
Made a mistake

She opened the XXX app and login to it. a new notification came to her and she opened it. handsome man, her online friend has replied her message and he was online. she quickly message him back

"finally you read my text" she text.

"sorry I've been busy with work" he replied immediately. "okay, so do you have time now, i have something to tell you" she text again.

"am all ears" she first told him about her life since she got to the country and about the friends she has made. She first hesitated but decide to tell him anyways.

“about my new friend that i told you about, she has a brother and he is kinda strange”

"why do you say that?" Sonya recount for him everything that transpired between her and Maxwell.

"and the most surprising thing is that he can read me very well, its like he can see my thoughts" she added.

"i can also read through your thoughts"