
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 13 (Part 1) Last Day At Johklon and Preparations.

Kazu sat at the corner of her bed that connected to the edge of her wall, and at the moment she felt…off about the way she reacted. It had been 16 years, so why as she so vexed every time? Even her, herself did not know. She stopped thinking about it with tears in her eyes and begin furiously working on her clay dolls.

The rest of the weeks went in a blur;




Trying to avoid anything that would, make them fight.

Oh, she was now dealing with 100 pieces of 7 times reinforced Glass also.

At the last week, though, she decided to take a walk through the neighborhood, a day before she left to school. Kazu Nini saw different people; skinny teenagers her own age, all having purple hair and markings over their bodies that seemed to be tattoos; an elderly man with graying hair pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse who patiently took him about the area; a convenience store that was filled with children shouting above each other's voices and the man behind his desk happy at his prospective income today; another youth who received a call through his wireless headphones, a Portent Artifact that connected to a Telewatch and was quite redundant since a Telewatch would allow one to see who they communicated with across the line like a video call on a similar device known as a phone on the planet earth that allowed communication between people across vast distances, connection to the internet which was a digital village with boundless information only limited by the availability of websites and the creativity of their creators; a carriage seldom passed by led by Unawakened Epic Beasts that might be at the Midnight Or Dusk grade; there was even a store for adults that felt that they needed intoxication.

Kazu Nini knew what they all had in common, evidence of being funded, made or fostered through money. And now that she was going to a Civic Tertiary Edification Institution, she would have to survive off something; she couldn't' *always* expect the New Universe or her auntie to be there for her when she was financially in need.

And thus, left her with options.

She could go to rob a bank which was just crazy, taking that although she knew how to defend herself with glass like her pixie blood allowed her to, they would be more experienced cultivators that would have been contracted by those institutions which would crush her.

So, that option was off the table.

Second, she could cultivate and become contracted by agencies for security like guarding of personnel that were either rich enough to buy her several times over like the nobles that lived in Metropolises or Utopias on Sky Mountains.

Tutoring in the way of cultivation was a third option, if she was accomplished. It would also bring her to heights like she had just thought of but being in a Dystopia Dust land, and a humble one at that which was only – 10 miles of land at most – would need time of dedication, meeting masters who were willing to take in disciples, getting into schools that focused on cultivation, buying resources of which she had no money for and risking her life whenever tribulations wanted to hamper or further her progress.

Another choice, leaving her Dystopia Jhoklon was crazy enough and to have the talent that allowed that was a dream within a dream. At most, with the rate which her life was going at, she would move from a Humble Dystopian Dust-Land to Adequate; 100 miles of land or Comfortable, 1,000 miles of ground and – if a stroke of miracle with a magnanimous happenstance shone upon her life - Luxurious which was 10,000 miles of soil. Still, if she could get that for her aunt, she would be happy and feel honored.

Thus, she was egged on her final idea.

Clay molding for business. No, not necessarily clay but molding or creation. She could not always use clay for sales as even though it was traditional and beautiful to her because it was easily malleable, it was unprofessional. Sooner or later, she might have to take in other types of materials. Toys - children always bought that and hence, it was always a source of money as over the world being s are brought into the realm of life daily.

Clothes – textile was something she did not also see as a problem, she could sew clothes – and people always needed clothes for security, shame, beauty, events and pride. Speaking of shame or beauty, make-up could also join her list of possible rafts.

Items – knowing that she currently could not make Portent Artifacts as they are activated by Ko-jin and therefore require an expertise she did not have at the moment, she would settle for accessories – like bags, pens, soap and sponges. Anything that people needed on a daily could be made money out of.

Last but not the least, she could do appliances, everyone with homes – a sign of a level of financial availability – would need cleaning items or the like that would have good hygiene for the best health in order to have the greatest, living and eating and relaxation environments. She did not want to put too much pressure on the one family member that treated her like she was an actual living thing.

Kazu Nini crossed the street that was full of noise, not as much as a main road, and was welcome to the usual sight of old machines with fumes pumping out of the exhaust pipes to the peril of a carriage drawn by an Epic Beast that mostly resembled a horse which stomped its foot repeatedly in disgust because of the smoke reaching its face but the four-laned road was almost as tight as a main one. Luckily, in Dystopias, roads usually had many more lanes, especially in terribly crowded areas or the Dust-Lands that had Comfortable or Luxurious allotment of land space.

When the traffic bells rung the first time, she had to wait 19 more times before the moving bodies on the lanes fully stopped then she crossed. Sometimes, she did admire that the air lanes which had carriages capable of flight riding them, also had to stop. Comfortable or Luxurious Dust-Lands that also had a regulation on the vehicles being at least half a mile to the roofs, vehicles here could also take off to the skies, but at designated points.

Kazu Nini had sometimes wondered why even through this chaos they adhere to rules but she did not need to be a history student to be told that 10,511 years after Boundary Conquest War ignited by the people she hated the most, there would be law and order even in the Humble Dystopian Dust-Land that she herself had grown up in.

A Dark Elf stood behind the counter, the marks of lightening on his body were bright yellow and they made a look of tattoos on the ebony skin, but instead of shapes and forms it was more like swirls and ribbon patterns. The other dark elves along the aisle had other colors like purple or red and stood there to watch for any thieves and such.

"Hello Kazu, what brings you to my store?"

Antromph smiled at her and she waved lazily. "Supplies."


"Yeah, stationaries and the like."

"You going to school?"


"You never replied to my letters." His body tattoos glowed with a soft hum. "I sent them with full intent."

The Dark Elf with indigo markings on the third aisle, Inhej, spoke. "Her age is not much compared to yours, bruh."

"I know, but it varies from culture to culture." He looked back at her, "what's yours?"

"It is only on rare occasions do you have elders and youth ages thrown backwards because of convenience and even at that," his bald head was glaring at Antromph. "It definitely is not in Pixie culture."

"So," his eyes were now boring into her as she browsed through the aisles for what she needed. "What is your culture like, is it reversed age customs or no?"

He threw her head up a couple of times after she had picked up a basket and began looking for writing materials like books and pens. "Um, I am not sure if I should answer right now."

"Why, you know you can be free with me. I have known you so long, haven't I?"

Inhej grabbed his bald head in both hands.

"Well, I have a lot on my mind and I have things to work for. I do not know if I have time to invest feelings into anyone other than my priorities."

"Is it my looks?" the guy's cheeks were shaking. "I could change them."

"She has said no, let it be, man." Inhej sounded as if he were begging.

"I really can't spare my time. I wish I would." Kazu Nini stayed firm.

Hope entered his eyes, "is that for future reference, should I wait?"

Inhej was wondering what was wrong with this guy, maybe this was why Tklopin wanted him to come along and help with watching the aisles this time, he looked at the female Dark Elf with Yellow markings on her skin and she shook her head before turning back to the floor to concentrate on whatever it was that she was.

Kazu Nini turned to Inhej as if looking for help, "um…no."

Antromph hung his head low and fell silent, the world had gone silent to him. The next time he looked up, Inhej was beside her and she had a cart full of things. He didn't even speak until his coworker shook him roughly by the shoulders, "get yourself together man, there is a lot of fish in the sea."

He still didn't answer and she placed an arm on his shoulder, "okay...let's just...I won't forget you, okay?" He smiled until he looked like he would outshine the sun, his tattoos accompanying the emotional glow until static electricity rose her so that it was now standing to its tips.

Kazu Nini laughed and he rubbed his nose at Inhej before telling her the price. She tapped her auntie's paybox at a square machine, the transaction complete. The receipt went to Mako Nini's paybox, Antromph's eyes almost scaring her with expectation.

She flashed a smile and left the convenience store as he threw the peace sign to Tklopin who spoke to him ion a dry voice. "What do you think will happen when she goes to school?"

He paused then regained his composure. "You cannot scare me, I trust her."

The other Dark Elf chuckled as Inhej threw his hands up in the air and resumed his post, turning his eyes to the female Dark Elf, saying, "it will be for his own good."

Antromph went from sun shine smile and a soft juggle to happy with just a mile, to a flat face, a sad one, a grieving one, then finally horror stricken and clawing at himself for solace. At which point, he screamed like a frightened female.

"Relax," Inhej was laughing like he had his rockers off. "It is only a conjecture."