
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

Gamen_Watch · Anime & Comics
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Meanwhile, Down Below

This is the beginning of a series parallel to the Nextgen Series, taking place in the Negaverse, a parallel dimension to the main universe. It will follow the adventures of the DNK, all of whom are parallels of the Nextgen KND, but with opposite personalities or characteristics. Unlike the main series, the writing and story flow will be much more faster-paced; it would take too long to flesh this out as much as the main series. That said, the adventure will still be pretty lengthy, full of character development, fun interactions, and exciting, action-filled plot-lines. This story, in particular, will have relevance for the upcoming Seven Lights Saga.

Chapter -20: Meanwhile, Down Below

Cleveland, Virginia… er-

It was a very peaceful day in Virginia. Children were playing, sun was shining, the Kids Next Door kept everything in place, and its operatives went on many wild adventures in many stories! …In other words: clicheeeeeee! Let's take a little look downstairs, in our favorite parallel dimension called the Negaverse.

Pitch-black nighttime in this world, but it didn't mean kids had to sleep, 'cause it was backwards. After the events of 20 years ago, things had changed to match the Posiverse, with adults having (minor) responsibilities and kids being kids, but a balance still had to be kept to differentiate this world: opposite personalities being one, leading to all sorts of chaos or harmony, depending on the person and their preferences, animals having more intelligence and rights, the "rich" having become "poor," and general contradicting times or seasons.

The outer yards of an army base were heavily guarded, searchlights, spiked yards, 10-foot walls, and monkey bars over toxic chasms. A young girl with puffy, dirty blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and brown ragged clothes peeped up from a bush and quietly scampered in the yard. She didn't make a sound with her bare feet, filthy from the dirt of the earth, as were other parts of her otherwise clear skin. She was very quick and nimble, easily skipping over the spike yard in its small openings, sliding to the sides to avoid the searchlights, and as she ran straight at the imposing 10-foot wall, she performed a great jump partway up, and rushed up the rest of the way the moment her feet planted against it. Once she made it to the toxic chasm, instead of grapple across the monkey bars, she leaped into the chasm and landed softly on a small rock platform.

Making careful jumps across the footholds on her tippy-toes, she got to a pipe where the waste leaked out. Wide enough for the width of her body to fit, with careful precision, she dove in and forced her hands to the ceiling corners, with both feet against the outside of the toxic river. She progressed through in this pose until she finally got to the base's interior, to the wider river as she looked to the railing high above. She carefully kicked toward the right wall and Wall Jumped between them, 7 feet apart but still managing.

Once atop the walkway, she began navigating through the base, moving very swift and out of the guards' vision, and while running through the halls, she fell totally flat and slid beneath the security lasers, then made the leap over the remaining ones to reach the platform above. Two guards spotted her, but she leaped overhead and stood on the first one's shoulders, kicking his head back and forth with her left foot before he fell defeated. The second guard shot his gun, but she rolled and dodged between his legs, then kicked off the wall to shoot at his backside. Once he was down, she kicked his head against the floor and took him out.

She then swiped his ID card and scanned it in the terminal, allowing the vault to open. Inside were stacks of money "stolen" for "charity", charity which they wouldn't give it to. She stuffed all the money into an Infi-Cube she had procured, and once it was all collected, she skipped and hopped her way out of the base the same way she came in.

She made her way to her neighborhood park, where many kids were happy to see her. "Look, everyone! It's Lorac! Lorac's back!"

"Yes I am!" Lorac proclaimed with a joyous and loving expression. "And here: money for ALL of my friends, no debt required!" She grabbed the dollars from the Infi-Cube and threw them everywhere. For she was Lorac Nosretsam, the poorest, and most unselfish girl anyone ever knew.

"YAAAAAAYY!" The kids all scrambled to grab some.

Lorac smiled, rejoicing in the happiness she brought to these kids. But her look became quizzical once she heard a rustling in the bushes. Her face furrowing, she grabbed a pebble in her toes and tossed it straight to the bush, hitting her stalker perfectly between the eyes. "Ow!" The boy toppled out, a black-haired boy in a midnight-blue sweater and pants, with a blue water droplet image on the front of his shirt, and one on his right pants leg. He got to his feet, his eyes big hearts. "Oh, my lovely Lorac, only you could land a perfect shot!" He was Nosam Atnalamid, son of Wehttam and Anuledrolf, and Lorac's lovesick stalker.

"Ugh, can't you leave me alone for 10 seconds, Nosam?"

"I have, but alas, I feel so lonely when you're gone." He approached her with a mock weepy expression. "Arorua has me watching Aliehs all day, and SHE IS JUST SO BOOOORIIIIING. You are so much more interesting, so kind and lovely and carefree, why can't I stay with YOU all the time, Lorac?"

"Because YOU are a CREEP!" Lorac kicked him in the face. "That -200$ I gave you was out of friendly generosity, everyone got some and I wasn't charging any debt, so just let it go." She walked away.

"But I practiced my waterbending just for you! I've created this gorgeous statue in your honor, see?" Using his bending, he grabbed water from a nearby fountain and mended it into a liquidy statue or Lorac.

"That's, um…very nice. Well, I'm going to see if my Minish friends have any new gifts; as if they couldn't bring me enough. Sigh…good-bye, Nosam." And she left.

Not wishing to let her go, he sprayed breath-freshener in his mouth and prepared to march after with a smooth smile. "What're you doing?"

"Ahh!" A boy in a black wizard's robe, shoes, and black hair with a purple stripe grabbed Nosam's hood. He was Nollid Kroy, son of Nalon Kroy and Latsyrc Snekciw, not that he'd acknowledge his father's existence.

"Come on, Nosam. Quit embarrassing yourself to her, it's not like she likes you."

"I will win her heart one day, Nollid, and you will bask in our cuteness!"

"Sure you will, Nosy. Come on." Nollid proceeded to drag Nosam by the hood, his butt dragging along the ground.

"I will return to you, my lovely Loraaac!"

Negative Sector V Treehouse

The living room of the metallic, heavily-armed treehouse was roaring with peaceful, classical music booming from Yrrah Nagillig's stereos. "Y-Y-Y-Yrrah, can you please turn that down?" Sirhc Onu stuttered. "I-It's just, you know…"

"Sirhc, you know how hard it isth to work on thisth sthuff?" Yrrah said with a nerdy voice, trying to fix a machine. He looked like his counterpart, except with square glasses, buckteeth, yellow jacket, and hat. "I need thisth music to soothe me. And to drown out Eelyah's consthant basthing."

His sister, Eelyah Nagillig, was bashing a wood board against the wall 'til it broke. "Huhuhuhu. Wood go break." Mirroring a Neanderthal, Eelyah has messy, light-brown hair with bangs over her big forehead. She wore brown rags around her chest and hip, her fists and feet too bulbous for her limbs.

"Siiiiigh. When're Nollid and Nosam getting back?" Arorua asked, sitting on the couch with her head in her hand in boredom. The Nega-V leader wore a black top with a red skirt, laced with a black web design. She wore tall, red boots with black laces and a single, black teardrop on each.

"Right here, Boss." Nollid was still dragging Nosam by the hood. "Excuse the googly eyes."

"Siiiiigh when will my lovely Lorac join our fair sector so we may be together evermore?" Nosam said lovingly.

"Nosam, just get back to watching Aliehs." Arorua said uninterestingly.

"But she's just been there all day."

In the darkest corner of the room, Aliehs Citnarf sat lazily on a chair, tossing darts at a board with her mom's face. She was a Faunus raccoon with pale-tan skin, a gray T-shirt, black shorts, gray flip-flops, and pale-brown raccoon ears and tail. "Leave me alone."

"Oh GOD, Aliehs, you're like, always so DULL and GLOOMY." proclaimed Eirik Seltaeb, daughter of Ikuk Nabnas and Legin Onu, and the most talkative person in Sector V. Her snarky attitude and hate for Rainbow Monkeys made her who she is. "If you stepped in the sun, would you like, crumble away like a vampire, 'cause you're just that BLEAK, so ugly!"

"She could never save herself in a pool without my help. Siiiigh, I wonder what my Lorac is doing now?" Nosam wondered.

"Staying away from you, Weirdo." Nollid replied. "Speaking of staying away, what's Akurah doing?"

"Keh, keh, cougheh!" A little hamster stumbled out of the hallway and fell dead, a cloud of purple gas behind him.

"Awwww that's ashaaame." A pigtailed girl with black hair and a pitch-black dress with an upside-down Cross necklace, and black rose in her hair, walked out. "I was three seconds away from beating my record."

"AKURAH!" Stomping in behind her was a fairly muscular boy in a red hat, who spoke in a stern voice. "I ain't tolerating you stinkin' up this treehouse, y'all better get this poison cleared!"

"Go bark at a tree, Eitra." retorted Akurah Atnalamid, the older twin sister of Nosam. Although the daughter of a water and firebender, she was born with purple poisonbending.

"You KILL mah hamsters again, Ah'm gonna ram ya a new one!!"

"Siiiigh. Why musth my sthiblings be stho violent?" Yrrah asked.

"Man, whatevuh. We have any missions today?"

"I'd call and ask, but I think Supreme Leader went off to cause trouble in the Posiverse again…" Arorua said bored. "Not that he ever gives us any exciting missions, anyway."

"If Lorac were in our group, our lives would be full of excitement!" Nosam proclaimed. "Such a lovely, adventurous girl. Unlike some people…"

"Then go fuck off." Aliehs said, sticking a certain finger up at him.

"Not me." Arorua said, standing up. "I'm going downstairs. Don't call me if anything happens." And so, she left.

"D-Don't leave me with these people!" Sirhc cried.

"Go hang out with your girlfriend." she told him.

EiznekCm Household

Arorua walked into the living room and lied on the carpeted floor with her arms wrapped behind her head. Her father was reading a newspaper on the couch, reading a history section. "Oi… hard to believe 20 years have passed since that Gnaa fellow showed up outta nowhere."

"Oh yeah… What happened to him?"

"Oh, he just disappeared after some big explosion. No one knows where he went. Sad thing, really." He closed the paper. "'ey. What's wrong, Rora? You look more down than… ah, who'm I kidding, you're always this down! Still?"

"Sigh… I dunno, Dad… things just feel so… dull here. The sky's always dark, everyone sucks, we hardly do anything… I always wonder what it's like in the Positives' world."

"The Positives' world? Blech! If you ask me, those guys are WAY too happy. We're an important part in the grand scheme of the universe! We're the example that things always aren't too happy in this world, things aren't all love and joy. Be proud you're down here sulking in depression, instead of having the carefree cheesy lives those losers have. 'sides, they wouldn't have their cheesiness if it weren't for our misery, because Light can't exist without Darkness, so be happy you're lettin' them burn!"

"Great… I'm merely a pawn to better the life of someone more fortunate than me."

"Sigh, I don't know what to say, Aror. But you and your friends should just be happy you're alive. Don't matter if destiny has some important thing for you or not. But wowzie… Nerry's bein' one heck of a leader from what I heard. Resistin' that dictator's invites… he's got 'is mother's gutsiness alright."

"Yes… I just wish I had that gutsiness."

Aixalag; Planet Ainozama

Ainozama, the planet of very large, but fairly weak women. Although it was mainly female-dominated, they would always welcome men in their world to perhaps defend for them, and maybe become nice girlfriends. If these giants had anything to contribute, it was their smarts and technical know-how. A small army of child Nainozama (otherwise called Nega-Amazonians), with their leader in the front, stood before a group of humanoid alien kids with a flying saucer. The kids' leader was a girl with black and white hair, a blinding white tux and shoes, and black tie. Her yellow and black mismatched eyes were unsettling. "So please… join my empire, and submit your loyalty to me."

"Um… w-we don't want to." said the Nainozama leader, a very worried, frightful frown on her giant face. "But we would happily give you some of our stuff, if you want."

The brown-skinned child's eyes were wide and hypnotic, her toneless expression unchanging. "If you don't join… I will have to force you."

"W-W-We know what you, do… and, w-we got anti-psychic helmets." All of the frightened giants placed helmets over their heads.

"That's nice… if only that mattered." And so, the alien leader raised her hands and bent her fingers very tight and forcefully.

"AAAAHH!" The front group of Nainozama, including their leader, fell to their knees, feeling an unbearable searing of pain. They gripped their knees tight, feeling the bones may burst out of their legs, but the same pain was then felt in their shoulders.

"Please… join my empire."

"Y-Yes! We'll join!" cried the Nainozama leader, her large tears falling fast. "P-Please don't hurt us! Please! We'll do anything!"

She released them. "Perfect." With that, a purple-skinned alien girl marched up, and using her own strange power, carved 'DNKG' into the Nainozama leader's arm's flesh, red with her blood, without touching the child at all. Afterwards, the aliens returned to their saucer, with the dictator sparing a look back at the Nainozamas. "It's time you learned as well, that all species are inferior to us. For we are the Destructively Nefarious Kid Gods."

Ruler of the DNK Gods, Dictator of Kidkind


The Nainozamas watched as the saucer left their atmosphere, still weeping in horror and fear. For the sake of their lives, they would follow and obey this ruler until the end.

Posiverse; Quahog, Rhode Island

The people frightfully ran from another street screaming as Cheren stood and smirked wickedly in their direction. "Hope you're having fun." At this, the rogue turned and found the REAL Cheren glaring at him, standing by Lin. "'Cause it ends here."

"Hm. It looks like you found me." he still smirked.

"Just who are you?!"

"Take a wild guess." With that, the imposter unleashed purple flames from his hands and made a fiery circle around him. "HUAAAHHH!" he cried as the flames exploded into a dark-fiery column that encased him. When the column cleared, Cheren and Lin gaped as the counterpart's white articles of his clothing now became pitch-black. The two were still shock-frozen as the counterpart was about to speak. But before he spoke, he realized something was missing. He growled in frustration as he yelled, "PABLO! Get over here and play my awesome theme music!"

The tired Mexican child immediately ran over, panting. "You move too fast, Señor Nerehc." The boy began playing his guitar. (Play the "Dark Pit Flight Theme" from Kid Icarus: Uprising!)

Lin and Cheren shook their heads at his name. "Nerehc??" Cheren exclaimed, their eyes wide.

"That's right. I'm your Negative." Nerehc smirked, pacing back-and-forth. "Nerehc EiznekCm Onu. The son of Lehcar and Eeballaw Seltaeb. But you can call me 'Negative Numbuh 3621.' I'm basically just like you, only a million times more fun."

"What are you doing here?" Cheren asked, glaring and gritting his teeth.

"Isn't it obvious?" Nerehc still kept his mischievous look. "I'm here to erase your good name. Or rather your BORING name. I'm setting up a brand new reputation for you. One that I find a lot more interesting. 'Course, the fact that you caught me sort of adds a wrench into the plan. Still, since no one is around to see us yet, I think now's the time to make my escape."

"You're not going anywhere!" Cheren yelled, drawing his small sword as he ran in attempt to strike him, but the Negative leapt several feet backwards. Cheren growled, running and dealing several quick swings at the Negative, who swiftly moved and dodged around. Cheren took swing at his legs, but Nerehc leapt high into the air and came down on Cheren, smirking down at the boy as he stood on him.

Nerehc gasped and was flung away when Lin kicked a rock chunk at him. Cheren passed her a nod before getting back to his feet and readying to battle the counterpart. Nerehc conjured flames in his hands and began shooting them at Cheren, who rolled and dodged as he made his way over, dealing several punches across Nerehc's face. Nerehc jumped behind and kicked him away, and Cheren looked back to see him doing a breakdance and create a fire shockwave. Cheren jumped the flames and performed a jump attack with his sword. Nerehc jumped away as Cheren ran forward, the two swiping several kicks at the other. Cheren was able to grab Nerehc in his legs and kick him away, smirking at the Negative. Nerehc gritted his teeth and stood up, rapidly tossing more purple flames at the Positive.

Cheren swiftly dodged the flames before making it over and spin-kicking Nerehc's legs, knocking him down. Nerehc looked up as Cheren's sword was pointed at his face, performing another breakdance to knock him down as well. Nerehc easily flipped back up afterwards as Cheren stood to glare at him. Cheren dashed forward and tried to whale on him, but Nerehc grabbed the arm with his sword before sliding him away. He looked over as Lin Beifong stomped and chucked more rock chunks at him, swiftly dodging the rocks before shooting flames at Lin's feet, knocking her down.

He looked as Cheren got back up and performed a spin attack, but Nerehc only leapt away again. The Negative kept his cocky look as he hurried down the street, shooting flames behind him as Cheren gave chase. The Positive raised his arm and sent his sword flying at the Negative, scraping the side of his hip and making Nerehc trip. Nerehc held himself up with his arms and looked up at Cheren. "I admit you are tough, Cheren, but here's one thing we don't have in common." With that, the cocky Negative kicked towards the ground and unleashed purple flames from his feet, using them like rockets to soar high in the air.

"What's wrong, Cheren? Don't know how to fly? I guess you can't do THIS either!" He then began zooming around side-to-side, making various movements with his legs as he still kept the flames running and remained his altitude. "Ha! Lookame! Can't do this! Haha!"

"Grrrr!" Cheren continued to grind his teeth.

"Hey, I gotta run now. Wait, scratch that: I need to FLY! Hahaha! Later, sucker!" With that, the Negative shot into the heavens and soon vanished from sight. (End song.)

Blood boiled in Cheren's form as he watched the Negative get away. His anger growing inside him, the boy erupted a powerful scream, and Lin shielded her eyes as a column of fire shot into the heavens. When the screaming stopped, the column disappeared, but flames still shone around his body as he panted in anger. Lin looked as a bunch of police cars were coming their way, parking as Joe Swanson and his cops came out with their guns raised. "Alright, kid, put your hands up in the air and get on the ground."

Cheren continued to pant as his back was turned toward them. Lin then looked up as a C.O.O.L.-B.U.S. suddenly came down for a landing beside them. Mason and Haruka leapt out and immediately swallowed the area where the cops stood in green and purple gas (respectively), making them cough. Aurora and Chris quickly grabbed Cheren's wrists and pulled him into the bus, followed by Lin as the ship lifted and took off. The touch of Aurora's hand also caused Cheren's flames to douse. By the time the cops blew the gas away, they found the kids long gone.

Ahhhhhh a universe is always complete with a Negaverse. In fact, back in 2011, me and a couple friends made this Season of Shadows thing, ’cause we were all making stories about Negatives ’round this time of year, and it was also a month before I began Eight Firstborn. Sigh, those were the times, but now we are bringing it back! I’ll probably be the only one posting, but it don’t matter! XDX ’Cause Negatives are upside-down balls of fun! :D So here’s just an introduction, next time we’ll get a look at more!

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