

The epic and legendary tale of an extraordinary young man rising up from the masses, traversing his life in the pursuit of quantity over quality. His inquisitive voice echoes infinitely through the hills of the immortal Academy: "I am one who would rather suffer an eternity of destined calamities than beg for solace from thy saints..."

Mao Ni · Eastern
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1118 Chs

Chang'an City Is an Array

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

"Seeing the Vermilion Bird again, do you have any new feelings?"


"Don't you think it is alive?"

"Master, do you think so?"

The master and apprentice had made their way out of the crowd at this time, walking along the Vermilion Bird Avenue towards the south. Listening to the words of Master Yan Se, Ning Que asked in surprise as he could not help turning around to take a look at the Vermilion Bird that was already out of his sight due to the crowds.

Master Yan Se ignored him and kept going forward. "What kind of existence can be surely regarded as being alive, or animate?"

Ning Que turned around to chase him up, thinking that most of the time he was sleeping while Sixth Brother asked this sort of questions.