
nicktoons Christmas

Danny Phantom, Timmy Turner, Spongebob Squarepants, and Kanisha Tami help Santa with the presents

Ai_Tami · TV
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1 Chs

Episode 1

(The episode opens with Spongebob Squarepants, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Timmy Turner, and Kanisha Tazi facing Santa in Santa's workshop)

Santa: Some elves are sick, so I need your help, even though three of you nearly ruined Christmas to some degree (looking at Danny, Timmy, and Jimmy)

Jimmy (looks at Santa): What about (points to Kanisha) her?

Santa (looking at Kanisha): That Angel, she has helped save Christmas many times

Kanisha (curtsies): Thank you, Santa

Spongebob: Let's get started no fighting guys

Santa: That's spirit, with that spirit we will get this work done

(The screen switches to Danny putting a toy in a box, Jimmy puts tape on the box to seal it, Spongebob decorates the present, and Timmy puts a name tag on the present)

(Kanisha puts the present in Santa's bag)

(Danny, Timmy, Jimmy, Spongebob, and Kanisha repeating the same task)

(The screen switches to Danny, Timmy, Spongebob, and Jimmy looks exhausted)

(Kanisha puts a present in the bag, puts a ribbon around Santa's bag, and wraps it)

Jimmy (bag under his eyes): How is she not exhausted?

Santa (with an elf a tray full of chocolate): Good job, everybody, we brought hot chocolate

(Kanisha comes back in the shop with a big smile)

Kanisha (smiling): Hot chocolate, Gingerbell did you make my special

Gingerbell: Yes, cinnamon with extra mallows, here you are Ms. Kanisha

Kanisha (pats Gingerbell's head): You are an Angel, Gingerbell (drinks hot chocolate)

Spongebob: You got to know the elves

Gingerbells: Are you kidding, she shaked the hands of all the elves and told her how excited she was is

Another elf: I have a video of it

Kanisha: Elnaril, what up

Elnaril Craynore: Just wanted to pay my respects to you again along with your friends

Kanisha: No problem, right everybody?

Nicktoons: Yup

Santa: Well, I must go, would you like to come along Nicktoons and Kanisha?

Kanisha: Are you kidding with this cocoa? I'm full of energy, I would love to come

Timmy: I would love to come, but I'm tired

Kanisha: I can help, you can ride me

Timmy (confused): Huh?

(Kanisha walks outside with everybody including Santa following her)

(Kanisha grows into an giant with white fur, six paws, wolf-like tail, bunny ears, and white eagle-like wings)

Spongebob: Whoa! Can I ride of your back?

Timmy (feeling Kanisha's fur): Her fur is soft

(Kanisha pur, closes her mouth, and blushes)

Spongebob: Kanisha (rubs Kanisha's head) that pur was cute

Kanisha (blushes): Thanks Spongeykins, you can ride along with Timmy and Jimmy, what about you, Danny?

Danny: I'll be alright

Santa: Okay (gets on the sleigh) let's go

(Danny starts flying)

(Timmy, Spongebob, and Jimmy get on Kanisha's back)

(Santa goes off)

(Kanisha goes after Santa)

(Danny follows Kanisha)

(The screen switches to Santa dropping off presents in the chimney)

Santa (looks at Jimmy): this science kit could be damaged

Jimmy (revealing a jetpack): I'll help (lands on the chimney)

(Jimmy uses his robot hands to make the science kit land softly on a table)

Kanisha (uses X-ray vision): Good job, Jimmy

Jimmy (using his jetpack): Thank you, and I'm sorry about insulting your behavior

Kanisha (smiles): It's okay, I'm used to it.

(Jimmy smiles, then rubs Kanisha's head)

(Santa continues dropping the presents)

(Spongebob helps dropping off the presents with the help of his bubbles)

(Danny helps dropping presents too with his powers)

(Timmy and Kanisha help drop off the presents, while passing by the house)

(Santa drop off the rest of the presents)

Santa: I got to thank you again

Spongebob: Thank you for the hot chocolate

Kanisha: And for this wonderful job

Santa: Well, have a Merry Christmas

Nicktoons and Kanisha: Thanks, bye Santa

Kanisha: So, who wants to go home first?

Timmy (looks at Spongebob): Tell her

Spongebob: Kanisha

Kanisha: Yes, Spongeykins

Spongebob: We decided to spend Christmas to you

Kanisha: Really? I mostly spend time traveling through time, but this time I will head to my mansion

Timmy: Still can't believe you have a mansion

Kanisha: I have a good company

Danny: You have to show us that

Kanisha: I will.

(The episode ends with everybody in the mansion eating dinner)