
Nexus: I Can't Make Portals?!

Envision a world where every single person on our planet possesses the extraordinary gift of conjuring and controlling portals at their whim. Yet amidst this phenomenon, there exists one individual who stands apart: Libert. Plagued by an extraordinary condition, he is devoid of this innate ability to manifest portals, rendering him utterly ordinary in a realm of exceptional powers. Throughout his life, the suffocating weight of powerlessness burdens Libert. However, when faced with the menacing grin of death itself, something within him shatters, forever changing his destiny. His trust, once unwavering, is mercilessly shattered by the very person he held closest, thrusting him into a spiral of betrayal and despair. But from the ashes of his shattered world, Libert emerges with an insatiable thirst for revenge. “My revenge...will come”. [Disclaimer: This captivating novel does not contain systems and overpowered protagonists. However, if you seek an enthralling, exhilarating, and mind-bending read, you have arrived at the perfect destination.]

Xolu · Urban
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21 Chs

Mother: Anxious

"Ahh!" Libert groaned in agony as he emerged from his sleep, the words of his father echoed in his cranium, a constant reminder of his inescapable misery.

Although it had been a few months since the horrifying event had occurred, it still had an enormous effect on him.

Libert was already accustomed to his father's brutality, but he had never entered Libert's room.

To Libert, his bedroom was like his home, a secure location, a place where he could have a few moments of peace and stability.

However, after the invasion, he felt the need to constantly remain vigilant.

The circumstance motivated Libert to investigate and study more deeply the mechanisms of the void and portal.

With the date of the "advanced entry exam" growing nearer, he felt an intense amount of pressure growing with each passing day.

'Today's the day,' Libert said internally as he recollected his thoughts,' If I don't pass today—I don't know what's going to happen.'

Ever since that traumatic night, Libert felt a new layer of fear and terror from his father.

The heftiest question that was alarming Libert, was how. How was a mundane, an individual who couldn't even form a portal, supposed to pass an examination that was supposed to test for portal-warping affinity?

The unanswered question overwhelmed Libert with tremendous fatigue. Libert swiftly prepared for the day.

He slowly descended the dilapidated staircase, triggering a flood of memories when his father would forcefully drag him down those very same steps.

"You ready," Libert was met by the fierce green eyes of his mother.

"Mhmm," Libert nonverbally affirmed his mother.

"Eat breakfast before we run late," Mrs. Nexus said as she checked her wristwatch.

Equipped with a full stomach, Libert made his way to exit the house; but not before feeling his father's alcohol-reeking hand grasp his jet-black hair.

"If you don't pass this shi*, I'll kill you," Libert's father said as cold and harsh air punctured his son's spine.

"Honey…" Mrs. Nexus touched her husband's hand gently, urging him to release his grasp.

The father released his tight grip and then exited the area.

"…Just don't fu*k this up," the voice of Libert's mother contained a sentiment of genuine concern.

She placed a small pendant around Libert's neck, "I got you this…" Libert's mother said with a delicate tone.

Libert silently observed the pendant, while he was familiar with abuse; receiving a gift was a new concept to him.

The pendant was made of polished silver and was shaped like a shield. It was about the size of a quarter and was attached to a sturdy silver chain.

The front of the shield was engraved with a detailed crest, featuring a lion and a unicorn standing on either side of the shield.

The lion had one paw raised as if in warning, while the unicorn looked off into the distance as if searching for something.

The shield itself was surrounded by a delicate filigree pattern, which gave it an intricate and delicate look.

On the back of the pendant, there was a short inscription, which read: "To my son, with love and pride."

"Th-thank you," Libert thanked his mother in a quiet voice while clenching the pendant.

"Let's go before your late," Mrs. Nexus suggested.


After a long and tiring journey, Mrs. Nexus and her son finally arrived at their destination. Mrs. Nexus stepped out of the old, worn-out car and asked her son if he was ready.

Libert responded with an anxious tone, but his mother's words of affirmation helped ease his anxiety.

"You ready?" Mrs. Nexus asked as she exited the car.

"Yah…" Libert responded with a tone of anxiety, but his mind contradicted his answer.

"You'll be fine," Mrs. Nexus spoke words of affirmation, which reduced a great deal of anxiety in the process.

As they approached the school, Libert took one last glance at the building, feeling a mix of nostalgia and sadness.

Though he didn't have many fond memories of the school, it was the one of the only places where he could find solace. The exterior of the building looked abandoned, with peeling paint, cracked windows, and a caving roof.

As they walked through the broken front doors, the sound of their footsteps echoed through the empty halls. They eventually came across a sign that read "Testing Lobby."

Libert glanced at his mother, then sighed anxiously before entering the room alone. To his surprise, the room was empty, and the deafening silence only added to his anxiety.

"Hello?" Libert called out, his voice echoing through the empty room.

"Follow me, your test will begin soon," a feminine voice broke the silence.

Libert turned to see a blonde lady in a suit, who instructed him to follow her to begin the test. He followed her down a long hallway, his anxiety growing with each step.

"Don't worry, you'll do great," the lady assured him, sensing his anxiety.

As they approached the testing room, Libert's anxiety reached its peak. He took a deep breath, then stepped inside the room.

The room was filled with rows of desks, each with a computer on top. Libert took a seat at one of the desks, then stared at the computer screen in front of him.

"As you may be well aware, this phase is just one part of the comprehensive advanced placement test," the proctor continued, resuming after a brief pause. "Its purpose is to assess your proficiency with portals, a crucial skill used and valued by Gateway Institutions for recruitment."

Libert took a large inhale to reduce some of the unrelenting pressure his mind contained.

"Okay, your test will begin in 3… 2… 1…" the lady said, then left the room.

Libert took another deep breath, then began the test. The questions were difficult, but he persevered.

As he worked through the test, his anxiety began to subside, and he started to feel more confident in his abilities.

After what felt like hours, Libert finally finished the test. He took a deep breath, then exited the testing room to find his mother waiting for him.

"How'd it go?" Mrs. Nexus asked, a look of concern on her face.

"I think I did okay," Libert replied, a hint of confidence in his voice.

"You better have, for all our sakes…," Mrs. Nexus said with a severe amount of anxiety.

As they walked back to the car, Libert felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that he had done his best, and that was all that mattered. Though he was still anxious about the results, he knew that he had faced his fears and somewhat conquered them.

As they drove away from the school, Libert felt a sense of closure. He had faced his fears head-on, and he knew that he could do anything he set his mind to.

As they drove off into the sunset, Libert looked forward to a brighter future, one where he was no longer held back by his anxiety.