
Meeting her mom again


Maxwell's mom called to inform him that Evelyn is awake, he and Sonya rush there. they entered and saw everyone outside.

"The doctors are attending to her right now" Charles informed them and they wait outside. after some minutes, they came out.

"She is fine. there is no complication or anything wrong about, we just need to let her recover quietly" the doctor said and excuse themselves. Maxwell and the rest of them entered to see her but her mom was quick rushing to her side

"thank goodness, you sacred me" she said to her.

"where is my brother?" Evelyn asked instead and Maxwell quickly come to her other side.

"Am the one worried about you and all you care about is your brother?' her mother said not pleased. Evelyn smiled at her.

"How are you feeling now?" Maxwell said and held her hand.

"am great. now that i did something for you, you are indebted to me for your whole life" she said. Maxwell laughed at her words.