
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Chapter 28: Encounters

Ren and Von made their way to the counter where the atmosphere was lively with the clinking of glasses and the hum of conversations. The man behind the counter, an experienced individual with a friendly demeanor, was engaged in pouring drinks and chatting with customers.

Ren greeted him, "Hey there! We heard a lot about this place and would love to meet the owner. Is that okay?" He showed the token they had received from the mayor in the dungeon.

The man, after inspecting the token, nodded in acknowledgment. He gestured for Ren and Von to follow him to the back, where the owner of the pub was presumably located. 

The man knocked on the door and announced, "Sir, you have guests."

The door creaked open, revealing a well-decorated room with shelves filled with various trinkets and artifacts. At the center of the room sat a figure in a polished leather chair, facing a desk cluttered with maps and parchments. The room exuded an air of authority mixed with the aroma of aged books and a hint of magical essence.

The owner of The Tankard, a middle-aged man with a beard that seemed to have its adventures, looked up from his work. His sharp eyes assessed Ren and Von as they entered. "Ah, visitors! What brings you to my humble establishment?" he inquired with a polite yet authoritative tone.

Ren stepped forward, offering a respectful nod. "Hello, sir. We heard about your pub from our friend Mayor Murra."

The pub owner set aside the paperwork he was attending to and looked up at Ren and Von. "Ah, did Mayor Murra send you? Good man. What can I do for you, lads?" The gentleman's accent hinted at a mix of regional tones, adding a touch of charm to his words.

Von, taking the lead, explained, "We're newcomers in the Tower, and Mayor Murra mentioned that this is a great place to gather information and meet fellow awakeners. We also received this token from him." Von presented the token as a sign of their connection with the mayor.

The pub owner's eyes twinkled with recognition as he glanced at the token. "Ah, Murra's token! You're welcome here, lads. Names Crispin, by the way." He extended a hand in a friendly gesture.

Von and Ren shook hands with Crispin, introducing themselves. "I'm Ren, and this is Von."

Crispin, with a warm smile, replied, "Pleasure to have you both. Enjoy your time at The Tankard. If you need anything or have questions about the Tower, don't hesitate to ask. Many tales and secrets have been shared within these walls."

"We were also looking for a place to stay. Is there any inn that you know?" Von said.

Crispin glanced thoughtfully for a moment before responding, "Well, you're in luck. The Crimson Griffin Inn is a good choice around here. It's not far from here, just a few streets down. Clean rooms, decent prices, and the owner, Gertrude, is a kind woman."

Ren and Von exchanged grateful glances. "Perfect, thanks for the recommendation," Ren said. "We'll check it out. By the way, is there anything else interesting or important we should know about the town or the Tower?

Crispin leaned in, his expression serious. "Take nothing for granted. The tower is full of surprises, and each floor presents unique challenges. Trust your instincts, work closely with your companions, and don't underestimate the importance of preparation. Many have faced setbacks by underestimating the tower's mysteries."

"Got it. Thanks for the advice," Von replied.

"By the way, is Murra doing okay?" Crispin asked, looking worried about his friend.

Von and Ren looked at each other. Then Von said, "We helped his town fend off the orc invasion, and that's why he gave this token to us since we mentioned we were going to the tower."

Crispin's eyes widened in realization. "You two are the ones who aided in repelling the orc invasion? That's impressive! Murra mentioned it briefly, but I didn't expect to meet the heroes in person."

Ren shrugged modestly, "We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Mayor Murra was kind enough to provide us with this token and some information about the tower."

Crispin nodded appreciatively. "Well, you've earned the respect of Murra and me. Thank you for helping my friend and his town. Just tell Gertrude that I recommended you; for sure, she will give you guys a discount."

They thanked the owner of the pub and left The Tankard. They were on their way to the inn mentioned by the pub's owner.

Selena, Tank, and Luna settled into their rooms at the inn, a quaint establishment with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The innkeeper, greeted them with a friendly smile as they checked in.

Entering their rooms, Selena felt a familiar and comforting vibe. The Tower's challenges were left behind momentarily as they stepped into the cozy inn rooms.

Selena stood by the window, gazing at the lively town beneath. The lights of the Town of New Beginning shone brightly in the night, a striking difference from the challenging Tower they had just faced.

Luna, unpacking her belongings, said, "Who would have thought we would meet them here?"

"Yeah, among the students in our school, I anticipated that they would be chosen as awakeners as well. As expected, those two are inseparable." Selena chuckled.

"Are you planning to recruit them into our guild?" Luna said, preparing the bed.

"Hmm, I don't know. They still need to catch up, but I can sense there's something about them. We don't know, maybe they'll turn the tower upside down," Selena said.

"That's unusual for you to say something like that about others," Luna remarked.

Selena smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, these two seem different. There's a certain spark, a wild card factor. I have a feeling they might just surprise us."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Surprises in the Tower aren't always pleasant."

"True, but that's what makes it exciting, isn't it?" Selena replied, her gaze still fixed on the town below.

Entering the inn, Ren and Von were greeted by the warm glow of a fireplace, casting a cozy ambiance throughout the common area. The innkeeper, Gertrude, a middle-aged woman with a kind smile, welcomed them.

"Ah, you must be the ones recommended by Crispin," she said, her eyes twinkling with hospitality. "Welcome to the Crimson Griffin Inn. I've got a couple of rooms reserved for you. Right this way."

Gertrude guided Ren and Von to their room through a hallway decorated with pictures of brave adventurers battling mythical creatures. The inn was designed for those daring enough to take on the challenges of the Tower.

Gertrude stopped at the door and gave Ren and Von each a key with a fancy design. "This key is for your room. Keep it safe, and if you need anything, feel free to ask. The Tower can be tough, and getting a good night's sleep is important for every adventurer."

Ren and Von expressed their gratitude, appreciating Gertrude's motherly concern. As they entered their rooms, they found a cozy ambiance with beds adorned with warm quilts and furniture that bore the marks of countless previous guests.

The room had a window with a view of the moonlit town below and a fireplace, giving off a cozy glow that played with the shadows.

"The room is big enough for both of us," Von said.

"Yeah! I think the bed is cozy too," Ren said, sitting on the bed.

"We should freshen up and get ready for sleep," Von suggested.

They changed into fresh clothes provided by the inn, appreciating the simple luxury of cleanliness and comfort. 

As they prepared to sleep, Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Von. "It's strange, isn't it? How quickly we've adapted to this new reality."

Von nodded, "Yeah, but there's something freeing about it. No more predictable routines; every floor of the Tower is a new adventure."

Ren grinned, "To new adventures then. And hey, at least we're not alone in this. We've got each other's backs."

"What do you think of them? Are they strong?" Ren asked.

Von, while adjusting the blanket, contemplated Ren's question. "They seem experienced, especially Selena. Her confidence and the way she handles herself suggest she's faced numerous challenges in the Tower."

Ren nodded, "True. And Tank, despite his cheerful demeanor, gives off the vibe of someone who's been through a lot. They must be a formidable team."

"I'm curious about Luna, though," Von mused. "She's quieter, but there's a depth to her eyes that hints at wisdom and strength. I wouldn't underestimate her."

Ren agreed, "There's always more to people than meets the eye. It's like the Tower itself—full of surprises."

Von chuckled, "Speaking of surprises, that drunk guy, Tank, I remember him in my dream; he is known for being a strong brawler in the tower."

Ren chimed in, "Really? You shouldn't judge someone solely based on appearances, huh?"

Von grinned, "For now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow is the day and discover what the Tower has in store for us."

With a shared sense of determination and a touch of humor, Ren and Von embraced the uncertainty that the Tower brought into their lives. As they settled into their cozy beds, the moonlight casting a gentle glow through the window, they found solace in the fact that, despite the challenges, they were not alone on this extraordinary journey.