
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
186 Chs

Prologue 14 (Part 2) A Shocking MemoryBall and Journey To School (1).

Kazu Nini remembered herself and looked up to see that the Stegolephant had woken up, its eyes fluttering. When it wanted to stand up, the ground quivered a little. Kazu Nini slowly walked to the carriage, a scowl on her drivers face was sternly fixated on her. She climbed the step into the lavender seats and faced her aunty who tapped the metallic door with a wooden frame thrice,

They started moving, her suitcase beside them and before she could return to reading, her aunty spoke to her.

"You could use the side camera which makes it easy to scan."

"I know, I am not dumb." She waggled her fingers.

"You only get away with that because you are leaving soon."


"Are you going to try one?"

Kazu Nini considered the Potent Artefact that her aunt had called MemoryBalls before swallowing one and the vision from her eyes changed as thought her eyes had been replaced. As well as al her senses and even her consciousness.


*"Pick yourself up, Pixie." A scar on his forehead, a tilted head looking down like the subject of his vision was filth.*

*"Can she do that?" Another, scoffing with arms crossed, high cheekbones.*

*"We do not need earthquakes, please." The last one was covering her moth in amusement before they all laughed.*

*Mako Nini was on the ground clutching her stomach. Around her were people whose pointed ears resembling her own. They blocked her from the sun but the tears in her closed eyes made it make no difference. They all had precious stones embedded in the shoulders or arms of their dresses; Jackets, T-shirts, Trench coats, belts, earrings and even braces or grills.*

*"When I was her age, I could already find a trace of Laws."*

*"Her circumference might be hindering her learning her learning capabilities."

*They all laughed again. "That is if she had any."*

*Their mockery got louder and one of them pinched her fat thighs. "Do not bring disgrace to the Pixie race." The pinch got harder and made her whimper. "Do not bring disgrace to the Nini name either."*

*"Yeah, you are not nobility. But you are Pixie, still."*

*"Let's go."*

*"True, we wasting time."*

*"Remember, do not leave us with too many tremors." They laughed again and all left.*

*Her books were on the ground and her body was covered in dirt but if she did not stand up and pack up, she knew that no one else would help her too.*

*Sniffing back catarrh into her nostrils, she rose with little difficulty, not from her weight but pain. She winced when she bent down to pick her notes and she noticed the crowd in the back ground, pointing the side of their Telewatches in her direction and taking pictures, laughing at her. But luckily, they were leaving as they did so. One did not exit, though, and he even approached her.*

*He had aquamarine eyes; not too green or blue, that glimmered in the light. His clothes looked simple; he had a short sleeved red shirt that he buttoned to his neck and his plain brown trousers did not reach his ankles. He also had an old fashioned Telewatch on his hands which resembled some of the earliest watches on the Human continent.*

*"You do not have to be around them, you know."*

*She stood up, expecting to be hit but wasn't so she shook in fear, juts wanting it to pass.*

*"My name is Talok Nini, I want to invite you to our… rowdy bunch."*

*She still did not answer and the blood from her nose was now dropping out from it*.

"I know, it is a funny describe us but I do not think it requires this much ignoring."*

*She glanced at him quickly and held her books tightly, then walked away briskly.*

*"Wait, we can-."*

*"I will not belong."*

*"Do not wor-"*

*"Leave me be."*

*They had left the parking lot, most vehicles had left by now; both the Carriages, cars, the Beasts of Burden and the CarPlanes. Now, they faced a section of the building that was covered in the shade of a light blue canopy, stones filled the spaces between the expansive walkway and away from them was a tree and a bench. A troll walked by, cleaning the ground with a gigantic brush to match its size. An Elf passed beside it and Gnomes chewed their way out of the ground that healed after they trailed out of it in different mounds. Now that they passed the area with MendableGround or

RegeneratingTerraFirma, they now had to walk.*

*"If on-"*

*She stopped and faced him on the side walk, a new batch of tears in her eyes. "Get it over with."*

*He stopped then he slumped his shoulders and told her. "Another time," he tried a smile but she had already run away crying before he was done.*

A girl, not thick or underdeveloped, walked to him, "relax, give her some time."*

*"Every moment we do not help is more time she will get more scars."*

*"You are making sense, but what can we do?"*

*She sighed first but he joined her as they faced the tree in the stones, walking towards the bench under it.*


*"You came back late again!"*

*Above her, the hulking figure of a man towered before her round frame. His anger chiseled out his expression like it was the last judgment for her which on a thread of a dark abyss, waiting to swallow her, everything she had been and everything she ever will be.*

*"Sorry, we had extra classes." She was used to lying to him, by now.*

*"You always have lessons; you need to read more!" He bellowed as he pointed. "What's your excuse for coming back home late today, huh?"*

*"I-I fell down…"*

*"That was so bad, to your room, young lady. You do not pay bills so you cannot add to ours."*

*He rubbed his face in anger to see his frail wife before him, with sunken eyes watching the exchange.* *"You don't need to be so hard on her."*

*"She needs to be tough; the world out there is not exactly Unicorns and rainbows."*

*"Both of those exist by the way and different people have their own lives. She will change people change, dear."*



*Staring at her own reflection until her feet hurt and her stomach got used to growling, she cannot hear anything outside of the thoughts in her head.*

*Why you so weird? Why can you not do anything right? Are you really a Pixie? You will never find friends.*

*Another dark streak of eye pencil joins the others at her chin or jaw and if this was another world where nobody was judged she would be a beautiful piece of artwork but it was not, so she hated the existence in her reflection. Hated all its imperfection from her guts and beyond even hatred. Hated her parentage, her round build, her life…*

*The banging on her door had started a long time ago but she was now numb to it and it was somewhere at the back of her head, like the muffled of a whisper beneath the storm of her chaotic and depressed mind.*

*How can a being have so many problems? Was this normal? Was she really just an eyesore like she has been told over and over? She never tried to disturb anyone so what was the problem? She was peaceful.*

*Between the bullies and their mocking and their fists and their legs, between her dad who never seemed satisfied with anything she had ever done and herself, who could ever find anything right in her life, she could not find someone who liked her.*

*Thus, slowly her eyes drooped and drooped until she looked as if she were in a trance and then, at a crawling speed, she picked up a knife that was aimed at her wrist and drew a cut.*

*For the first second, she watched the blood flow, the pain did not even come to mind as she was used to it a long time ago, and when she decided to drop the small weapon, she found it difficult to place it on the sink counter in her bathroom.*

*Mako Nini felt her head become light and wanted to take a step back, but missed a foot placing and crumpled to the floor. Raising her hand, her sight blurred, her hand coming up and watching all that red life liquid trailing to the ground.*

*Maybe I'll be finally happy.*

*Maybe they will be finally happy.*


Kazu Nini yanked her head back when the memory snapped her back to reality with tears in her eyes. Staring wide eyed at her aunty, the older lady held a finger to her lips before speaking.

"Do not ask me about anything you see until you hit the end of this Trilogy."


"I promise to answer your questions then, not now."

Kazu Nini cried slowly and looked out the window, the houses passing in a steady rhythm.

"See why you need to be accommodating?" Kazu Nini was wondering what sort of hell this aunty of hers had been through so she did not say anything in response. "You do not have to be nice, just accommodating."

"Is there a lunch box in my backpack?" She did not know what to say, her mind was in turmoil. *How could she act so calm about what she knows I just saw?*

"Besides, your clay figures, probably."

Kazu Nini looked back outside as she really did not want to laugh.

They had reached a traffic light and there was an elf on a red power bike with streaks of lighting captured in paint and exhaust pipes looking like they wind turbine engines in relation to the riders seat. He had a black beret and mask that hugged his face for wind getting in his eyes. She could feel the hum of other vehicles above their carriage, besides the breathing of animals when she closed her eyes.

"In school, you might meet nobles."

She swallowed, as if she could forget what she just saw in the Memory ball. "Nobles, like arrogant pricks?" It did not work to help her but Mako Nini laughed.

"Yeah," she agreed, "but not all of them are so bad."

"What else should I be afraid of? Ghosts and Wraiths?"

She frowned before she answered. "As long as you do not bother them, they should not bother you. When they haunt a place, you might become a victim but if you read enough, you should be safe." She studied Mako Nini's face to find if she was being serious, and at first, she could not see the flaw. "So read up stories about your school, but do not resume bed wetting when you do, I won't be there to clean it up for you." She opened her arms in mock helplessness and Kazu Nini laughed this time, even though a streak of liquid reached her lips.

"Do read the history and all the rules and regulations, though, those will be important. Oh, and extracurricular activities. Those help with extra points."

"You mean clubs?"

"Yeah," She stared into her nieces' eyes, "those are important. Sometimes, they use recommendations from your club to help you get jobs when you graduate." Mako Nini looked back at her niece and started laughing. "It can't be that bad."

"If I was more social, it would not be a problem."

"You do not even sound like you want to even try."

"I am a young adult who has more clay dolls that are self-made than friends. You see a lot of hope of interaction? Oh, wise one?"

"Well, recently you have made quite the name for yourself, even though you are not exactly social."

"I know, and so far, I have…colleagues." She almost blushed when she thought about the Dark Elf and did not want her aunt to see it. "I am getting there, do not worry." She really was when you counted the New Universe. Hmph.

Mako Nini pinched both her cheeks and she lightly slapped them off. Even if she had used her full force, it would not have affected the polder Pixie anyway. "Okay then, you do not have to get into those type of activities, but, there are other types you know." When she wiggled her eye brows, her nephew was filled with dread.

"It does not concern cultivation, I hope."

"It does, and they usually give rewards, which means you will get to know more about me." Her pleading eyes and the eyes Kazu Nini saw looking lost at its own reflection crossed her mind then she sat back and nodded her head, looking back out to window to avoid them.

"Guess who is the happiest Aunt in the world?"