
The Invite CHAPTER 1

The story begins with a nightclub Owner In LA. Kaileen's sister calls her to see if she can go to her wedding and askes to use her night club LUX the call went like this Kaleigh calls Kaileen Then kaileen answers kaleigh says Hey sis can I invite you to my wedding and use your night club please!!! It's been 12 years since the family had seen me and have not see you. nobody even knows you except your workers Kaileen says well I like to be alone but yes I'll go to your wedding if it's in my club but I'll come down to see people before the wedding but the conditions are 1 you don't tell people it my club 2 don't tell anybody I'm going I like to surprise them myself Kaleigh says Ok at least people get to see you Kaileen says whatever but tonight I have to tell the whole club who I am and tell them it will be closed for two days but that's it ok then bye I'll see you on Sunday (today is Monday) At LUX One of the bartender says EVERY BODY LOOK AT THE BAR RIGHT NOW THE OWNER HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT Boss take the floor now Kaileen says Hello everybody you may not know me but I'm the boss of LUX and on Sunday and Monday LUX will be closed. Random person says Why? Kaileen says well I have to close this place for those days because my sisters wedding is being held here and it's been 12 years since I've seen my family or people except my workers so that's it for the announcement if you need me ask my bartenders to text or call me to come down or you come to my pent house thank you you may go back to your night.