

"As dawn broke over the Urhobo village, Akpobor stood at the edge of the training grounds, the weight of the elders words weighed heavily on everyone's mind most especially Akpobor before his parents left they told him he'll find the truth somewhere out there. The announcement of the hunting challenge had stirred a mix of excitement and apprehension within him, igniting a fire of determination to prove himself worthy of his mothers legacy. 

With a deep breath, Akpobor tightened the grips on the necklace, feeling the smooth texture of the blue pearl against his palm. it was his last hope, a symbol of his resilience in the face of adversity.

"Hey, Akpobor," called Ovie and Fejiro, Ovie's voice was tinged with uncertainty, in contrast to Fejiro's confident tone. "I heard about the hunting challenge. Do you really think we stand a chance?"

Akpobor turned to face Ovie, noting the earnestness in his eyes. he offered a reassuring smile before responding, his voice steady and confident. "Of course we do, Ovie. though it won't be easy since we are not allowed to work with each other but with our relative strength with hard work we will be able to do it. "We have been training our whole life for this."

"Isn't that right, Fejiro?" I said as i turned to him. Fejiro, as one of the elder's children, had more experience in this matter. He had accompanied the elders as a junior to hunt and acquire experience in such matters. Since most of the elders' children had previously participated in hunts to gain experience, this challenge was not really an issue for them.

Ovie's uncertainty seemed to wane slightly at Akpobor's words, a newfound determination shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Akpobor. i needed to hear that"

As the sun rose on the dawn of the hunting challenge, two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. The village buzzed with anticipation as Akpobor and his fellow trainees gathered at the edge of the forest, their heart pounding with excitement and nervous energy.

Akpobor glanced around at his companions, noting the determination etched on their faces. they had trained tirelessly in the days leading up to this moment, honing their skills and preparing for the challenge lying ahead.

With a deep breath, i titghened the grip on my mothers necklace, drawing strength from its reassuring presence. I exhanged a glance with ovie and Fejiro, we shared the resolve mirrored in our eyes. 

The elders summoned us to unite and said, "As you embark on this hunt, please prioritize your safety above all," because they would not accompany us, signifying the breaking of the alliance's treaty.

As the elders signaled the start of the hunt, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. With every step into the forest, I knew I was not just fighting for my survival but for the survival of my tribe as well.

With determination fueling our every move, my friends and I plunged deeper into the wilderness, ready to face whatever trials awaited us in our quest to prove ourselves as warriors of the Urhobo tribe.

As i walk into the wilderness, the dense foliage envelops me like a shroud, its emerald leaf dancing in a gentle breeze. The earth beneath my feet is soft and yielding, guiding my every step as i venture into the unknown.

The air is fresh, the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves creating a harmonious melody that soothe the soul.


I inhale deeply, the earthly scent of moss and decaying leafs filling my lungs with every breath. it's a scent thats both familiar and comforting, reminding me of the days i went out with my parents and the adventures we had.

As i walk, i keep my senses sharp, attuned to the slightest rustle or movement in the underbrush. Every sound, every whisper of the wind carries with it carries both the promise of danger and oppurtunity.

My hands instintively drifts to the necklace hanging round my neck, its smooth surfae reassuring presence against my skin. A tangible reminder of my mothers love and guidance, a source of strenght and courage in the face of adversity.

I press on, my footstep steady and resolute, my eyes scanning the forest for any sign of prey. With every passsing moment, the anticipation builds within me, a fire burning in my chest.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, I encountered a large and formidable opponent: a boar whose power level closely matched my own. I knew that facing such a creature would test my skills and wits, as it was widely known that beasts at the same level possessed far stronger bodies than that of humans.

The boar charged at me with surprising agility, its tusks gleaming in the sunlight. My heart racing, I quickly drew my hunting knife, feeling its weight in my hands. With each heartbeat, anticipation surged through me, my instincts sharpening as I prepared to face the creature head-on.

As the boar lunged, I jumped aside, narrowly evading its onslaught. With precision born from years of training, I countered, my blade slicing through the air with lethal intent. The boar cried out in pain, yet it remained steadfast.

In a whirlwind of ferocity, we clashed, each blow exchanged adding fuel to the intensity of our struggle. Despite the boar's resilience, I refused to yield, drawing strength from my power level, which was nearly crossing the threshold to press on.

With every movement, I felt the weight of my training, the culmination of years spent honing my skills. As the battle reached its climax, I summoned every ounce of determination, driving forward with unwavering resolve.

And then, in a final decisive strike, I emerged victorious, my strength proving just enough to overcome the tribulation. Standing amidst the location of our fight, a surge of triumph washed over me, knowing that I had faced the challenge and emerged stronger. My skills were consolidating, and after only training for a long period, using them in a fight showed that most of my bottlenecks in my skills were already loosening.

While Akpobor was still reliving the moment something else started focusing on him.

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