

In a future where humanity has achieved extraordinary advances in genetic enhancement, Alex Zane, an 18-year-old orphan, is forced to leave his orphanage and enter the prestigious Genesis Academy. During a genetic initialization procedure, Alex discovers he possesses the rare power of Matter Manipulation, capable of transforming and controlling the molecular structure of objects. However, the academy hides dark secrets, controlled by the powerful Nexum organization, which forces young soldiers to fight in inter-dimensional wars for an alien race known as the Vorex. Determined to uncover the truth about his parents and fight injustice, Alex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resistance, facing powerful enemies and forming unexpected alliances.

Porto_ · Sci-fi
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Skill and Knowledge

Lying in the lodge, Alex opened the system once more to try to understand how his skill worked, as well as checking his attributes.

[Name: Alex Zane]

[Mutation: Matter Manipulation]

[Level: 0]


[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Endurance: 9]

[Intelligence: 7]

[Skill: None]

He had always known that he wasn't particularly strong; his tall, thin build didn't give him much brute strength. However, his long limbs allowed him to run fast and jump easily, skills that were clearly reflected in his high agility score. His body, although thin, was resistant, able to absorb impacts that would leave others on the ground, a resistance that he now saw quantified.

His pitch-black eyes, which had so often reflected the sadness and loneliness of his life in the orphanage, now reflected the light of the holographic interface. There was something about them, an unshakeable determination, a "nail not pounded" that had always stood out in his personality. This same resilience that had helped him survive the challenges of the past would now be his ally at Genesis Academy.

Alex turned his attention to his mutation listed as "Matter Manipulation". The system didn't provide many details, leaving him with more questions than answers. Determined to find out more, he browsed the interface, looking for any hints or tutorials on how to activate and control his ability.

[Matter Manipulation]

Description: Grants the user the ability to alter the physical structure of objects and materials around them. It allows you to modify, transform and control matter at a molecular level.

Status: Inactive

Level: 0

Next Evolution: 50 experience points

A new window opened, showing a brief tutorial on mutation. The explanation was technical, mentioning terms such as "molecular rearrangement" and "transformation of physical states". Although the information was complex, Alex began to realize the incredible potential that this mutation could offer.

Matter Manipulation Tutorial:

- Initial Concentration: Focus on a specific object. Visualize its internal structure.

- Clear Intention: Mentally define what you want to do with the object. Change it, transform it or move it.

- Directed Energy: Channel your mental energy into the object, imagining the change taking place.

Alex decided to practice with a simple object. He took the pendant that had his mark as a student at the academy and tried to test the power. He closed his eyes and tried to follow the instructions in the tutorial. He took a deep breath, focused on the object and tried to visualize its molecular structure. He imagined the metal transforming, changing its shape.

To his surprise, he felt a slight vibration in his fingers. When he opened his eyes, the piece of metal had turned into a small sphere. It was a subtle change, but enough to confirm that he had some control over his ability.

- So that's how it works," Alex muttered to himself, a satisfied smile appearing on his face.

Upon success, he received the [Skill Unlocked] system notification. Feeling ecstatic after the achievement, he saw the description.

[Basic Manipulation: Allows the user to visualize and manipulate the molecules of small objects. The more visible the desired image, the easier it is to manipulate. Allows the user to manipulate matter that is in direct contact].

Feeling more confident, he decided to keep practicing. He knew that, with time and effort, he could master this skill and use it to rise through the ranks of the cadets, but before he started the new attempt, all the cadets were called into the auditorium.

As soon as they arrived, Captain Rourke was already waiting with a serious look on his face.

-"Gentlemen, you have been summoned today to begin your training. But before that, you need to understand a little about the world you've entered.

With the projector showing an image of the planet, he continued. - Two hundred years ago, our planet went through a catastrophe. Due to nuclear wars and extreme pollution, various biomes and animals mutated. Many monsters appeared, and human life came close to extinction.

However, before this tragic end befell us, a group of scientists managed to generate a serum that gave humans the power to survive. This group of scientists formed NEXUM, an entity that not only helps the army to defend itself, but has also expanded into other fields of technology. 

The systems were introduced much later and made training methods much easier. You need to understand that, outside the walls of the citadels, there are monsters of all kinds, a normal human wouldn't be able to survive a day outside.

So your training starts now. Everyone out, endurance training and weapons combat in courtyard ten.

After reflecting on this ton of information, Alex met up with his group for training, wondering what kind of hole he had gotten himself into and where he was going to go.

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