

The epic and legendary tale of an extraordinary young man rising up from the masses, traversing his life in the pursuit of quantity over quality. His inquisitive voice echoes infinitely through the hills of the immortal Academy: "I am one who would rather suffer an eternity of destined calamities than beg for solace from thy saints..."

Mao Ni · Eastern
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1118 Chs

Calligraphy, the Calligraphy Addict and the Academy

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

As a holy place for millions of believers of Haotian, the West-Hill Divine Palace was as much a spiritual place as a rational place. And of all its branches, the Judicial Department was the most rational place. During the journey in the Wilderness, Ye Hongyu went through lots of challenges, because of which her cultivation power was devastated. And it seemed that anyone rational would know that her future was overshadowed. That was why her subordinates who used to respect her very much dared to speak ill of her now, and that was also why she had to take it silently.

Few people knew that on a remote mountain in the south, there was a humble Taoist temple. The stele above the temple gate had its name on it, Zhishou Abbey. However, unlike the West-Hill Divine Palace, this place never cared about the secular world.