
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 16 (Part 2) Roommates and Getting to Know Each Other (1).

It was looking at her and she could not see any eyes. "Hello," and when it spoke, she almost jumped.


"Wh-Wh-What is your name?" Its voice sounded like a combination of a noticeable wind and a synth guitar, Kazu Nini almost enjoyed it as much as it creeped her.


Did it stammer? Was it shy? Was that possible? "My name is Kazu Nini, I'm a Pixie." She walked closer and extended a hand, so it opened up the refrigerator and stood behind it.

Kazu Nini almost blanched.

"My name is Jagonu Nanhor, I'm a Spirit."

"I found it funny too," She heard a raspy voice, one that would be perfect if the owner was usually sarcastic. Kazu Nini turned to her back to see a girl, her green shaggy hair was only lighter than her green skin and Kazu Nini could see the top of her covered scalp. "How can a spirit be scared? Those things usually give terrors. At least, I get that from movies." She extended a gnarled hand with sharp talons which Kazu Nini took carefully. Her short but sharp teeth did not help her feral looking face with a slight number of wrinkles and her large eyes, pronounced nose and sharp chin. "I am Isimaila Fginja."

"Nice to meet you." Kazu Nini turned back to study the Spirit, looked back at the Goblin who also had her eyes on their Spirit roommate and remembered what her aunt said, then she snaped out of it to reach a door.

"A Pixie, a Spirit and a Goblin, quite the combo." It continued. "Once you pick, the barcode configures itself to the room."

The Goblin felt too that she was uncomfortable with living beside a Spirit but Mako Nini's words were more important than what she thought, at least until she ran out of Memory balls and decided if her aunt's words actually held good value or if it was less substantial. "That's good to know, I do not mind this one, either way."

The Goblin's eyes stayed on her until she closed the door. And just like she had anticipated, the space was *very* conducive. "I imagine what the Nobles are living in." The fleeting question brushed past her mind to look at the Wardrobe which touched the ceiling and had enough compartments that she was glad. A desk by the window that allowed her to strain her eyesight before she caught wind of the building, especially now at night and the bed without a sheet. Looking down, and through the window, she saw new people arriving and she closed her windows to begin settling in.


Kazu Nini went through her Telewatch after she was changed and remembered that her aunt had asked her to text on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays only. So, when she had typed, *Got a room and I have a fantastic set of roommates; a Goblin and a Spirit so far, there is still a free room. Cannot wait to explore more*, she held herself back until she stumbled on 'Time Messages' and she set it to be posted 1 day after, which was a Wednesday.

Kazu Nini then went to contacts and added a name she asked from her staff. The young Pixie typed xxSlimeTimexx into her New Friends list after she had gone past the Menu screen and the Contacts tab on her Telewatch.

After waiting a while, Naro Meena answered. "She finally uses a communication device!"

"Shut up," he laughed. "So how do I link this to what you have created for me?"

"I am surprised you have not started using your bots."

"Those types of luxuries cannot be used without raising too much questions so until I am able to defend myself well and not be questioned for decisions I make, then it would be pointless to showcase those."

"You always seem to be much more than the surface, good to be following."

"The question."

"Yeah, I will send you a pattern to tap at the back of your wrists. I have linked Space Boxes to the back of the gloves, your shoulder pads, your chest and the back of your head."

"If I wished to spend my points from the very beginning, what would I have to do?"

"You would have to format the Telewatch."

"Oh, well," she looked outside her door. "Invite me to the group chat and let me know when you get here, tell the same to the others. I need to familiarize myself with the environment and know who and what needs to be known. Out."

She reached into her Telewatch next;






App List

She picked 'App List' and went into 'Settings.'






She reached into 'Memory' and saw an option reading, 'Format Memory'.

Kazu Nini tapped on that on confirmed her decision before everything went blank on her screen. She then went out of her room with baggy sleeping clothes to see the Spirit watching the Television, ignoring the fact that it did not just use a Telewatch, Kazu Nini was more intrigued about how *it* could be *watching* tv.

Did that make her racist? No, maybe just curious. I am *overthinking* this.

She just noticed the Goblin staring at her but before she spoke it did. "Good evening, *lady of the night*."

"What does that mean?"

"You came out deep into the night from your room."

"Oh," she was sure that was a play on words but she let it slide. "Got bored."

She walked and opened up the cupboards, her hands full of snacks and cereals.

"Are you like her?" Another question, why did the Goblin only talk to her? Did she not know the Spirit could hear her? "Are you quiet too?"

"When I get comfortable, you need not worry about my social skills." She shrugged, "I may not be entirely conversant but at least I won't be mute. Not all the time."

"S-s-same here." The Spirits face turned to them, the sleeve of her robe connected to her mouth and they saw snacks disappearing into her face.

"How does that work?"

"Yeah, I too do not understand, don't you need like spirit energy or something."

"No, you dumbass, they eat flesh."

Kazu Nini skipped the offensive referral and turned to the spirit who turned back to the Television.

"Th-th-those are Ghouls."

The Goblin whistled in relief.

"Are you sure?" Kazu Nini did not know about this before, but now that she knew she had to be certain. I mean, it was not racism if you defended an attack that could kill you. Especially if the assailant's assault would help it survive.

"Check your Telewatches." She switched off the Television with her remote and walked between them, getting into her room.

Kazu Nini and Isimaila Fginja met eyes then extended out both their hands. It did not take her as long to configure it to how she had once set it up before. Postponing adding up Naro Meena again to her contact list till this was done. She also did not spend her points yet.






App List

Under App List,







File Manager




Scanning Laser


System Settings

Under 'Encyclopedia', she typed 'Ghouls' and a screen popped up.

She saw a dark, black form shrouded in darkness that resembled gas. Then she saw different shapes of their silhouettes as if they could freely pick forms or the forms where what they was naturally born with?


Creatures that are bent towards a Yin Infinity. The civilized ones will eat animals without cooking them but the wild ones will attack anything that lives, if they are hungry. Some of them are worse than wild vampires, but here is the funny part – they prefer corpses than living beings. So, if there is a graveyard nearby, there is no need to worry.

Then, she typed, 'Spirits' and saw four different forms, an invisible one which a tag helped to point out, one that was of a darkness resembling her roommate, one that translucent but sparkly and one that was like glass.


Creatures that are either made naturally from compositions of Beast Veins, Heavenly Veins and Earth Veins, these ones are peaceful. Depending on who raised them. A spirit could develop its own soul or find one to catch. They enter cities when their predecessors were made sure that they developed theirs, so that killing sprees do not begin. After they develop a soul, they can begin cultivation.

Kazu Nini hung her head low, then she went and knocked on Jagonu Nanhor's door, "Hey I need snacks."

"Ea-ea-eat yours."

"No, I want yours."

"I-I-I want to sleep where I can't eat people."

"If you do not open, your door will be broken down because I am hungry." Kazu Nini turned to Isimaila Fginja and gestured. "Let's break it."

The Goblin considered the situation for a second and then, she jumped from what resembled a bar stool to stand by the Pixies's side.

"F-f-fine, I have m-more. I have m-m-ore." Her voice was closer now. "Mo-move back, I am co-coming out."

The Pixie and the Goblin did as she asked and when she came back out, she had many around her arms which showed that she now was open to feeling comfortable with them. The Spirit seemed to be quite forgiving.