
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 10 (Part 3) Match Outcome and Ruined Mood.

Kazu Nini walked outside of the arena until she met Kivon and Devon, strewn across the field. And when the young Pixie reached a meter to lying body, he woke up with a cough of blood. The Slime had long since been beside the motionless Sprite, and had been tapping various points on his body before giving him a pill.

"A close call!" The Principal blared and the crowd went from pin drop silence to erupting noise but the name they called was undeniable. The Slime raised one of her hands in his excitement, then he began flying about again.

"Kazu Nini!!!"

"Kazu Nini!!!"

"Kazu Nini!!!"

"Defying the gap of cultivation, waking up after we thought she had lost. This one is a champion!!!"

Jinja Kaliope picked her up and placed her on his shoulders, running about the field and people joined in wanting to hold her and throw her in joy and excitement. The camp of The Kings, Queens and Jesters fell silent; they knew that their leader had lost but who among them could beat her if they themselves had been involved in this event?

All was good until her head snapped to a certain direction, she then tapped the Dark Elf to drop her of which he complied and further opened a space in the crowd, helped by Naro Mena and Shafa Rinmon. Limping towards her defeated who had his hands covering his face in shame and who was still on the ground, she stood before him as an old lady walked towards them. The scepter she had in her hand had made everyone not come close to her.

"Hand him to me."

"I do not trust you."

The old lady raised her head to regard the Pixie. "Who are you?"

"I am Kazu Nini, the victor of this fight. Who are you and how dare you make demands to take away my staff without first explaining to me why?"

Mako Nini appeared a second later and the lady's face relaxed with such a fraction that even Kazu Nini did not realize. "Hello there, I see you met my niece."

"Mako Nini, the Pixie who defied the nobles and made the lives better for the commoners."

"Jion Crasosh," Kazu Nini's aunt replied, "generational disaster and advocate for the Sprites."

"I need my student."

"She needs her staff."

The Slime stood to the side as if he had not noticed anything.

Between the impassive woman and the round lady who had a friendly smile on her face, the crowd began stepping back. Even the ones who had arrayed themselves behind Kazu Nini to show their support for her words earlier, gave ample space.

The Gathering of Ko-jin in the area was like a prelude to a storm but when Kivon stood and carried Devon piggy back, he bowed towards Kazu Nini. "It hurts to call you boss but this lady over here is the one I owe everything in my life to."

Kazu Nini regarded him and pieced together that this person was the one who Kivon sometimes drew his eyes towards, during their fight. "You may go, but give your contact to Zlai Dfon."

The old lady snorted. "Another day, then."

Mako Nini laughed, "anytime you are ready."

Jion Crasosh walked with Kivon, pulling his ears as he made his way to Zlai Dfon. The wood fairy did not show her nervousness until the Sprites left the arena that resumed its celebration once they departed and Mako Nini threw her niece 50 feet in the air only to catch the Pixie looking as frazzled as her hair.


"I am impressed with your mental energy – it not only helped you cope with the battle but it also seemed to recover so soon, especial after it snapped. But you know, that was not his strongest state."

Kazu Nini was thoroughly tired and she felt her body healing itself after she had gorged down a bunch of food. The table was full when they had arrived home in the early afternoon as if the older Pixie knew that she was going to win the battle.

When she had bitten out of bread and Unawakened ham, then she chugged down a whole carton of mango juice before downing an apple like it was water. She stuffed rice with spoons that spilled as much as she ate and then bit through the whole chicken like it was biscuits, proceeding to the plate of spaghetti and pork chops – one of her favorites – that she cleared by tilting her head and letting the contents fall through.

10 minutes later, Kazu Nini found her aunt taking a video of the entire scene of her gluttony and she begged and cried and wailed but her older Pixie did not listen…

...She lay with a stuffed stomach on the floor, resting one leg on the couch and the other on a stool.

"What he did was Explosive Speed, right?"

"Yeah, better referred to as Explosive Taps."

"I know Quick speed/strength can be bunched up as Quick Enhancement and it is pretty much just activating the organ with Ko-jin to make it generally spread its hormones around the body when you prepare the mind for the situation while Quick Pace is doing the same thing but further guiding the hormones to a specific body part and area, movements made with this process are known as Quick Taps. And when you can instantly make it reach the organs needed as fast as possible then it is considered to be mastered."


"I also know that Instant Speed/Strength – Instant Enhancement - is the same activating the muscles directly and working with them which is a more direct way of supplementing the body. Instant Pace is timing Ko-jin activated organs with the Ko-jin activated muscles to specific areas of the body to carry out activities. Instant Taps are also mastered when Quick Pace and Instant Pace are combined."

Mako Nini did not say anything this time.

"Explosive Enhancement is adding the skin to the mix, right, and using similar principles like I just said."


"Where would you have put Kivon?"

"Maybe intermediate with his level of mastery."

"I see, I also understand what you meant by my mental energy helping me a lot."

"Picture each one – Quick, Instant and Explosive - like a building volcano. Thus, when a cultivator is able to connect his meridians to his skin, then it all comes out." She tilted her head. "And, yes the answer to your question. Your reaction times, even when you were attacked is actually a Nini thing. Most of us are ruthless when we have tasks to carry out."

Kazu Nini remembered Belthion Ijima and nodded in agreement.

"How did you get those boxes?"

"I will tell you later." She returned to the subject hastily, "when I woke back up to see that I was standing on the arena, I was actually excited while putting my all into the final attack."

"Yes, waking up from a state of unconsciousness would usually disorient the victim but you went back straight into battle."

"It seems a bit insufficient to say that, though." She shrugged, "he was not just one level above me. I do not think mental energy can normally do that."

"Maybe it's just one of the things you can use to remind yourself that you are special."

"I am serious; I would rather know my strengths and weakness than be surprised or handicapped by them."


She waited for a while and began hearing her niece snoring before heading back upstairs. Kazu Nini woke up around 4 and prepared to move out. The food had been swiftly digested to help her recover, so when she awoke again, she felt like she was a newborn.

"Here," the younger Pixie just saw the older and took the food inside gingerly. "What is inside can help your cultivation get a bit faster."

Kazu Nini eyed the lunchbox and vivid memories of what happened to it, flashed through her mind, making her involuntarily shiver. "No, I can't."

"What is this, again?"

She put her hand out and even bowed, "not interested."


"What? Why can't I refuse?" Kazu Nini wondered why she was getting so flustered. "Look, I know this is some memento of some people you used to know but I did not know them." Kazu Nini leaned in closer, "they mean nothing to me, I am sorry."

"Get out."


"Get out!!!"

Kazu Nini's surprise became a hard frown until she was shaking in anger. Stomping to her room, she threw clothes and everything she would need into her Space Box, filling it up before leaving and stomping out.

Coming out into the late afternoon, she hitched a bus and slammed her butt into a seat. She was not expecting the man beside her to tap her.

"I know you." The man searched her eyes as she was thanking for her mental energy that had held her back from ending him there and then. "You are the fighter today at Fvil Highschool. Wow, you are like some warrior princess."

She stared at him until he felt awkward, then turned back to her front. "Maybe warrior, but not princess."

"Either way, turn to me." It took Kazu Nini every ounce of patience that she could squeeze from her seething heart to obey the man and as she did, he took a camera shot with his Telewatch. "Hey, I know places where you could rack up cash or resources for every fight you win."

"Not interest-"

"Try it, okay." He held his hands up, "You never know."

She calmed herself down and stuffed it into her pockets before forcing a smile and wanting to jump back into her terrible thoughts of what had just happened in her house.

Next thing, she started noticing a tapping pattern to her knee and she looked up to see a kid with pig tails.

"Can you snap with me too."

Kazu Nini did not care about the adorable eyes and her squeaky voice but maybe she needed to shift her focus right now.

She crouched low until her face was level with the kids and took several pictures.

"I saw you fight; you were like psscheww, pscheeew, and bam bam, but that guy was like feeling so tough." The Gnome kid punched the Pixies arm, "and then…" Her parents were smiling at them, so the Pixie had to bear this with a fake smile and even faker reactions.

Kazu Nini happily arrived before Jinja Kaliope's house and waved goodbye to the new friend she had just made.

The doorbell was a simple button Kazu Nini pressed and she heard the sound come from the inside of the brown duplex. They had a simple porch with a swinging bench before a pair of chairs and a wooden railing leading back down the short flights that were poised to the left of the mini-garden which had a tree growing in it. There was a path leading to the back and after that was another house.

Some young Dark Elf opened the door and saw a flash of teeth from an unfamiliar face so she paused there without saying anything only staring. Kazu Nini was stating to lose confident in her smile, ashamed that she could not please a kid, when another several years older came to the open door and receive her.

"Why, hello." The female dark elf smiled and shouted. "Jinji, Jinji someone is here for you."

"How did you know?" Not exactly the best from of introduction but this question seemed more important.

"Too young for my parents but too young for my younger sister, so there." She then held out an arm, "Aiinina Kaliope, nice to meet you."

"Hello I am your brother's pro-"

"HEY HEY HEY, T.M.I KAZU NINI. T.M.I." He turned to the girl that was his sibling, "go play with dolls or something."

I have not played with dolls since I was eight, no one my age does that." Aiinina Kaliope turned to the Pixie, "is that not right?"

"Totally Jinja, get your facts straight."

"His sister clapped her own hand with sass, then spun on the spot and walked away with her head high.

The dark elf who had light blue designs about his body like his sister, squinted his eyes at his boss. "Hey, you are supposed to be on my side."

"It is the other way around but who cares?" Kazu Blew air, "invite me in; you need to start getting ready for prom."