
Night dragon Emperor in DXD

A 26 year old Gaming developer dies while he was going on a date. And when he was floating around in the space of nothing, he meets an entity who grants him 2 wishes, in which he uses his gamer mind to create his primary powers. Have a look at the adventures of a guy who is on a mission to create a ripple in the DxD world. Author notes: Yo guys. This is my first novel, and I assure you I am not one of those authors who leave their stories after some chapters. I'm planning to release 2 chapters min per week. Stay tuned]

AculturedCitizen · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

My luck continues to be useless.

Guys, first of all, I'm sorry. It has been a month since my last release and though I gave reasons why I used to post stories late, this time I didn't. The reason is that, I've hit a dead-end in my daily life and mentally I was being exhausted. It was literally painful to open the website and write the next chapters. I think I kinda understand how many fanfiction writers stop after a few chapters. It has no subjective rewards, like money or shit. The only thing we get is love from the readers, which tends to fluctuate very often. As I said in the story synopsis, I won't stop this story like others, that's my word. And please guys, not only me but also when you read other fanfictions, please at least drop a small comment or anything. It means the world to the writers.


Everyone looked in the direction from where the shout came from, and almost all the students turned their heads away from that direction as soon as they saw who did it.

' Are they… afraid of Reji? Shit, first gotta take care of this.'

Mami too looked in Reji's direction and her expressions changed as well. I would have liked to talk to Mami but I doubt she would've spared her time for me. I raised my hands and said,


My cool response made his face even redder due to anger because some students giggled at my reply. He gritted his teeth and hastily made his way towards me, which made the students look in my direction in pity (?) Reji passed through Mami's place and she didn't even look in my direction, which is expected but still hurts.

Reji stopped in front of my desk, and slammed on them, saying:

"Why in the living fuck are you here?!!"

"I don't know….. to study I guess...…?"

The giggles erupted again, this time even more audible and from more members. Reji's whole body grew red. Damn! Is this guy's anger point nonexistent or something? Suddenly, I smelt something burning. To be more precise something gets heated to a point where it can be burnt. Suddenly, Mami puts a hand on Reji's shoulder to which his body color goes down, and takes his hand off my desk. There is a light black palm imprint where Reji's hands were. Then he says while turning his back,

"I'm going to talk to you afterward, you piece of shit."

"Right back at ya"

This time some students laughed at my retort, which I tried to hold in but couldn't. He clenched his fists which were going red and walked away. Mami was talking to him the whole time, with her hand on his shoulder. I will really find it surprising if they are going out. He went and sat in the third row to my right, and glared at me for a few seconds before turning away. I could imagine Noir holding his laugh in with my situation.

" Yare Yare host. Its not even been half an hour since you came and you already failed your mission to stay distant from them. I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen until the school is up", said Sia in a giggly tone to which I really wanted to retort back but nothing came up cause it was true.

I was looking outside the window waiting for the bell to ring. I mean I could've gone and acted all that 'cool guy thing, but it was hard. I tried it by narrowing my eyes continuously but it was quite uncomfortable. And while I was in my whole world, I heard this particular voice which I could recognize anyday,

"I swear on the boobs I love man, she was so fucking hot that I really wanted to take picture of her. But ffs my battery was out. Kuhhhhhh I really wish I had taken the photo of it you know!!"

' Enter the three clowns'

It was the perverted trio, Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama. They were discussing some shit that can peak certain officials' interests in blue uniform. The girls around them began to move away in disgust, to which they paid no attention. I mean seriously WTF is wrong with those guys? If they want to hook up, they should at least try to hide their 'ugly bastard' expressions. I really wonder if Rias and Co are into that shit or something because clearly, his expressions are clearly over the line.

Matsuda turned towards me and suddenly, his face which was swimming in ugliness turned more sour and hateful. He shouted in agony, " Damn ittttttttt!!!!!! Another ikemen joined our year!!

Then Motohama and Issei shouted progressively as if they were choir or something,

"Damn it!!! And he is in our class as well!!!!!

" Last year it was Shun, Kiba . Now its this guy!! WTF is this competition!!!!???"

The sight was so sour, that I reflexively covered my nose and mouth. I mean, how much more honest they can be with their desires???? Then Issei suddenly started to stare at me, then:

"Hey didn't we meet him somewhere before?", then Motohama and Matsuda stared at me, then Issei too started to stare at me with his hand under his chin, " Hmm…. yeah I'm getting the same feeling as well… Where did we meet this guy again?"

I sighed inward, I mean c'mon!! I gave them the best closure to the type of girls they wouldn't even be near to if this wasn't anime, and they forget the person who literally gave that chance. I lifted my hand up , " Yo! We met last week in the Commercial district. I invited you to a mixer with a couple of one sans

The three of their faces lit as if they discovered bulb for the first time, "OHHHH!!! Yeah yeah it was you!!", they came quicly towards me. Almost all the girls in the class reacted, some shrieked towards the trio to get away, some were sweating? Maybe due to the fear that I will be spoilt I guess, and some where just looking on. Every girl did something, except Mami. Reji had that grumpy and disgusted expression on his face and it just kicked up a notch since these three started to talk to me. "You were the one that invited us to the mixer!!!! Thought I saw you somewhere , but damn you go to this school??"

"Yeah, I just joined. I just moved into this town from Hokkaido."

Instead of asking something that can help newcomers to ease up, these guys asked me the question which actually didn't surprise me, " Damn ittttttttttt!!!!! Why did you have to join this school!??? There a many local school in the area as well!!! Why here??? Now you will go toe to toe or even more than Kiba and Shun in the school male rankings!!!", cried out Issei and Motohama and Matsuda joined him with those comical anime tears.

I couldn't say anything because, I didn't not expect them not to react like that but maybe, just maybe I was wishing that they would at least let me ease up before releasing their pent up social stress on me. My expectations were low but damn!!

I decided to play a bit. I kept on a 'troubled' face and tried to 'console' them, Wait, why are you guys crying? Did I do anything??!!", and before I could say more a spectacled girl with brown hair came towards me while saying, Don't worry about those perverts this is their daily timetable, lamenting the fact that they won't be able to get laid and your admission here just made their impossible dream more impossible."

The trio turned their heads towards her and Matsuda spoke out, "Hmm… it seems that we both are in the same class again huh, my rival?"

Kiryuu snorted and said, "Don't keep me within the same sentence as you, pervert."

"And you are…..?", I asked though I knew her.

"Oh, I am Aika Kiriyuu, your classmate. Nice to meet you.", she said with a smile.

( Image of Kiryuu in this paragraph comment)

"Nice to meet you Aika san, I'm Haruka Inoue", I replied back.

And a soon as I said my name, there were a lot of little gasps here and there. Kiryuu tried to speak out first but Matsuda intervened by shouting,

"Inoue!??!!!! Wait, are you related to the Ice Queen of Kuoh???"

I think I know who she was but if they knew I know her, then they'll brand me as a pervert or a fanboy which is the last thing me and Yuki nee want. So I asked back, "Ice Queen of Kuoh?"

This time Motohama spoke out, " Yes!!! The Ice queen of Kuoh, the cool beauty and the dreams of many men, Yukika Inoue- sama!!, there were some imaginary trumpets blowing out in the background as he said that, which I don't know was possible. I acted all innocent and 'surprised', "Oh, Yukika San? I'm acquainted with her, last time I saw her was when I was a child that's it." It is better to not go on and say that we used to be pretty close because that's gonna create a ripple throughout the school.

"Wait, that means you must also know Mami san and Reji, right?", asked Kiryuu. I looked at Mami in wishing that she will say something but she didn't, to my disappointment. "Just distant relatives Aika san, barely knew them." Reji snorted after I said that and Mami was as calm as ever and didn't even move. Before the atmosphere could turn awkward Kiryuu spoke out, "By the way, what does the stud in your ear signify?"

"Oh this stud? It was given by ....", I trailed off because I couldn't clearly remember why did I wear it. Suddenly, my brain racked up a hazy memory of someone giving it to me, couldn't really remember who, but they were quite close to me. "Someone really close to me", I said with a warm smile.

I don't know what they understood but, there were some "Kya!!'s in the class as now almost everyone is here and some girls, went red. Nice, nice. I was never the one for wanting attention, but I can get used to this. Reji's face turned sourer and Mami, slightly flinched when she heard the screams and I could see her clenching her fists, which I would've really not wanted to see. Kiryuu's face didn't change at all, which I wouldn't be surprised because she uses her "Byakugan" *cough* cough* to view every guy's asset she is interested in.

Kiryuu face went sly with a smile before going back to normal again, "By the way , how do you know these guys?"

"Them? I was checking out the town when I was stopped by a couple of onee sans. I invited them to hang out with me so that I can escape", I said as if it was a matter of fact. The perverted trio's faces went red before Issei started to shout at me, "You!! How the hell can you do that to us??!!"

"What? You are talking as if you didn't want to be with them?", I questioned him back.

"No! That wasn't the problem! It was you! Those onee sans were asking for you every time we tried to talk to them! Damn it!! If only I got to touch those boobs at least once…..Issei's face turned into his signature disgusting ecchi face. God, it only gets worse every time I see that.

"Don't worry Issei", Matsuda patted him on the shoulder and started to console him as if he was consoling someone who lost something dear to them. "Don't blame that ikemen for our failure that day. Its only our fault that we failed to do ecchi things to them, lets's move on. Remember failures are stepping stones of success...."



They look at each other as if they just completed watching a motivational video, and had put on a "tough" looking face. It seriously baffles me how they used one of the most used and greatest motivational quotes on such a topic. Just as those three were closing their eyes and balling their fists as if they are imagining success, Kiryuu pulled all of their ears, " Seriously you damn perverts, at least keep some dignified face in front of your our new classmate", which is pretty funny considering the fact that she's gonna use her X-ray vision on my pants soon after.

And just as Motohama was about to say something, the bell rang and the homeroom sensei came in. All of us greeted her and she greeted back. She put down her books and materials on the table, and started to look at a book which I assume is the attendance register. Then she looked at me and then spoke out, "We have a new student among us today. Everyone, please be quiet so that he can introduce himself. Inoue Kun please come in front."

IF you read the first para of this chapter , you know what to do.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AculturedCitizencreators' thoughts