
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 12 (Part 2) Not Avoiding Confrontation Anymore and Getting Ready.

She had so much to do, she did not know where to start.

Kazu Nini had to get ready for school.

She also had to catch up on training.

But most importantly, she had to keep on working on her mud minions as they still had so much more room for improvement.

Kazu Nini also had to spend more time with family but their relationship was so fractured right now that she would rather avoid it than fix it.

She knew that she should face it head on, but was there not time for everything.

Maybe it would all just work out? But even her did not believe that, she only hoped for it.

Jinja Kaliope rested a hand on her shoulder from the front.

Zlai Dfon acted as if she was coughing, but what she said in her 'fit' was, 'PDA!' She then rubbed her nose as they began laughing.

"I will tell the twins to join us at Chilkt."

Jinja Kaliope realized what she just said. Their eyes met and they stayed that way before he looked away in silent anger. Kazu Nini was going to explain why she just said what she said but did not bother because she was still his boss.

"They will meet us there and get into the school. I will need their expertise."

Letting out a breath, the car was more or less silent till they reached home.

"Hey, hey, Wait please." Kazu Nini sat back down at the behest of her Public Relations manager. "Group picture, say ahaa!"

The first capture had Kazu Nini's impassive face, Jinja Kaliope's frown, Naro Meena staring at the camera and hugging Shafa Rinmon tighter who was kissing his cheek but staring at the camera as if she had been caught, Elric Yjob in between his female and cat transition and Lowe Hagp raising her chin so that her large teeth was the main focus of her face and the hair fell down in the background. They took much for when everyone began adding weird expressions then, they said goodbye, dropping the Pixie off.;

Kazu Nini reached home and combed her hair before walking into the house.

She saw Mako Nini reading a book, who looked up to see her niece and smiled. "Dinner?"

Kazu Nini smiled and reached the table.

"Were you serious?" Mako Nini was deep frying soya beans as she was flipping rice that looked more like diced up tiny spheres than long cylinders. She added ketchup in before mixing magi, salt and pepper into the other pot that had oil and a paste already frying on top of it. "About cultivation?"

"We do not need to fight anymore."

"It is not about the fight, as long as people live together there will be conflict." She smiled and turned back. "What matters is after the fight; reconcile and move on or keep fighting and see where it goes."

Kazu Nini watch her aunt to see that the lady meant no provocation in her words, sat back and raised her eyes to the ceiling of this level. "Can we talk about this later?"


"Why do you like it so much, anyway? This cultivation of a thing."

"Self-defense, better health, longer life, something to keep you going when you are intent, board or curious." She turned back to the food she was making to check on her cooking food then switched back to face her. "You do not have to do it, I just want you to be able to help yourself if I was not around."

She raised a doll to her eye level, "Mako Nini likes to worry." She then turned to the lady she just spoke about. "It agrees."

The older Pixie shrugged and returned to keeping an eye out on the food. Since the rice had been cooking before the girl came and the stew was only about ten minutes later, it did not take them too long to finish and by the time their plates were cleared, the tofu was done.

There was this silence throughout their eating and especially now that they were both done.



"Sleep tight."

"The last line was something about a bug bite."

Mako Nini laughed as cheerily as she could muster herself to as her niece returned to the confines of her room. Unlocking it, she saw webs and rolled her eyes then pulled out some tables she had borrowed from her Technical Manager from her space box and set them around the room until it was almost congested.

Kazu Nini looked about, then rushed downstairs to find the broom. On the way, she saw her aunt and missed a step, taking shaky and hurried ones until she reached the bottom.

"Cultivation, needed," Mako Nini coughed as she spoke and her niece rolled her eyes before finding the sweeper in the kitchen.

Back upstairs, she had laid the mud boxes; all six of them on all bare and on the tables. With the dolls she had known all her life placed besides each one, except the two closest to her.

These she could not wait to start using.

Kazu Nini counted down time in her head and she knew that the new school was not too far away anymore. She had to get to work. Not cultivating meant that she would have to find other ways to defend herself so she had to look to her dolls to rescue her and the young Pixie let possibilities play before her eyes.

The next day, Mako Nini had just cooked Unawakened Beast meat in the fire in the morning and called to her younger niece to let her know that food was ready. "Kazu food is done and set to be finished!"

When she went upstairs to see the niece that had not replied, she opened her door to notice that clay was all about the tables, along with eight hammers, many more tools about like wrenches and a bright lamp light. "Working on your henchmen again?" The lady spotted the Sound Dampeners but acted like she did not.

"It is easier to say Mud Minions." Her hands were covered in dirt, as well as the clothes she slept in which were still on her body. She did not move her body as she did not want her aunt to see what was at her back directly. "I'll change and be downstairs." She flashed a smile but did not change her position, so Mako Nini squinted her eyes and slowly closed the door until Kazu Nini fake laughed.

When the Pixie dashed to the door to lock it, her aunt had tried opening it again and both of them laughed as Kazu Nini turned to see her work. Satisfied so far, she turned to the bathroom.

"I'm waiting."

Downstairs, she was chewing the meat but her mind was not there and Mako Nini had to snap her fingers several times before she got her attention. "Did not realize that you were an engineer."

"Hmph, these days I have to keep my mind busy."

"You are about to get into a world of becoming busy with projects, assignments and the like but you are trying to add to it before even school starts."

"I know," she chewed slowly. "It is just, I have my life ahead of me and after university is so much more, you know."

"True, you wanted to be a potter, right?"

"A sculptor and a figurine factory too." She smiled again, "maybe even a scientist."

"Wow, the ambitious young Pixie seems to have found her callings. Help her, whoever governs this universe, so that she may find her way."

"I did no-" she tilted her head, "governs this universe?"

"You said you did not want to know anything about cultivation." Her smug face faded into an innocent on as she shrugged, "I guess I'll just have to keep it all to myself."

Kazu Nini's face dropped until it was dead pan. "Stop."

The older Pixie ignored her and chewed on her bit of meat.

"Stop, stop, stop." Kazu Nini kicked her several times in the knee, under the table before she started laughing.

"Okay, you know how planets are made in this universe, right?"

"Yeah, a star bringing forth rays that can produce not only light but what the planets and its inhabitants will need then the gravitational pull around the star brings about debris until it is so dense that it gains it gravitational core."

"You are very imaginative."

"No, I just heard it somewhere."

"I mean this is cultivation stuff are you sure it is all right to share this with you?"

Kazu Nini pouted and Mako Nini laughed.

"Okay, natural born spirits are created where there is a very high concentration of energy, usually around stars, black holes, quasars or even supernovas. Now, over years this energy evolves until it becomes sentient, or over the time the star or black hole or supernovae or quasars begin and end or even after that." She drank water, "Over even more years, as that only set a foundation, the surrounding universe sends galaxies about it. And its strength that depends on its birth factor, helps it to pull enough stars that it merges to create its very own. Now, the difficulty of carrying a star away is higher than just creating it but this has to be done if the young World spirit is not satisfied with the amount given to it by the Universe."

"When you consider its birth factors; like a black hole for example. A world spirit born of a black hole would not mind consuming more stars and everything about it as opposed to one born from a supernova that would only expand as time goes on or one born from a quasar that would suck only energy about it and one born from a star that would consume its birth star before combining the stars sent to it by the universe. That one might even end up giving out more."

"Are you saying that the universe is sentient?"

"Possibly, who gets to know if they cannot go out to explore?"

Kazu Nini rolled her eyes.

"So, these World Spirits set the limit of their territory – or Solar System – into a space that can continue to recycle their power in a slow means of Revolution, Rotation, Centrifugal force and Centripetal force. So, that energy builds for it over time, like it is cultivating." She made a point to stare at Kazu Nini.

"I totally do understand most of those terms, but go on."

"Now, there is the heart of the system which is the main star, then there is its organs which are the planets, the flesh are the various other stars and the skeleton is the gravitational force that holds everything together. You can call the veins, the energy passed from the main star and surrounding stars to the planets and all around the system, while the flesh is everything that can be seen."

"Do the world spirits rest in each star?"

"Their home is in the heart of the Solar System, while they can move anywhere after they exceed a certain stage." She coughed out 'cultivate to know more' and Kazu Nini slapped her forehead, hard enough to make the other Pixie laugh.

"Now, the World spirit is in charge of creating everything else that is seen in their Solar System, after getting strong enough."

"Is that where tribulations come from?"

"The world spirit sets its own rules for what can and cannot bring a tribulation so, yes."

"I might not even need to go to university anymore when I have you."

A warmth blossomed in Mako Nini's heart until she realized that her niece was just making a joke. Then, when she laughed Kazu Nini swallowed her words that were meant to help them connect and decided to be more thoughtful next time.