
Night Magic The Whispers of Gray House

Angela Luna and her best friend Alexander "Álex" Stone, tired and bored with normal days, want to have fun and venture into the dangerous for once in their life before summer ends and school begins. That's why they decide to go investigate the rumors that circulate about the dark house of whispers, which they call "Gray House", the house that is abandoned on a large property far behind their neighborhood. excited to see what they can find around the house. They undertake their little prank ... although there is something they did not expect to happen ... and that is that the house was really alive. Now they have been trapped inside the building without being able to escape, separated and scared they try to reunite to be able to leave Gray House. however, they are apparently not alone there. in the shadows there are spirits, ghosts and even demons that try to possess them to escape from the Gray House and return to the human world. What will these guys do to save themselves? Can you protect your soul before they eat you?

Cinthya_Olmedo · Horror
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1 Chs

Looking For Fun

I will never forget - I assure you as they walked hand in hand - I will never forget this summer.

-How could we forget it? This is something that marked us all - said the black haired boy looking at his girlfriend as they walked slowly towards the school, the girl gave him a shy smile.

Yes, I mark us all, I agree with a slight hint of sadness in his voice.

I will never really forget what happened this summer.

I will never forget.

a month before

The day was sunny and hot like two months ago, in summer it really seems like we fry ourselves like fried eggs.

The days were normal, the fun we had back then was boring for us now ... I really wanted something new, I don't know, something really exciting that would make me say "Wow", I wanted to break the rules for once and taste the fun ... The real fun of enjoying doing something with your friends in the summer that you will later remember all your life, an adventure or a joke? Either or better yet, both, and after thinking about it a lot I decided to risk my best friend kicking my butt - not exactly a kick, he's very kind and considerate - and give me away to my mother. with the crazy idea in her head.

I just wanted to relight the flame of fun in the group, the flame that was obviously put out by the boring routine activities we did all day, every week, all fucking year.

Is it wrong that you want to do something new with the Angela group? - I wondered - No, of course not, it will be fun to see it. - I replied amused, I was in my room, lying on my bed with my feet on the wall while talking to myself.

"Well I'll tell Alex tomorrow," I commented determinedly. - Ah, but Alex will tell you something like "You went crazy Angela" and he refused to go - he answered imitating the voice of his friend Alex. - I don't care, whether he likes it or not, I'll go, and so will he, I assure you, even if I have to carry him, drag him or I don't know ... I can tie him up. to my backpack - she answered herself again and no, he couldn't help but laugh out loud at the end, that would be really fun to watch.

-Sweetie? - Someone knocked on the door, a slim woman with hair as light as hers.

It was her mother Angelica. -Dinner's ready, Baja.

I nodded as my mother left the doorframe.

-Tomorrow I'll tell you.

And so it was, and as expected.

Now— she stated seriously not only in her words but also in her eyes. —Angela, you went crazy!

-Oh come on Alex, it'll be fun. And fun is what you and me are missing, and everyone from last year, aren't you tired of doing the same thing all the time?

—No— he instantly answered the question from his neighbor and now a crazy childhood friend.

Angela snorted impatiently, her friend was stubborn and stubborn when he wanted.

-Well, even if you don't want to go, the others and I will go - announcement - yes? - I raise a threatening finger - Don't you even think about gossiping to my mom? Otherwise I will never forgive you, you heard me right? I won't forgive you for trying to thwart my efforts to get us back to having fun like we used to.

His friend rolled his eyes and put his hand on his forehead - it was Alex's habit, rubbing his forehead, while covering his left eye, which was actually closed, well, both eyes were closed while rubbing his forehead and she bit her lip as she did so. . It was Alex's habit to do that. And in fact thanks to that habit I always knew that I was reconsidering the proposals that I used to make and the result in the end was.

—Okay, I'll go —he exclaimed, overwhelmed by the idea and his friend's recklessness.

-Waaa, Alex, you're going to see what fun we have. - Commented happily while hugging him.

-Uff yeah, you don't know how much fun it will be to go see an abandoned house that is in ruins - he said sarcastically - I really don't understand your brain Angela. Should you stop watching so many movies? Really? - I seriously suggested

-It is not just any abandoned house Alex, it is the House of the legend that is said in the school. - His friend opened his eyes a little surprised, then returned to take his usual composure. -Means ... ? - nervous whisper - from Gray House, The House of Whispers from Gray House. Angela revealed. -There we will go.

Alex's expression was cold as ice and hard as metal, but that was because he was always the "right one" inside the fruit. He has rarely really broken the rules ... I mean, he has never broken the rules for how right he is.

I already had everything planned to be able to go with all the F.B.F in three days, I had spoken with Martín "Matt", Julián "July", Soledad "Sol" and Blanca "Viví"

The boys were excited that it was something we had never done before and the girls agreed to go see what the famous whisper house that was talked about in school was like.

All my friends are from my neighborhood and we met in the second year of primary school, since then there is no one to separate us.

Sol and Vivi agreed in the fourth year that we should have a name for the group. And after writing the options on a piece of paper and seeing which one came out of the hat, the result was "forever the best of friends." The name fit perfectly but it was a bit long so I decided to shorten it a bit and it was like the FBF, just the acronym.

-Mom? Angela called from the door of her house, she was wearing her huge backpack and her red shoes up to her knees, she was wearing a dress of the same color that only reached her thighs and underneath a white shorts, she decided to wear her hair down and get two small ones braids to decorate your hair today. One on each side and attached to a star clip. - I GO! -shout. Her mother appeared with a plate in one hand and a cloth in the other, -Ciudate and don't do anything dangerous like playing with fire. Did you understand She nodded smiling. "Well, have fun at your sleepover."

And with that she left the house. My mother thought we were going to stay at Martín's house, since she had a small cabin that her grandfather built for her just for her use. It was in the back of her house and it was like the F.B.F headquarters after school.

But this time no one would go there for fun watching movies and eating popcorn.

He had lied, he knew it well, but hey, for once in life it's okay to lie.

We were supposedly going to stay there for only two days, and as was customary, no mother called to find out if her children were well unless Mrs. Olzabal, Martín's mother, called to let them know that someone was not well or if we had hurt.

So we will take advantage of that advantage.

Mrs. Olzabal along with her husband had to go on a trip to the capital to look for something that I did not know, so we took advantage of their absence to be able to go.

When I got to the cabin, they were all, July, Matt, Sol, Vivi, Álex.

All were dressed as they should with light clothing because it would be hot afterwards they would bring their backpacks, some would bring the Sandwiches, another would carry the cooler with the drinks and of course some would carry the flashlights to be able to see in the dark, one would be in charge of carrying it inside the bag weapons. Without seriously it is better to be prepared, I really don't think we are going to take out a ghost or something similar ... But rats or other animals surely we were going to cross something like that and it was better to take something to defend. ourselves against it.

-What weapons did they bring? - Animated question to see the big bag.

July opened it and revealed what was inside. A baseball bat, a metal plate, an ax, a hammer and a ... A spray -What is that July?

-Oh, I have no idea what it's called, but I heard you can make a great lighter out of it.

-A lighter?.

-Yes, it can be used to make a fire to scare away bugs or anything that comes close to us, if we use it with this -I take out a lighter- we can do something like that- she lit the flame of the lighter. It is useful.

"Yes it is," I said fascinated and immediately remembered what my mother had told me. "But my mother forbade me to play with fire, remember that the last time she almost burned your garden." she reminded him, she couldn't help but laugh out loud when she remembered how her mother waved a handkerchief when she saw that it had not served her to see a bucket of water thrown at her silver of roses that in spite of everything was still burning.

We all laugh when we remember it, even Alex, who rarely did.

"Well," he exclaimed, raising his fist, "I brought the First Aid Kit just in case and the candy for the road." Moving on, F.B.F squad, Gray House awaits us!

-YES !! - everyone screamed

I didn't know how much I would regret having made that decision that day.