
Night's Call

Veil has been abandoned in an unknown orphanage by her parents moments after she was born. This was due to her mother having a dream about a cursed child whom she believed is Veil. Veil grew up without the warmth of parents or any family. Unknowingly, she finished a Noir, which gave her powers and grow strong the more she vanquish the dark forces in the world. Having accepted the will in the Noir, Veil has to toughen her resolve. Her mastery of the sword is not enough to save this world from falling into pandemonium. With her mission at hand, Veil knew she has to grow even stronger to repel the evil and save the world. She has to discover and learn to control the power of darkness that grew within her the moment she accepted her powers. With her blade, Veil dons the veil of darkness to purge darkness. Will she succeed in saving the world?

WeiWasHere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


"I am not allowed to personally step in to join wars between the various inhabitants of both the humans' world and Otherworlds, but similar to a Dragon's blessing, I could provide you guidance." Azazel explained.

"I understand, however, how should I receive your guidance, Esteemed Librarian?" Veil curiously inquired.

"Do not be hasty, we still have time. You see, the flow of time inside my library is slower here."

"This means every one natural day inside here is just an hour in the outside world."

"By utilizing the time dilation, you could learn more before the Gaia Lord takes the initiative to attack. If that happens, the whole humanity could be as well in danger of annihilation." Azazel said in a serious tone.

Veil listened in every word of the Seraphim.

Azazel then lead Veil in a wide room with a huge floating magic orb in the center.

"What is that?" As Veil points in the floating orb.

"That contains all the knowledge within this library. By making use of worthy creatures' magic circuits which they should have already unlocked before challenging my trial, I could transfer a portion of information from this magic orb."

"Naturally, you have already unlocked your magic circuits' into the Transcendental Realm." Azazel smiled.

"Transcendental Realm?" Veil flashed a confused look.

"Every creature has magic circuits, even ordinary humans and animals have one. However, they start out with zero affinity with mana, thus, they could only do basic labor."

"Meanwhile, for stronger creatures who seek battle and adventure to grow their power, such as Adventurers and Otherworld denizens, they have unlocked the second realm of their magic circuits."

"It is called the Magic Realm, which then enables a creature to learn skills by constantly fighting."

"In the Magic Realm, a creature's magic circuits can make use of one's own mana or excess mana in the surroundings to use different types of skills or magic."

"Such is the constructed system of the Gods to enable brave humans to defend their own lands against the evil forces." Azazel explained in great detail.

Veil could only nod in silence.

"Now, back to your question, the Transcendental Realm is a level higher from most creatures, because by reaching that realm you will be able to perceive and even make use of the different types of mana."

"I am certain that you can already see mana with different colors and hues." Azazel smirked as she asked.

"Mhm, I started seeing the different types the moment I merged the flames I received from the Devourer with my own shadows." Veil truthfully shared.

'Shadows?!' Azazel slightly lost her cool as she thought of possibilities.

Naturally, the humans and most creatures could only make use of mana abilities and related powers once their tap their Magic Realm.

Gaining similar powers to grow stronger is a breach of the absolute rules set by the Gods.

While silently pondering of the possibilities, Azazel asked in a frosty tone.

"Where did you receive your powers?"

"When I was a child, I read a thick book given to me by my late friend Ara. It was a story of the Noctuas who gain powers from the darkness and shadows."

"!?" Azazel lost her calm demeanor yet again.

"However, after finishing the book down to the last page, all the contents of the book disappeared and from then I just found myself locked out in a basement of the orphanage I lived in." Veil continued.

"Every now and then, I would converse with spirits of the Noctua to teach me how to use my powers for the greater good." Veil truthfully explained.

"Hmm hmm. It seems that you have gained your abilities from a Noir." Azazel said in a slightly cold tone.

"That is a taboo with regards to the rules set by the higher ups, however, if you keep using it for good, then we would naturally not interfere."

"Once you break your promise, I shall personally deal with you." Azazel explained in a grave tone.

"I understand." Veil nodded.

"To begin our bargain, I should form some sort of contract with you." Azazel said as she channels a single-point mana at the tip of her finger.


A miniature translucent chain got bound on one of Veil's pinky finger.

"That is the sign of your promise with me that you will not use your powers to break the balance of the world!" Azazel pointed to Veil's hands.

"Understood." Veil reassured the Seraphim.

"Good. Now, back to the realms, the third level, Transcendental Realm, is just a small step among the 5 realms."

"Above it is the Realms of Truth and Spiritual Ascension, whereas the highest one is the Celestial Expanse."

"All creatures below the Gods could only go up to the Realms of Truth, whilst higher lifeforms such as Angels and draconic pillars up to Spiritual Ascension. Only true Gods can wield the powers of the Celestial Expanse."

"I would assume that the current realm of the Gaia Lord is the Realms of Truth, about a tad bit higher on it seeing that he can make use of spiritual manifestation." Azazel explained.

"I see, it seems that I must reach a similar level to have a chance against him." Veil said in a slightly anxious tone.

"Worry not, this is why I am here." Azazel said confidently as she pointed at the orb.

After the two exchanged nods, Azazel started chanting divine language as she taps her sword on the slot in front of the orb.


Her Holy Sword is the only key to activating the magic circuits of the orb to allow information to flow out of it into a target.

A floating magic circle then appeared that seemed like an eye scanning the surroundings.

Azazel opened her eyes and swung her arms towards Veil's direction.

A white beam then penetrated directly on Veil's forehead.

Feeling like she was hit by a truck, she stumbled backwards powerlessly as a tsunami of information entered her brain.

This is the sensation whenever a creature receives information from the great library of Qua'ar.

This is not a life-threatening situation, you may say that the staggering effect is just a side effect of the information flowing through the magic circuits on one's body.

As the circuits glow with golden hue around Veil's body, Azazel pulled her Holy Sword.

The energy of the surroundings then calmed down as she seemingly turned off the floating orb.

"Now, the information has been transmitted directly on your mind, you shall now be able to think and feel the energies of the various realms in the world."

"With this, you can make use of your improved magic circuits to open a gate without alerting the Otherworlds of your entry on their respective realm."

"However, let me warn you: even if there are countless gates towards the Middle Realm, it is still a massive land as if it is a miniature world, the travel there will be a chaotic maze through time and space."

"Even I will not guarantee the accuracy of your destination when you opened a gate since you have only recently stepped in the Transcendental Realm."

"Though, worry not, you could still explore on your own inside the Middle Realm, only, you will face a greater amount of enemies. More than what you have already experienced here in your world." Azazel warned in a serious tone.

"Mhm, thank you for your guidance, Esteemed Librarian, I will make good use of it." Veil nodded as she clenched her fists.

"Very well, I shall let you stay here for 3 days which is equivalent to 3 hours in the outside world. Take that as a bonus reward for being the first one to clear my trial for decades…" Azazel explained as she disappeared.

Now that Veil has a lot of time to train and understand her new powers, she did not sit idly to even relax.

She immediately underwent great training of channeling her own mana and controlling the excess mana of the surroundings.

Inside the guidance transmitted to her brain, various memory crystals would replay on her brain, which contains all the instructions of using mana to deliver greater attacks.

First off, she tried applying the Divine Techniques which Azazel used against her during the trial.

She visualized her calm mana gradually sharpening it in the shape of a blade.

Slowly but surely, the mana formed a sharp blade on her hand.

However, before she could make a downward motion to slash the blade, it made a small shockwave before disappearing.


It seems that there are steps that she must polish before she could fully use the attack.

Initially, she tried the best as she can to calm the mana with her will, however, she discovered that she must also make use of rampant mana to maintain the sharp blade while she wields it.

That way, the shape will take hold even if she makes contact with the blade.

The only problem with losing even a bit of calmness when she visualize her mana while forming the blade is that it will reduce the purity of the mana, which similarly makes the mana blade dull.

She must hit the perfect equilibrium of calm and rampant mana, no more and no less.

Hours and hours she trained and rested, overworking her mana will only result in a mind down, which is less efficient compared to sleeping and resting naturally.

Azazel watches her visitor with great interest in another room.

Veil is a natural fast learner, in just a day and a half, she could already apply the First Divine Technique on her own weapon.

More training and mastery means she could later on make use of this devastating attack against her enemies once she enters the Middle Realm.

Just as Azazel is about to move on from her seat, she was slightly shocked by what she saw on the crystal ball while watching Veil.

Mana Expansion: Envoy of Darkness

As shadow tentacles appeared around Veil, she suddenly sat down as she meditated.

All her senses are focused on the tentacles surrounding her.


Mana flowed out of both her hands as she slammed the floor.

Like strands of light, the mana wrapped around each tentacles similar to the First Divine Technique: Phantom's Descent.

What shocked Azazel was applying Divine Techniques while maintaining a mana domain through Mana Expansion.

The only ones who could pull that off are higher beings that reached Realms of Truth and Grandmaster Magicians such as the human that once challenged her trial, Charlos.

This is the last day of Veil's training inside the great library Qua'ar

From the short time she spent here, she already produced mind-blowing results beyond Azazel's expectations.

As the Seraphim praised Veil in her mind, the latter celebrated.

"Success!" Veil plopped down as she looked at her Mana Expansion empowered by the Phantom's Descent.

Even if this is only the first step among the 3 signature Azazel's Divine Techniques, she still met her goal of understanding the mana usages she never once thought would produce results beyond her limits.

A breakthrough!

The sensation she feels whenever she perceives the mana circulating her magic circuits is akin to puzzles fitting missing slots perfectly, no sign of friction whatsoever.

Crisp and satisfying clicks have filled her mind whenever she utilizes the mana in the atmosphere.

As Veil breathes heavily on the floor, Azazel appeared and praised the human.

"Well done, you have really amazed me this time." Azazel said in a proud tone.

"Thank you for everything, Esteemed Librarian."

"It seems that our time together is up. The next time I see you, I expect great news." Azazel claps her hand.

A small strand of mana appeared between the Seraphim's hand and when she pulled the thread-like mana, it tore the space apart.

Loud vibrations of sounds can be heard from the spatial tear.

"This is an exit, go through here and you shall find yourself back to the gate of the library." Azazel gestured for the human before her to enter.


Veil then walked through the tear. As she got warped in, various ear-piercing sounds entered her mind.

After a short while of the persisting vibrations in her mind, she opened her eyes to see a familiar scenery: the front gate of the library.

As she understands it, the physical building that any visitors is just an image projection; it is not a real building.

Veil then excitedly tried creating a gate towards Marlov to inform elder Charlos that she plans to set out for the Middle Realm to take the initiative.

Skill: Spatial Projection!

She swiped down her shadow sword downwards and created a spatial tear connecting this space directly to the city.


Her fellow Adventurers welcomed her, though she was only gone for 10 hours or so.

She then reported her plan to Charlos for a pre-emptive strike against the Middle Realms.

She also informed everyone that she will not be able to respond back in time when their city is to be attacked by evil forces or monsters.

Reason being that the chaotic space when travelling to Middle Realm distorts space and time so she will not be able to determine the duration of her travel times.

"Good luck, young lady. May the Heavens side with you, on your journey." Charlos caressed his beard as he waved goodbye.

Veil nodded as she looked for the spot in Marlov where the Gaias entered and exited.


A larger spatial tear with arcs of electricity and evil energy danced around, Veil then coated herself with her improved Shadow's Embrace before entering.

Skill: Shadow's Embrace!


In case someone ever confuses the place "realm" and the realms talked about here, let me explain it. The realms here are pertaining to levels of one's abilities, so perhaps consider it just a "person's state" rather than a place or another dimension like the Middle Realm.

WeiWasHerecreators' thoughts