
Nightmare Front 1917: Short Horror Stories of World War One

Short Horror stories inspired by World War One. Follow our character as he goes through a series of scenarios that is sure to shock you! note: This is my first time writing any piece of substantial literature. I apologize in the fore front for any grammar or spelling errors. I welcome any feedback and criticisms. If you like my work let me know and I will try to make more. I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks for reading!

Ethan_Early · Horror
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8 Chs


I awaken in my bed, It is still dark. I am filled with immeasurable disappointment. My efforts futile for there is no escape from this place. I quietly sob, tears roll down my face soaking into my garments.

Just then, there is a brilliant flash of light. My eyes burn from the blinding light for I close and open them and find before me, A figure of a women floats at the end of my bed. How beautiful! For her blue-green glow gives off a soft light. Her robes and hair flow in an invisible gentle breeze. Her eyes soft and caring. Her skin gentle and pale. I look and I find she has wings outstretched. An angel of God!

She hovers delicately there at the end of the bed. Though she does not speak, I can hear her. Her voice is that of kind embracing, like a mother would speak to a scared child. She starts with, "Do not be afraid for God has found pity on your tormented soul. He seeks an audience with you, young son of Adam and Eve." I sit up right and cry uncontrollably for this is truly the most beautiful event I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Closer she comes and with a gentle hand, She wipes away my tears.

She declares softly, "Do you wish to join Him? But do be warned, once you leave, there is no returning." " I am ready." I declare in almost a whimper. She rises above me and soon a brilliant white light encompasses me. Its radiance brings about a warm peace.

I feel my spirit being lifted up towards the heavens. I feel the most blissful peace I could imagine. I feel the loving embrace of God! I travel even closer to a brighter white light and I know my deliverance is near. I close my eyes and accept the loving embrace. Everything is white. Peace at last, Peace at last!