
NieR: Automata Hope

After 2b, 9s and A2 were rebuilt and revived by their pods there was nothing left for them to do. YoRHa is destroyed, humanity is extinct and all that's left were the Resistance and the machines. But they discover something that'll spark up hope in rebuilding. (I didn't play the game but I do have a gist of the story so I apologize if I get any information incorrect.)

eddiechang24 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


2B's POV

"This mission must be kept secret from Avery and Creed." said Anemone

"Why?" asked 9S

"Remember we made the heart beat sensor, it went off somewhere in the Flooded City." said Anemone

"Another human. Why are they showing up now?" asked A2

"Well, be careful, we do not know how much he knows." said Anemone

"We'll get moving now." I said

I was about to leave the camp but then I look over to see Creed ignoring Jackass as she was trying to get his attention. Creed was just busy cleaning his gun while Jackass talking to him.

He looked at me and waved and 9S waves back happily and I just nod. I leave the camp and we rush to the Flooded City. I looked at the heart beat monitor and it seemed to be located in the middle of the city.

"Hmmm, this human isn't moving." said 9S

"He or she may be injured. Let's move quickly." I said

I carefully made our way towards the middle of the city, making sure that I don't fall into the water. We approached the middle and the heart beat monitor indicated that the heart beat was very close. I nodded towards A2 and she takes out her sword and so does 9S. A2 takes the lead and we were about to turn the corner until I heard coughing. We all stopped and A2 slowly peeks around the corner and looks at me and nods. I draw my sword and I was about to turn the corner when the human started shooting. I quickly ducked and backed up to the corner.

The human started shouting in some different language that wasn't English. He continues shooting until I heard the click click, he was out. I hear him shout under his breathe so I took that opportunity to run at him and knock him out with a spinning hook to the head.

"2B was that really necessary?" asked 9S

I pushed him over onto his back using my leg and noticed something about him.

"His uniform is different from Creed's and Avery, this one is green but Creed's is the sand color."

"Let's take him back to camp for now." said A2

I pick up his limp body and slung him over my shoulder and start making our way back to camp. When we got to the entrance he starts to gain conscious and jumps off my shoulder.

"Drop it." I ordered

He glared at us as he pointed his gun at us.

"Hey drop it!" yelled Creed

He was at the entrance with Avery both pointing their weapons at him. Others androids were behind him with their weapons drawn at the man.

"American!" yelled the man as he points his gun at Creed, the man also had some kind of accent.

"Shut the fuck up Russian dog fucking drop." warned Avery

"Don't make me do it!" yells Creed

"Fuck you American!" yelled the man as he aims his gun at Avery

Creed runs to Avery and pushes her to the ground as the the man starts shooting at Avery. Avery falls to the ground and immediately shoots the man but only in the leg wounding him. 9S quickly restrains the man to the ground.

"Disarm him!" yelled Anemone

Avery gets up and raises an eyebrow at Creed before her eyes get big. Creed collapses onto one knee but uses his fun to help him stay on one knee.

"Creed?" I run up to him

I notice blood coming out of his stomach as he clenches his wound.

"Creed!" yelled 9S

Creed face slowly starts to turn red as he tries hard to stay conscious, he's entire body was shaking so I hugged him but he wouldn't stop.

"Get him to the infirmary now!" yelled Anemone

I carry Creed as his eyes starts to water, blood coming out of his stomach. I enter the tent and lay him on a bed. I could see that Creed was losing conscious as his eyes began to flutter shut.

"Creed don't do this, stay strong." I pleaded

Avery takes out some plastic gloves and puts them on. She removes his vest and shirt to reveal a bullet wound with blood coming out, staining his entire stomach. She begins to take out a scissor and puts it into the bullet wound. Creed gasps and tries to not scream but his body starts jerking from the pain.

"Hold him!" yelled Avery

I hold him down with 9S and A2 as she continues her procedure. About 1 minute later she pulls out the bullet and Creed passes out from the immense pain he was experiencing.

"He'll live, but he lost a lot of blood." said Avery

I sigh and let go of him so that he could rest a bit.

"Let's go to the man." said 9S

I leave the tent and notice that every android was surrounding the man who was tied up and on his knees.

"We're not you enemies we are only here to help you understand what's going on." said Anemone

The man doesn't say anything but continues to look at the ground.

"I'm going to ask this one more time, what's your name?" asked Anemone

"Boris, Boris Smirnov." replied the man

"Boris, can you tell us why he you attacked us?" asked Anemone

"Because of the fucking American!" yelled Boris

"American? You mean Creed and Avery?" asked Anemone

"They're my fucking enemy, they destroyed my home and everything I loved." he angrily replied

"Why you little." Avery was about to hit him but A2 stopped her and shook her head.

"Do you know what year it is?" asked Anemone

"2085. What else?" confidently said Borris

"Oh you fucking dumbass, look around you, it's fucking 11945 AD, you woke up 900 years later you dipshit." said Avery

The Russian looked confused but then his eyes widen open.

"Then, why are you-"

"Cause I fucking fell asleep like you did." Avery cuts him off, "We're the last human beings, they're androids not humans."

The Russian frantically looks at everyone around him and tries to absorb the information.

"Okay, so we're the last human beings, great." sighed Boris, "I'm stuck with Americans."

"I'm stuck with two people I dislike." groaned Avery

"This was one secret mission." complained 9S

"A2 put this man in our prison for a while, we'll decide what to do with him later." said Anemone

"He's also a human, why are you treating him like-"

"He may be human, but he was the enemy of Creed and Avery so we want them to be on good terms for a while." Anemone cuts off 9S

A2 picks up Boris and leads him to our so called prison, it's actually just a room.

"Avery can you help us over here?" asked Devola

Avery enters the tent where Creed's sleeping in.

"What's the problem?" asked Avery

"How do we know if he's not dead?" asked Popola

"Check his pulse, either the front of his wrist or his neck." said Avery

She uses two fingers and touches Creed's neck and examines it.

"He has a pulse he's alive don't worry." said Avery, "Plus he's breathing."

Popola and Devola nod and began to clean up the bloody untensils.

"But I can wake him up."

Avery smacks the side of Creed's face with the butt of her gun so hard he falls off the side. I gasp and Devola and Popola kind of scream. Creed groans and clutches the side of his head in pain and his stomach.

"Creed!" I gasped and helped him get back on the bed.

"Rise and shine dipshit." said Avery

"Huh, Captain? Fuck who hit me?" asked Creed as he continues to clutch his head in pain

"Oh uhhh..." Avery looks at 9S but immediately looks avoids eye contact with him, "9S did."

"What?! Ma'am I didn't do anything!" yells 9S in fear

"Whatever doesn't matter." says Creed

"Creed are you okay?" asked Popola

Creed doesn't respond but just gives her a thumbs up.

"So, where did you find him?" asked Creed

"In the middle of the Flooded City." I replied

"There's a flooded city?" asked Avery

"Yes, but we try not to operate there because it's too dangerous." said 9S

"What the hell is he doing there?" asked Creed

"A2 is interrogating him right now." I replied

"I'll join." said Avery

"Wait Captain." he stops her, "Whatever you do don't kill him, not because I feel bad for him, but because he's human."

Avery looks at Creed's dying face and just nods.

"Creed, are you okay?" I asked

"Yea, I'm good."

"We have some food if you'll like." said Devola

"I'm fine not right now, but thank you." replied Creed

"Creed, explain to me what Russia is." I said

"You're Pod doesn't know?" asked Creed

"All human data were destroyed during the first war." said Pod 042

"First war? How many wars were there?" asked Creed

"14." replied my Pod

"Jesus Christ." sighed Creed

"Anyways what's Russia and America?" I asked

"Countries, there's 195 countries in the entire world. Each has a different leader a different government with different rules and beliefs." said Creed

"So Russia is the enemy." Devola figures out

"They're the ones who started the war." said Creed

"For what?" I asked

"World power, but not just them, every other country was involved." said Creed

"195 countries went to war?" asked 9S

Creed just nods and rubs the part where he was hit.

Avery's POV

I enter the room where A2 was standing in front of Boris who was tied onto a chair.

"What brings you here?" asked A2

"Nothing, just wanted some answers." I replied

"Go ahead." she nods at me and moves out of the way so that I can ask questions.

"Boris, my name is Avery Reyes. I know that we were enemies but we have to throw that aside cause we are the last human beings in the entire world for all we know. So we have to agree to terms that we cannot have grudge against one another." I said

Boris nods in agreement so I continue with my questions.

"How did you end up in the Flooded City?" I asked

"I woke up as usual in my frozen pod, next thing I know I'm like in the middle of an ocean. I thought I was stationed in a forest but I guess I moved. So I had to make a boat and I rowed the boat until I got to that flooded city." replied Boris

"Okay, thank you. I hope we can get along." I said

I nodded to A2 and left the room.


I see Avery leaving the room so I catch up to her.

"Avery, I have a question." I greeted her

She turns around but once she saw that it was me she looks away and walks away.

"Uhhh ma'am is everything okay? I just wanted to ask if there was a problem with me cause whenever we're together you seem to keep your distant with me." I said

She continues to ignore me as she walks up the flight of stairs. I was slowly starting to get mad at her for ignoring me.

"Ma'am can you please just tell me if you have a problem with me, this isn't helping." I pressed on

She wouldn't respond so I ran in front of her and blocked her way.

"Ma'am if there's a problem please address it so that I can fix it!" I yelled

She tries to move around me but I block her and she seems to be getting annoyed.

"9S, calming down is advised." said my Pod

"Ma'am tell me, please." I pleaded

Avery sighs and closes her eyes and reopens them a few seconds later.

"You really want to know? Is that what it is? Then here's what I'm going to tell you, you remind me of someone I loved, you look like him and you bring back memories but not good memories bad ones, especially the day he fucking died." snapped Avery

I was honestly dumbfounded, I didn't know how she felt all I could think of was the word memories.

"If you can tell me these memories maybe I can-"

"Don't even think about it, just stay away form me." she cuts me off

She pushes pass me and storms off to her room.