
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

Gamen_Watch · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Secret Keeper

We're gonna show you why, there's more than meets the eye, the b-b-briiiight side of the dark side. Oh ya think you oughta, no you really oughta, the b-b-briiight side of the dark side. –Ruby Gloom

Chapter -13: Secret Keeper

Sol Selegna

Sol Selegna. A beachside town, though a very dirty beach. The sky was dark here like everywhere else, and the sea was polluted. A metallic DNK treehouse was perched atop an ordinary house, so it was easy to find. A suspicious-looking boy peeked out from behind a fence and rushed his way to the treehouse, moving swift and quiet, hoping nobody would catch him. It appeared the coast was clear, and he was able to make it behind the house, where three other kids were already in line.

"I took Yllas's wallet and never gave it back." whispered a girl into a green bag as yellow magic energy flowed into it from her mouth. She quickly ran away as someone in the window sealed the bag, then put a new one in its place.

"I still soil myself." whispered a boy, then making his escape.

"I… er… do things in bed I-…" The next boy stuck his head into the bag and said something no one could definitely hear, safely sealing it.

Finally was the boy who just came. "I, er… I, errr… I saw Naitsirhc kill her friend's dog!!" And the secret went inside.

Seeing no more customers outside, the bags were taken by an invisible force back up to the treehouse. Once there, Ynnad Noskcaj threw off his Invisible Cloak, throwing the four bags near a pile of empty ones. Then, slowly slithering up to them was a shadow as misshapen as a lava lamp, and Ydolem Noskcaj emerged from it, a girl with raven-black hair, black T-shirt, ghostly white pants, black shoes, and white eyes with black outline. Her shadow flew to the four new bags, carefully pulled them open, and let the magic flow into her mouth, then swallowed. "Is that all?" asked Ydolem quietly, petting her shadow, Hsa's head.

"Yeah." replied Ynnad.

"Good." And that was all there was to it. Nothing more had to be said. Because their duty was done. Okay, you guys prob'ly don't know, so I'll explain. They were Sector -L, the most silent, secret-keeping crew known to nega-kidkind. Kids everywhere with embarrassing or shameful secrets come to them to let the secret out of their lungs, to a safe, secure home. Using Ynnad's magic Secret Sacks, he contains the secrets, then feeds them to Ydolem's shadow, Hsa, so only she and her master will know them. Only the secret-owner could tell the secret, otherwise anyone else who tried to speak it or write it would only utter silence. And as for Ydolem herself, she was the one girl in the whole world they could trust. She was always hiding, so no one could get their hands on her secret container, and she would never speak a word.

"Sapphire Happy is on." Ydolem said. "Let's go watch." So she and Ynnad went to sit on the couch and turn on the TV. Sapphire Happy was a show about a blue-haired angel girl who, despite the name, was always really depressed, and spoke loudly. But Ydolem was fascinated with its lively aura for some reason.

"RRRRRAAAAAAH!" Sort of like this guy: Cire Ztivroh, a handsome muscular boy who also had a secret Ydolem was keeping, and was still kind of insecure about it. The only reason he was in her sector was because he didn't trust Ydolem one bit. After kicking open the door, he stomped inside furiously. "So Ydolem, you finally CRACK, yet?!"

"Of course not, Cire." smiled Ydol. "You know I would never tell anyone."

"You gonna BLOW IT sometime, and I'M gonna be there WHEN IT HAPPENS! !"

"Keh…keh…" Hsa coughed.

"You really must not be so diffident." Ydolem indicated her coughing shadow. "Your secret might just release itself if you're so unbalanced."

"Yeah-heah, THAT'S the reason it's gonna happen," Cire proclaimed with sarcasm, "use my OWN words against me, make it seem like I got the problem, WELL I DON'T, SO YOU BETTER SHUT IT!!"

"Of course you don't, Cire." Ydolem said with a trustful voice. "It's your secret. You'll tell everyone when you're ready to. And I'm sure they'll like you just the same."

But Cire wasn't entirely convinced. The blood-boiling rage was visible on his face. Knock-knock-knock-knock.

"Oh? Is that one more customer? Could you please get that, Ynnad?" Her brother complied and walked downstairs in his Invisible Cloak, only his head visible as he opened the hatch.

"Is this Sector -L Secret-Keepers?" asked the hooded girl in a low voice.

"Say nothing if you don't. Secret, please." Ynnad held a sack open.

"No. I wish mine to go to Ydolem directly."

Ynnad took his sack back and returned upstairs. "Ydolem, she… wants you."

"Oh, a secret STRAIGHT to the BOSS!" Cire proclaimed as Ydolem left downstairs. "Hope your HEAD DON'T EXPLODE!"

"Hi there." Ydolem greeted the girl once downstairs. "You had something for me?"

"Yes… a secret. One that I don't trust the sacks to hide."

"Your secret will be at risk of being spoken then. But if it's your wish."

So she leaned her head forward, the hooded girl touching her mouth with Ydol's ear. ".. . . .. . . .."

"Oh!" Her eyes perked. "That's, um… very interesting. …Well, okay. I won't tell-" But the customer was already gone. The neighborhood was totally empty and quiet, so with no more business, she shut the hatch.

As Ydolem returned upstairs and passed the living room, "Oh-ho, so the SECRET'S IN, huh?" Cire was quick to proclaim. "And WHAT IS IT, pray tell?"

"Nothing, really." was the last Ydolem said before going to her room.

She closed the door, plopped down on her bed, and went to sleep for the night. She hoped the sleep would clear her head of what she just heard. It couldn't have been THAT big a deal… right?…

The next day; Retnek Elementary

The next day at school was pretty ordinary like it always was. Ydolem and Ynnad spent the whole day without talking to a soul. Ynnad spent most of the day under his Invisible Cloak, and Ydolem crept within the shadows. Even at recess, when children set to work on the prune juice mine, they lay hidden. 'Cause THEY don't wanna do all that work! But the secret Ydolem was entrusted with was definitely a curious one. How could anyone possibly know that? And which of these kids was the one who knew?

"It's probably best you don't hold it for me, Hsa…" Ydolem petted her shadow gently. "You do so much for me… I should take this one. Hmmm… but I wonder how many else she planned to tell. …?"

She saw a gang of kids marching over to her from the workcamp. They were in fact, the school's nerds, and in the Negaverse, nerds are bullies and bullies are car salesmen. Nah just kidding, they're nerds. They had purple juice stains and their bods were strong as ever from their day of work. Ydolem got to her feet, masking her nervousness. "Hello. What may I do for you?"

"Word 'round the school is YOU got a hot new secret!" a nerd grinned maliciously.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh yeah, then how come I was just able to detect your LIE?!" a nerd girl with bare feet proclaimed. "A few of us are earthbenders, and we've been feelin' yer heart racin' ALL DAY."

"If my heart weren't racing, I would die."

"Don't matter, 'long as we've felt you, your heart never beats faster than 15.5 thumps-per-minute, which means YOU got somethin' on your mind you're dying to tell, and WE wanna hear it FIRST." proclaimed an earthbender boy.

"If the secret doesn't belong to you, it's not yours to hear. I'll respect the person's privacy as long as they wish. That is no secret."

"Well, you know what also ain't a secret? Ytram's a psychicbender. And he knows how to probe a mind for information, so he'll dig that secret RIGHT outta you. Have to rifle a few others on the way, but THAT'S the kicks." He stepped aside when a slimmer nerd stepped over.

"My business is closed now. You will have to see our Human Resources for any non-complaints." She sunk into her shadow.

"The HELL you will!" The earthbenders stomped the ground and forced out several rock-jabs, but Ydolem slithered away to evade. After emerging around a wall, she attempted to run, but the psychic kid managed to grab and pull her over. "'Soon as your secrets're out, you going outta business. Let 'er have it, Ytram—" In a sudden puff of smoke, all of the bullies turned into chickens.

Ynnad pulled off the head of his cloak. "I guess the secret's already out."

"It would appear so." Ydol helped herself up. "I wonder how many else know."

"What kind of secret were you given, anyway?"

"I…I shouldn't say. The person must have trusted me for a reason. But not using a Secret Sack…"

"Recess is almost over. Can we last the rest of the day without being harassed?"

"No… why don't we leave. We'll get extra credit for following our hearts and disobeying school rules." So Ydolem Veiled and slithered over the fence while Ynnad wore his cloak to find his own exit. Since this school supports students following their own instincts, they would be applauded for ditching.

DNK Moonbase

Moonbase was, to put it simply, a total mess, horribly disorganized. Well it was supposed to be, but a lot of the kids managed to maintain good manners and didn't make too much a mess of things, though the guards were less than reliable. And Supreme Leader, Nerehc Onu, was in his office with his piles of paperwork. Relaxed on his seat with his feet on his desk, folding each paper into a plane and tossing it mindlessly. A pile of planes took up the space before the office door. The papers were scattered when Sicnarf Yksvolird barged in. "Sir, I have a report."

"What up, Sic?" He chucked a plane at Sicnarf's right eye.

Annoyed, Sic continued, "Well, we have intel that the DNKG is attempting to persuade the Nimbi over to their ranks. Since the mermen are already under their control, it'd be kind of negative on our end, Sir."

"Well, isn't that a good thing?"

"Of COURSE it isn't! If the seas and skies are DNKG territory, that means less territory on Earth for US! And Arceus knows the Minish will be kissing their shoes before getting stomped, it's time that we make some arrangements."

"You're right." Nerehc sat up straight, his aura having switched to Leader Mode. "Build more factories and smog the skies 'til those Nimbis drop, and burn all the forests 'til every last Minish is dead."

"That's not what I had in mind." He pinched his nasal bridge. "If we're sharing one planet with those guys, then we can't just keep fighting them. Before Aluben does, we have to persuade the Nimbi over to our side, the Minish too if we can."

"Why bother, they're never gonna listen." Nerehc kicked back again. "Aluben's got a million armies, whaddoes Earth got? I'd pick the winning side too, if I were them."

"Aluben's mission is to unite all races into one power. From a certain viewpoint, her mission is a just one, but she's doing it entirely the wrong way: for her benefit. The DNKs will never be at peace, that's why you have to make the Nimbi understand. That if our armies continue to fight, it'll get us nowhere, so we need to put our differences aside and understand that all we want is what's good for our kidkind. And I know you think we should, too."

"…" Nerehc leaned there half-scowling for five seconds. "Well, even if I do, THEY won't think so. Even THEY know this world is godless, kids everywhere will live in misery the rest of their lives no matter what we do."

"If nothing is going to change anyway, it doesn't mean we can't make it a little less painful."

"… .. All right." Nerehc got up and walked around his desk. "I'll talk to the Nimbi… after Halloween." He passed a witty smirk to Sicnarf as he left. "Going as a beetle. Just 'cause Sipa dared me. Knows I'm scared of them. Seeya, Sic!" He skied away with rocket shoes.

"Siiiigh… Well, at least he's trying harder than Sucram." Sicnarf sighed.

Sol Selegna

Having ditched school, Ydolem and Ynnad decided to hit the town for boring stuff to do. They had nothing to do at home and wouldn't have customers 'til after school, so what to do… "Maybe you can become an Animagus." Ydol told her brother. "Becoming a rat or bat might be easier than carrying your cloak everywhere. I wouldn't tell anyone."

"Ehh… too much work."

"I wonder if the Break-a-Bear Workshop has any Sapphire Happy dolls that haven't been ruined, yet. Let's go visit."

They headed to Sol Selegna Mall, where teenage girls absolutely hated to visit, unfortunately their parents insisted on taking them, and it was the worst place to hang out with friends. Even school-ditchers hoped they would be caught and taken back to school. Of course, the guards didn't care. A slightly quiet, though vibrant jingle rang throughout the dark, empty store, and getting to the Break-a-Bear Workshop was without hassle. Scrapped, discarded bits of toys lay everywhere, except the toys on the shelves that were awaiting destruction.

"It's sad that so many toys have to be broken for children's amusement." Ydolem frowned, collecting a few pieces. "Oh well. Maybe I can make something out of these."

So, the next 10 minutes were spent finding the right scattered pieces to form her ideal Sapphire Happy. A lovely angel with a white dress and white wings, pale-peach skin, leggings of blue and cyan stripes, into white Mary-Janes with red hearts, and of course that beautiful blue hair where her name originates. Certainly not her face, which was not at all happy, very sad eyes with a sewed-in waterfall of tears. Ydol reckoned she was sad because her wings were unnaturally white, while the normal Nimbi had black wings. The creation still looked beautiful in Ydolem's hands.

"There… that was fun." She spoke softly. "Making my own doll. Why doesn't this shop have that? Why can't we just… destroy our old toys and make something new out of the scraps? Yes… that seems like a marvelous idea." She stood up to ease the soreness in her knees, having been seated on them all this time. "Maybe I should talk to Nerehc, and we can make something like that. I'll go talk to him now. Ynnad, ready-…"

Her brother seemed to have vanished. "Ynnad? Are you invisible?" She used Shadow Sense in attempt to see him. Nothing. "Hmmm… maybe he's in the Magic Store after all. Come, Sapphire Doll." She took her toy out of the store and trekked down the second-floor walkway, her footsteps against the marble floor echoing throughout the vacant store.

She saw a few kids walk out of the arcade and toward her, so Ydolem would casually walk between them, nothing more said. "So, what's the secret."

Her heart skipped a beat when the nerds aimed to grab her, but she Shadow Glided over the railing and landed on the parallel walkway. Some nerds ran across the nearby bridge to catch her, while some leapt over using airbending, Ydolem rushing down the walkway. The waterbending nerds grabbed water from a fountain below, chucking a huge wave at Ydolem, who jumped onto the railing before the wave froze, then dropped onto the soft roof of a stand and to the first floor. The nerds jumped down after as Ydolem sunk in a Veil, going under the bars of a dark closed store, but a waterbender used Water Arms to yank the bars open as they moved inside, searching intently for the Keeper in the darkness.

Ydolem's shadow was already sneaking behind them, out of the store as she reemerged and began another sprint. "Hey!" Hearing her footsteps, the nerds bolted after her, hurriedly throwing their powers as she was headed for the exit. But she slammed against a particular door that was sealed, and couldn't regain her mentality quick enough to perform a Veil and go underneath, for the nerds were seconds from catching her. But at that second, a puff of smoke turned them all into rats, scampering frantically all around her feet as she tried to stay still and keep from stepping on them.

Ynnad unhooded his cloak. "Sorry about that. I was looking at new cloaks when I saw them chasing you."

"It's all right. Maybe we should head home." So with that, the siblings headed out of a door that was actually opened, letting the many rats scamper free. "In the Negaverse, more nerds have bending, and they're bullies." She configured. "But shouldn't you change them back?"

"It's a temporary spell, it'll wear off. Doing it a little more than I expected to."

"I just don't understand how so many of them know I know something. I've only known it since last night… was this person running from them, too? And she told me to make them direct attention at me?"

"Well, they would still try to catch her anyway, I'm sure."

"Wait… You don't think Cire has anything to do with this?"

"What? Why?"

"Why else would those guys at school decide to be on me to begin with, and back at the store… I recognized a few of them as operatives. Cire's friends, no less… is he trying to make me crack or something?"

"Well, he is a little… violent. Whaddyou think?"

"…I think I should talk to him. School should be clearing out, let's meet him there."

DNK Moonbase

Things were still calm on Moonbase as Ininap manned her post at the Global Tactical Station. 'Cause it's wise for a leader's servant to take their incoming calls, so it was a great post for her. 'Course, she always stood there shaking, wondering when the TV would boom to life, and always make her heart jump. "Numbuh -860—"

"YEEEEEEK!" Her hair stood on end when Hcaz snuck up from behind.

"You're worse than my sister. Look, I looked over a security camera recording from the last gathering, I noticed one of the audience had the 'DNKG' marking on their arm. I think we might have a spy. I'm doing a thorough scan, so if I could see your arm."

"O-Okay." Ininap shudderingly held her arms out as Hcaz rolled up the sleeves and viewed them.

"Hmm… didn't think it was you, this person had a bulkier arm. Next time you see Nerehc, give him this, it's the photo." He gave Inap a paper with a gray photo. "Gonna scan the mess hall now. 'Lot of chubbos there. See you." He waved good-bye.

Ininap checked the photo and indeed saw a very faint 'DNKG' on a dark, bulkier arm.

Retnek Elementary

School was clearing out as students were rushing to the school buses. Cire was a little slow to joining them, for he couldn't help but wonder where Ydolem had disappeared to all day. "Cire!" His question would be answered when he saw them both running over from his left. "Cire, how…how's your day been?"

"Just fine, thanks. How've YOU been, sneakin' out and tellin' EVERYONE my secret when I ain't there to catch you?"

"For your information," Ydolem kept her quiet tone as she spoke aggravatingly, "I was harassed twice today because of the secret I was told last night, and-"

"AND you cracked, GREAT."

She shook her head, "I'm starting to think YOU'RE the one who got them on me."

"Oh-hohohoho right," he dropped his backpack, "BLAME the guy you're holdin' captive, yeah REAL logical."

"What do you mean holding you captive? I told you, I'm not going to tell anyone-"

"Yeah but you're already accusing ME of sickin' some NERDS on you!"

"In my defense, I have the right evidence, and you've been acting more hardheaded than normal." Their squabble was attracting viewers.

"Only 'cause YOU keep waggin' my PRIVACY in my FACE!"

"Okay—that's worded a little awkwardly-"

"OKAY, THAT'S IT!" Cire finally snapped. "YOU SHUTTIN' UP FOR GOOD!" His fist came flying across Ydolem's face.

Some blood flew out of her mouth, and after absorbing the fact her teammate just punched her, she Veiled and dodged a following punch, appearing behind to punch Cire down with Hsa's fist. He got back up and lunged at Ydolem again, grabbing and throwing her several feet as she sunk in a Veil, slid to him, and pulled him underneath to lay quick punches against his face. They both came up and both threw punches, while Hsa flew behind to punch Cire's back. Cire bumped the shadow with his elbow before swinging a kick at Ydolem, who spun around him before a Shadow Punch came around and hit the right of Cire's head.

He threw another punch at Ydolem, who ducked and blew Shadow Breath into his face, then had Hsa tie his shoelaces together so the boy tripped. Furious, he threw an arm forward to grab Ydolem's leg and pull her down, throwing a round of punches at her chest. Hsa grabbed him from behind and struggled to pull him off, Ydolem escaping and getting up as Hsa returned to join her. Cire decided to pull off his tied shoes and chuck them at Ydol, the laces successfully wrapping around her neck, and as she choked, Cire dashed and punched her painfully in the nose, Ydolem stumbling backward and into her brother, both of them falling down.

Cire grabbed Ydolem tight around the neck and raised her upward, the rage clear in his face as ever. "I'm tired of your happy, smiley, hushie-hushie attitude, I AIN'T buyin' it, and I'm NOT lettin' you blow the secret that I'm gay—" He froze.

Their audience was still watching them. The sudden cease in action took them by surprise. And Cire had no idea what move to make now. "…Uuuuuhh."

"THAT'S why you're bein' such a dick?" a boy remarked. "Dude, nobody cares."

"Yeah man, being gay's all the rage here. It'd be weird if you WEREN'T."

"…Oh." He dropped Ydolem. All that anger wasted for nothing.

"Mmp-mmp-mmp… BWAUK." Hsa hacked out a cloud of yellow magic. The secret was out.

"Weeeell… this is pretty awkward." Cire said.

"I won't tell anyone." Ydolem smiled.

"Sigh, what a crazy story this will make." Ynnad said as he got up, brushing off his wrinkled cloak. "Wonder how many others have dumb secrets."

"…" Ydolem glanced at his exposed left arm, the sleeve having been rolled up when they fell. "Ynnad, what's that tattoo?"

"…" Ynnad looked at it with slight panic. "Oh, that, uh.."

Ydolem raced closer and examined it better. "'DNKG'?…"

"…" Now, Ynnad had no next move.

"Oh my god, YOU'RE ONE OF-" Cire pointed accusingly.

"Indefino Duro!" Ynnad flicked his wand, and in a split second, Cire stood frozen with a finger aimed as solid stone.

"CIRE!" Ydol cried.

"Nobody move!" Ynnad proclaimed when the students attempted to retreat. "This coulda gone so much more smoothly… if you just told me your secret."

"You…You had those nerds attack me?" Ydolem asked with hurt in her voice. "Are THEY with them, TOO?"

"They were, but I planned to keep appearances with you a little longer, so I had to save you from them. So, why don't you tell me what our late-night customer told you and everyone can go home safely?"

"But why…why would you care?"

"The fact that they wanted to speak to you directly, must mean they know who I am. Which means you have information highly vital to the DNKG. So, if you don't mind…" He held his wand ready.

"Why would you work for them, anyway?"

"Our organization is doomed, and Nerehc is doing nothing to improve it. He's a failure of a leader, and everyone is following his example. Aluben is the only one we can follow, she's the only one who will lead us to victory. If you cared at all about your fellow operatives, you'd fork over what you know."

"But… Ynnad… I trusted you… I…I thought you were my brother."

"I am your brother. That's why I'm asking you to join. We, the greatest secret-keeping team, Nerehc will never suspect us. …Or are you against me?"

"If that's really how you feel, then… I am NOT betraying Nerehc!" The passion was clear in her eyes and voice. "He's the one who gave us our post, ever since he trusted us with his own secret. He put his deepest trust in us himself, and I…I will NEVER betray anyone's trust!"

"Then I hope you'll see where your trust leads you. CRUCIO!"

"AAAAAHHHH!" Ydolem fell and wriggled on the ground with unimaginable pain.

"Now tell me the secret."

"N-N N. . . No! AAAAAHHH!" Ynnad focused more energy.

"If you insist on defending him, I'll force you to come to Aluben's side. Say good-bye to your free will. Imperi-" He lost concentration when a book hit him in the head. "Who threw that?!"

Many kids' glares were fixed on Ynnad, all holding books, rocks, and uneaten lunch. Ynnad recognized them all: every one of Sector -L's customers. They all put their trust in him and Ydolem… but it's clear he was the wrong choice. Ydolem was the only one they could trust, Ynnad was a traitor. Ydolem was their friend… and they wouldn't let anyone attack their friend.

The array of objects came flying at him like he were an overweight principal that abused her children. The amount of objects they managed to bring was uncanny, and far too many to raise his wand against. "DAH, I don't need to put up with this! Kiss up to Nerehc all you want, Sis, but it won't do you good in the end! YOU'LL ALL SEE!" He whipped out a tiny bottle of red potion and smashed it to the ground. In a blinding puff of red smoke, Ynnad was gone.

A girl came over to help Ydolem stand. "You okay?"

"I'm… fine." Ydol looked at Cire's stone statue. "Poor Cire. I better bring him to DNK Moonbase. I hope they'll be able to save him. Thank you for protecting me, guys."

"Yeah, well… we kinda owed it to you." A boy from yesterday smiled. "And if Ynnad shows up again, we'll give him the old Western Witch!"

"Hmhmhm!" she smiled. "Thanks. Still… I wonder how many other spies Aluben has hidden among us. I need to tell Nerehc soon. …But first…"

Sector -L Treehouse

Ydolem invited Nollid Kroy over, and after confirming the latter had no 'DNKG' mark, he touched his wand to Ydol's head and pulled a string of silver light from her mind, and placed it into a jar. "Thanks, Nollid. That secret was nothing but trouble. But at least it exposed Ynnad for what he was…"

"Yeah, well… I had a feeling this business would flop someway. Figured you'd need me when it happened. But are you sure you shouldn't tell Nerehc about… this?"

"I still haven't figured out who told it to me in the first place. Until then… maybe I shouldn't say anything about it."

"Well then… I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks, Nollid. You're still the only other one I can trust." :)

"Heheh…" Nollid blushed. "Say, that's a nice doll you have. You like the show?"


"It's on now, we could… watch it."

"That would be great."

Ydolem first brought the jar of silver to her closet, moved some stuff away, and opened a small compartment in the left corner. She taped a sticky note on the glass, wrote Location of the Octogan in purple pen, and sealed the jar away.

Little bit of trivia, the characters in this story are actually speaking backwards of their respective language, ’cause that’s how it is in the Negaverse, obviously it’s not written in the actual dialogue because Lord knows YOU don’t wanna translate. =P But they also know frontwards talk ’cause, as the opposites, they can understand both languages while Positives only know one. :P Soooo yeah. Next time, a little SCARY throwback.

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