
Night's Destined Legend

The world was coming to a mysterious end from strange purple flaming pillars. Kori, his friend, and his sister happened to be in the middle of it. When awakened, Kori is somewhere he has never been before. A New world? New people? New powers? Kori has no idea, but his set goal is to save his sister who disappeared in front of him on that day. This is the legend of Kori's destiny.

Kurb · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Kingdoms Requiem (Part 2/2)

Kori wakes up with his face placed down on a cold stone floor. His eyes begin to open and adjust to his surroundings. Kori looks in front of him, he starts to make out what is bars to a cage. He then looks around him. It isn't a cage, its a cell. Kori notices a stiffness and uncomfort in his wrist. When he tries to move his arm, he can't. He looks at his right wrist to see it chained down to the ground. It seemed to be the same with his other wrist as well.

[Kori: Where am I? How did I end up here-]

[???: Hey, quiet down!]

Kori turns to see a guard in the same armor as the men he saw earlier. His whispers seemed to reach the mans ears. Kori starts to remember what happened at the Inn with Serene.

[Kori: Serene!]

The guard looked over at Kori with and aggravated facial expression.

[Guard: Hey-!]


[Guard: Listen, stop all that yelling!]

The Guard walked from the wall he was standing at across from Kori's prison cell up to the bars.

[Guard: No one said you could say anything. So stop yelling. Just sit there and be quiet until your appearance is called for!]

[Kori: Appearance?]

Kori was confused. He did not know why he was here, and where Serene was. And on top of that, he had no idea what he meant by appearance. Kori rested his body down. His bruises on his face from when the guards tackled him, flared in pain.

Another Guard Walked down from the stairs near the wall across from Kori's cell and barely in Kori's vision. He saw the other guard walk over to the guard watching Kori. They mentioned something to each other, but Kori could not hear it. The Guard watching Kori, once again walked to Kori's cell.

[Guard: Its time for your appearance.]


Kori was brought into an giant room built of marble. He felt his feet on a carpet through his shoes. He was chained on his arms, and a two guards behind him. One guard holding him with one hand on his chained arms and the other on his left shoulder. They walked down the long red carpet and the guard was pushing Kori to move faster. On the sides of the Gigantic room where men standing, in what looked like expensive clothing. Their faces showed that of filthy rich, noble scum. Above them, was what looked like another floor as a balcony to the room. Many people also stood up there. But, there was an mixture of women and children on the second floor. Kori walked down and could hear them whisper bad things of him. His face beaten and thrashed anyone could tell he was not part of the crowd.

The aisle of carpet he was walking down led to the middle end of the room. There were steps leading up to a raised platform made of marble. There stood men in the rich clothes he has seen around the room already. But they had badges on their clothes. Among them stood men and women in armor and cloaks. Then, In the middle of them all, at the end of the carpet and up the stairs on the marble platform was a throne. Sat on the throne was a man with white hair and a white beard. He had a crown on his head signifying his power and status in the room. His red cloak and white outfit underneath showed his wealth. There was no doubt he was the king.

Kori was brought only 8 feet away from the steps and platform. He was then sat on his knees. He looked up to see the most powerful people in the room starring down at him. Inside, he felt so insignificant, the way they starred at him was almost as if he was a monster. But, the reason they were starring at him was most likely because of Kori's expression. Amidst him being in front what looked like the most powerful people in the kingdom, his face was not of fear, or insignificance . His face looked of anger, anger directed at the king.

[King: Takashi Kori, why do you look at me like that?]

[Kori: I'm guessing you're the king. Where is Serene?!]

Everyone gasped in the shock of Kori yelling at the King. One man in golden armor took a step from where he was standing on top of the platform.

[Man in Golden Armor: Do not talk to king like that you trash!]

[King: Stand back William!]

William with a shocked and concerned look took a quiet step back.

[King: Takashi Kori. Why do you care that much about that girl?]

[Kori: Call me Kori, and the question you asked. Isn't it obvious? She's my friend.]

The crowed then bursted out into laughter. Kori looked around in confusion. Then the King held out his hand signifying everyone to stop laughing.

[King: Everyone silence this instant! The rest of you, stop that menacing gazing. The way you look at him disgust me.]

A women in purple armor steps out where she was standing.

[Women in Purple armor: But sir-]

She then backs down after the king glares at her.

[King: Kori, I'm guessing you have no idea why you are here.]

[Kori: That much should be obvious. Me and Serene were kidnapped in broad daylight.]

[King: Yes, I am sorry for you're treatment. I shall rid the guards who applied those wounds to you.]

Kori could feel the anger in the crowd over the Kings decision. Kori guessed that not everyone like how the King handled things.

[Kori: Where is Serene!? You call yourself a king, but you steal your own people for no reason.]

[King: Steal? No Kori, I don't think you understand.]

Kori looks at the king in confusion.

[King: I'm Maximus Lazier Alexander, the 98th King of Lazier.]

[Kori: A-Alexander. Wait that's-]

[King: Yes, i'm guessing she did not tell you. But, Serene Alexander is my daughter. Serene Lazier Alexander the second princess of Lazier.]

[Kori: Princess..]

Kori thought back to Serene talking about how choosing the next Ruler of the throne is a difficult task and burden for the children of the king.

[King: Kori don't get distracted, the real reason we are here.]

The king lifted his hand.

A man in a robe came from a side passage way to a podium. He opened a scroll.

[Robed Man: The trial and appearance of Takashi Kori in front of the Lazier nobles and great King is in now in place. The trial of the Night Demon Lord, is now in place.]