
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Chapter 12: Labyrinth

After Ren's daring quest to infiltrate the goblin hideout and defeat the Goblin King, they emerged victorious, wiping out the goblins. Now, Ren is heading to meet up with Von, who played a crucial role in taking down the Goblin King.

"I can't believe I soloed the Goblin King, but thanks to Ren, I don't need to worry about any backup," Von said to himself, amazed.

"Von! We did it! We're such a badass," Ren exclaimed, running toward Von.

Von grinned, a mix of exhaustion and triumph on their face. Dust and sweat clung to their clothes, evidence of the fierce battle they had just emerged from.

"Ren, we make one hell of a team, don't we?" Von replied, clapping Ren on the shoulder. The adrenaline was still coursing through their veins, and the sense of accomplishment was palpable.

Ren chuckled, catching their breath. "Yeah, no one stands a chance against us. What's our next move?"

Von and Ren exchanged startled glances as a system window appeared with an unexpected message: "You have met the requirements. You can enter the labyrinth and defeat the Shadowshard the goblin sorcerer."

"Did we accidentally trigger some hidden quest again?" Ren asked, excitement and uncertainty in their voice.

Von, equally surprised, nodded. "Looks like it. Well, no turning back now. Let's first prepare for it."

Ren, with a mischievous grin, added, "Yeah, we wouldn't want Shadowshard to feel lonely in there, would we? Let's give them a warm welcome."

The two adventurers shared a quick laugh before setting about their preparations. Von checked their weapons and armor, ensuring everything was in top condition. Ren, always resourceful, scavenged the goblin hideout for any useful items or clues that might aid them in the labyrinth.

"We've leveled up significantly; I believe we can take on this labyrinth boss," Von declared confidently.

Von and Ren distributed their points across all of their attributes, ensuring a well-rounded enhancement of their overall capabilities. As they carefully allocated their points, they also stumbled upon a remarkable skill that added a new dimension to their abilities.

Congratulations! You've unlocked the skill "Harmony Fusion."

Description: This skill allows you to blend different skills, creating powerful and synergistic combinations. Experiment with various skill pairings to unleash new and unexpected abilities, enhancing your strategic versatility in combat and exploration. 

Von grinned with satisfaction, reveling in the newfound power of Harmony Fusion. "Damn, this skill is OP. I can fuse skills however I want, creating unexpected and powerful abilities." 

"Check this out," Ren exclaimed, showcasing the new skill he had discovered, named "Titan's Might."

Titan's Might Skill:

Description: Tap into an inner reservoir of strength, temporarily enhancing your physical abilities to that of a mighty titan. This ability boosts your strength exponentially, allowing you to deliver devastating blows, lift heavy objects effortlessly, and withstand substantial physical impact. However, the immense exertion required results in a temporary cooldown after use.

Both of them couldn't stop feeling excited about how they were getting stronger so fast.

As they gathered supplies, Ren couldn't resist making a makeshift goblin puppet out of some discarded materials, holding it up and saying, "Meet our new guide for the labyrinth, Gobby the Goblin. He's volunteered to show us the way!"

Von raised an eyebrow but couldn't help but chuckle. "Sure, as long as Gobby doesn't lead us into a trap."

With their gear ready and a touch of humor to lighten the mood, Von and Ren approached the entrance of the labyrinth, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, including the enigmatic Shadowshard.

As the two adventurers prepared for the unknown challenges within the labyrinth, the anticipation of what awaited them fueled a renewed sense of adventure. With shared determination, they took their first steps towards the entrance, ready to confront the labyrinth guard and unlock the secrets hidden in the twisting corridors.

Inside the dimly lit labyrinth, Von and Ren faced Shadowshard, the Goblin Sorcerer. Shadowshard's eyes glowed an eerie green, and as they approached, the air thickened with mystical energy.

Green wisps danced in the labyrinth's shadows, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that heightened the sense of foreboding.

Ren, always quick-witted, quipped, "Hey, Shadowshard! Your eyes are glowing so bright; do you use goblin-brand nightlights?"

Von couldn't help but snicker, but their laughter faded as the goblin sorcerer unleashed a barrage of arcane spells. The banter didn't deter Shadowshard, who proved to be a formidable foe.

The labyrinth's shadows seemed to come alive as Von and Ren faced the formidable Shadowshard, their eyes determined and focused. The goblin sorcerer's eerie green eyes intensified as they prepared for the clash.

Von, relying on their agility and intelligence, initiated the battle with a swift Shadow Strike. They darted in and out of the shadows, striking Shadowshard with precision. The goblin sorcerer, momentarily disoriented, retaliated with a surge of arcane energy.

Undeterred, Von activated Swirling Strike, creating a whirlwind of shadows that not only deflected Shadowshard's spells but also closed the distance between them. In the midst of the swirling darkness, Von unleashed Ebon Chain, binding the goblin sorcerer and restricting their movements.

Ren, showcasing his swordsmanship skills, danced around the battlefield with grace. Each swing of his blade was a masterful display of precision and finesse. He channeled his strength, enhanced by Titan's Might, to deliver powerful blows that sent shockwaves through the labyrinth.

As Shadowshard attempted to break free from Von's Ebon Chain, Ren unleashed his elemental spells. Fire, ice, and lightning erupted from his blade, adding a chaotic and unpredictable element to the battle. The labyrinth echoed with the clash of magical and physical forces.

In the heat of the battle, Von tapped into the newly acquired Harmony Fusion. They seamlessly blended Shadowstep with Dream Walker's Insight, moving with unparalleled speed and foresight. Dodging incoming spells and attacks, Von became an elusive and unpredictable adversary.

Ren, inspired by Von's display of agility, decided to enhance his own movements. With a precise activation of Agility, he moved with unmatched speed and fluidity, seamlessly weaving between Shadowshard's attacks. His blade precision became a dance, striking at the goblin sorcerer with unmatched accuracy.

The labyrinth reverberated with the intensity of the battle. Von and Ren, in perfect synchronization, executed a coordinated Harmony Fusion. The fusion of agility and intelligence allowed them to anticipate Shadowshard's every move. Von's Ebon Chain tightened, further immobilizing the goblin sorcerer, while Ren, with a final surge of Titan's Might, delivered a decisive blow.

The goblin sorcerer let out a chilling scream as their form dissipated into the mystical energy that filled the labyrinth. The green glow in Shadowshard's eyes faded, and a momentary silence enveloped the dimly lit corridors.

Von and Ren, breathing heavily but victorious, exchanged a triumphant glance. The system notification appeared, signaling their success.

Congratulations! You have defeated Shadowshard, the Goblin Sorcerer, and conquered the labyrinth. You have gained valuable experience, loot, and a newfound sense of accomplishment. The journey continues...

As the echoes of their victory lingered in the labyrinth, Von and Ren knew that more challenges awaited them. With a renewed sense of confidence and the strength of their combined abilities, they ventured deeper into the labyrinth, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden in its twisting corridors.