

The epic and legendary tale of an extraordinary young man rising up from the masses, traversing his life in the pursuit of quantity over quality. His inquisitive voice echoes infinitely through the hills of the immortal Academy: "I am one who would rather suffer an eternity of destined calamities than beg for solace from thy saints..."

Mao Ni · Eastern
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1118 Chs

Stone Walked in the Stream

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

The next day, Sangsang visited the House of Red Sleeves again and called down Xiaocao from upstairs. They went together to a secluded place. Looking at Xiaocao, Sangsang intended to say something but stopped on the second thought, her thin fingers constantly twisting her clothes, which indicated her nervousness.

"Why are you looking so secretive?" Xiaocao gazed at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

After a long time of hesitation, Sangsang said in a lowered voice, "Last night... my young master suddenly asked about my age."

Xiaocao confusedly rubbed her head and asked, "Then?"

"Nothing then." Sangsang shook her head and thought for quite a while with her eyebrows frowned. Then she continued, "I feel that young master is somewhat strange these days. For the past few days, he often said I was not sentimental."