Pixie pair passed all of these and reached an area of Class 1st Epic Beast Habitats.

The habitat they saw this time had thick bushes and tall trees which made her feel small. The protection on the fence was in three parts; the first was thorny, the second emitted a terrifying chill and the last one had electric sparks that sizzled off tits surface. Here, they met one of the elks which had a doubled magnitude than its Unawakened counterpart.

"Having gone through its first tribulation, all its constitution would be heightened." It studied them with eyes so intelligent that Kazu Nini took a step back in surprise. "Not to be trifled with." She wanted to stay but Mako Nini was hurrying her up because it was getting late and she wanted to sleep. Not that she *really* needed it at her cultivation stage, but then memories of the past made it a necessity only to her lifestyle.

She pushed the girl for half an hour until they met with a covered habitat. This one looked more like a room that extended up until halfway of a short bridge which connected the pathway road to the gutter and beyond whatever was hidden by the covered room which they assumed held the habitat they desired to see, a guard Cyclops standing before the bridge.

Screens, attached to this room, were erected to show a pool in the middle of the habitat hidden by this room, that took 3/4th of the habitat. Considering that the Class 1st habitat of the elk from earlier had about 100 meters of space, and that this one was at least doubled, it could be imagined; the sheer size.

She was quiet until she could not take it anymore. "I can't see anything."

"We could remove the cage to see it at a price but it is sky-"

Kazu Nini read her nieces smile and squinted her eyes in mock anger, reaching into the air and pulling out 10 pieces of Silver Hyur.

"Hurray for soul space thingy." She threw both arms up in glee.

Mako Nini's eyes twitched and she held her face in her hands. *Soul Space thingy? Was this girl actually serious about cultivation at all?* On the other hand, her other arm seemed to be healed now, so the cheery thought motivated her to put 10 Silver coins – 100,000 Bronze Hyur - into a slot machine in the shape of a house-shaped mailbox.

5 Silver pieces each for her and her niece proved worth it as when they were ushered unto the bridge and the guard blocked of their path of retreat before the cavity for a door slid upwards leading them to walk into a transition point where there was a wall of Quintuple Reinforced steel, transparent and clear as it was sturdy. The wall of Quintuple Reinforced Steel revealed the borders of a room imbued with Unique materials – A RestrictionHolderVessel; a Potent artifact that suppressed its contents so that they were weaker and more docile or less volatile; and a Mirage Revealer; another Potent Artifact that allowed vision to be blocked and revealed at the decision of its owner– peeled away to divulge an impressive body of water. [1]

Maybe it was due to their arrival, and the curiosity of the Class 2nd Fish, which made it rear its multitude of fins before vanishing with them but ultimately diving out of its home of water and emerging into the air, holding that position a full minute.

Kazu Nini was awestruck to the point where the pressure on her body became like goosebumps and Mako Nini enjoyed that expression. "If you could cultivate, you could reach more power than what you have seen." She gazed at her younger one, "or things yet to see."

Before the younger pixie was something with the mix of a dolphin, killer whale and dart fish, curved above the body of water which gave her the impression that it yearned to speak with her. Then it made the sound dolphins made for communication but when they reached the Pixie pair, the sound bounced off the Quintuple Reinforced steel and although the entire room shook and Mako Nini had raised her hands to defend her younger one, Kazu Nini was sure that it simply wanted to talk. Before a hand from outside intended to touch them on the shoulders, telling them to leave in case accidents were about to occur, she had already pulled the girl back, disappointed that she might have reacted poorly if that was a real attack.

"I want to see more! I want to see more!"

"Why not just make one of them with your clay."

"Oh, I will but still I want to see more."

"The guard came to speak to us, what do you want me to do?"

She pouted as they headed out.


Kazu Nini could not wait until she got home and pulled the figurines from her pockets, laying them on the bed. Years ago, she had made certain that she would be a sculptor and had marveled at how beautiful clay was. Regretting that she had not met this substance earlier, she immediately took a liking to the material, to the detriment of Mako Nini's advice to cultivate. It was more malleable than glass and one day she could make a career out of it, so she never really understood her mako Nini's deal against hobbies such as this; and in comparison, cultivation could wait! Eventually, she had decided to make clay figurines, ones that would always stay with her in times of her boredom and what not.

And one day, Mako Nini had let it slip that glass was pretty much sand and fire, when she also had told Kazu Nini that it was her cultivation that called out to her, the infinite potential that she could tap into, when she seemed to like clay so much. Kazu Nini had dismissed it until recently and she intended to bring it up again.

She was heading to her room when she turned to ask, "Remember saying something about soil and fire making glass?"

"Come and eat first."

She came back down and walked backwards, not breaking eye contact, "but, do you remember?"

"Yes, I do. What about it?"

"Tell me more, please."

"You telling me that after your fight, even though we bought treats – which I admit where to placate your anger – the first thing on your mind is not food but soil?"

"I told you I will cultivate; see I have not even molded anything in so long; I have only been talking to my dolls."

The older Pixie sighed, "there was a story once, a Pixie of extraordinary talent that could separate the fire and soil from glass, which made it look like it was their Law. So that, when he actually added his Law to whatever fight he got into, it looked as if the opponent where fighting against 4 forces at once. 5 if you added him."

She stared at her in eyes of wonder as possibilities ran through her mind. She would begin studying sculpturing and clay. At this point, if she learnt clay and glass, side by side, it a win-win for her since Mako Nini had already agreed to help her fund her projects.

The food melted like it was ice under the hot sun and she appreciated it more than she thought she would. Her body needed the nourishment after what today had done to her. If anything, it added experience so she knew that not only her, but her elder family member was happy that she had to go through what she had gone through. Now, she could not wait to talk to her dolls like she always did every night.

When she was done taking the pies made of meat, mayonnaise, vegetables, pepper, processed bread and apples by the side, her fruit juice that washed down her meal was quickly forgotten, even before her aunt had to call her back to remind her in washing her plates.

She finally reached her room as fast as she could and brought out a notebook when she was done.

Schedule of events.

Body Building


- Physical (Emphasis on flexibility, not strength)

- Mental (Understanding glass more, so as to achieve reverting it to soil.)

- Cultivation (Diligence to meet other important goal.)

She held up her clay dolls again and kissed them before going to sleep.

[1.] Quintuple is 5 times.