
Nextgen Kids: Down in the Negaverse

In a parallel dimension, the DNK, negative parallels to the Nextgen Kids Next Door, struggle to live in a dark, miserable world where friendship means little. The DNK was founded to fight crime and protect people, but many of its operatives lack passion for the art. However, as an intergalactic dictator attempts to conquer their world, will the DNK change their ways and try to make a better world? This story is a parallel series to the main Nextgen Series, where the adventures of the DNK mirror those of the KND. All crossover characters are uniquely integrated, so you don't have to know their canon backgrounds. The first 20 chapters are recommended prereading for the Seven Lights Saga, as these characters will have a side-plot in that story.

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Goddess of the Negaverse

Chapter -3: Goddess of the Negaverse

Somewhere in Eporue

Beewv and his army of Naineetak landed on Earth way back in Rebmevon, and as the month of Hcram neared, they were still searching. They found nothing in Aisa, nothing in Acirfa that looked suspicious, the Hsinim they encountered certainly were no help. After months of tireless searching, here they were wandering a barren plain in Eporue. "AaaaaAAAAAAUUUUUUHHHH!!! Where IS IIIIIIIIIT?" Beewv couldn't be more enraged.

"I'm starting to think Aluben sent us on a duck hunt." Naineetak leader, Namsknim said.

"WOW, I don't think ANYone's had THAT theory, yet!" proclaimed the white-skinned Neetak. "Grrrrr, if I could have just a SLICE of her!"

"I wouldn't mind if she decided to punish us by feeding us to the Nairuomolg." Namsknim spoke dreamily. "Ho-o-o-o-o-o-o, to be crushed and grinded by Beautiful Anaizail." His yellow face flushed red.

"Urgh. If you wanna go back and beg her for a thrill, be my guest." Beewv told him annoyed. "I just wanna GET OFF THIS PLANET. Ohhh, if one more Hsinim gives me the 'down-your-rear' taunt again, I'M GONNA SKIN A FUR COAT OUTTA THEM, I'M GONNA-" Flailing his sword ragingly, a random Naineetak fell through the ground. "Aaaaaaahhh!"

Surprised and curious, the aliens approached the hole, peering into the darkness. Beewv stuck his sword into the side and hung down, taking out a pair of Nightvision goggles to see. His mouth dropped. "Whoooa…"

EiznekCm Household

Two months passed since Meet Your Match Day. Nerehc and Cheren hadn't got around to rescheduling another one yet, mainly since the latter's schedule was much too packed. For Nerehc, it felt quite the opposite. There was so little activity, the DNKG hadn't made a single move since the Christmas party. The traitors were still imprisoned, Nerehc was afraid to jinx it all by saying the Dictator gave up. This time of boredom was actually peaceful for their DNK. Even sectormates, regardless of issues, were starting to interact better. As Nerehc got up from bed, yawning awake, he wondered what the day would bring next.

Bonk bonk bonk. Nerehc looked at his window, feeling something banged on it. He cracked it open and viewed the neighborhood, hoping to whoever-may-listen he wasn't about to be struck by another dimensional beam. "Hello!"

"AAAAAHH!" Nerehc tumbled out of bed onto his rear. Being in only underwear wasn't how he wanted to present himself in front of Nimbi Leader, Ibsej. "S-S-S-Supreme Leader Numbuh -27 B.C.-"

"My name is Ibsej, come on I learned your name." She hovered right-side-up outside the window, watching as Nerehc yanked his blanket down to shield himself. "Plus, you already ruined the formalities by wearing improper clothing."


"Hm hm hm hm! No, but I figured you wouldn't mind if I did." She smirked.

"… . . Hmmph." He suppressed a smirk. "A little out-of-character for a leader."

"True. I would never think two people in professional fields would meet on such casual terms. Friendship shouldn't exist between us."

"Our organizations were doomed from the start." he replied casually. "But since you devoted this time, what can the Demon Prince do for you."

"I wanted to… say thanks for both of our teams. We searched all of our operatives, not one of them were agents. Yet still… I could've been, though. I can't imagine how different things would be if you didn't come."

"I'd have to poison all of your people."

"I know. To be honest… I was only scared for my own life. I had hundreds of Nimbi to defend me, but when they were beaten, I was at a loss. I would've joined up with Aluben to protect myself… then I thought you would protect me if I chose to join you. I confess myself as an inferior leader…"

"Don't say that about yourself. You wanted to have a hold on your own organization long enough for some devil child to tear through your troops and ask to be friends. I may not be a good leader either, but… I know that thinking about your followers should come first."

"Yes. You showed that yourself. You are… the greatest leader I know, Nerehc."

He kept his smirk. "I know I am, I'm no Sissy Cherry."

Ibsej blushed. "I…I also… Oh, never mind." Normal color. "I need to get back to my treehouse. See you soon… when you have clothes." With one last wave, Ibsej returned to the sky. Nerehc got up and watched as she vanished through a hole in the clouds, one of hundreds now existent in the brighter, less-cloudy sky.

Nerehc fixed his clothes on, including sunglasses, and headed downstairs. "Hey, Bro!" The second surprise this morning: Arorua stood in the kitchen doorway with a smile Nerehc would expect from her Positive. "I made toast. Want some?" She held out the darkened bread.

Nerehc took the toast with the utmost suspicion. …He tossed it in the living room, blasted a flame, and extinguished it in seconds. "YAAAAH!" Yllaw screamed, cowering under his newspaper on the couch.

"Bro, what was that for??" the sister protested.

"You make me breakfast? Whaddyou take me for, Arorua. A fool?"

"Yes. I mean… Can't I do a few good deeds, too? Or are you the only one."

"It's a little OOC for you, that's all I'm saying. The only time I've seen you smile, it was when I was in trouble."

"Well, maybe I wanna change. Or do you not believe in that??"

"Your change was more outta the blue than mine."

"Oh, big deal. Look, Nerehc… after giving a few months' thought, I was being kind of sour to you. And Aurora's been teaching me… maybe I should try to know my brother more. I clearly didn't before."

"I… appreciate that?"

"COME on, Stupid, let's just hang out already!" Arorua grabbed her brother's hand and dragged him outside.

"W-Wait! I still want TOOOAAAAST!"


The medical wing doors opened as Atnort stepped out on metal crutches. His body was bandaged under his clothing as he approached his older sister, whose back was turned, but got the general gist. "Now you get how I feel." she told him.

"Annaira, if I wanted you to feel this much pain, trust me I would. This isn't anything compared to what Aluben coulda done."

"No. Aluben is showing you mercy. She hasn't come out of her throne since Rebmeced. It's like she's completely abandoned getting Earth under her control."

"That's not true." Avakam approached them. "You noticed that Beewv hasn't come back yet."

"I thought that was kind of on purpose." Atnort replied.

"She still believes in that Tree of Ending and, according to Beewv's newest report…."


"Aluben has been recharging for this very moment. All she really needs now is Nerehc."

"Whom will suddenly have a change in heart?" inquired Anna.

"Oh, his change in heart already occurred. According to Her Rulership. Now she's waiting on her spy to put the final nail on things."

"Aren't all of her spies in prison?" asked Atnort.

"They missed one, she says. And this one… was the most convenient."

Dnalevelc; Onion River

The river had become so much cleaner these past few months. With the sun poking through numerous holes in the foggy sky, it contributed to the water's purity with sparkling ripples. "Onions for dinner?" asked Nerehc slyly as they trudged through its shallowness.

"Be my guest." Arorua remarked with a suppressed smile.

"Remember that story when Mr. Nagillig came here? He said he fell in the river and winded up on this Indian land, where all of his friends had like Indian personas and were all gung-ho over onions."

"Please. I would've believed this river was a portal to some cowboy village than that."

"These onions gotta come from somewhere, right? Gotta bring out the paranormal specialists. Like Mr. Enarbmem's father."

"Kh-yes, give the whackadoodle his screentime."

"Heh heh heh heh heh!" Both chuckled.

A few yards ahead, they saw a raggedy-clothed blonde girl embracing the river's purity by soaking her feet in it. Lorac Nosretsam hummed a merry tune to herself and appeared lost in daydreams. "Hey, Lorac!" She came back to the real world and saw them coming.

"Oh, hello, Nerehc! Rora!" she greeted brightly.

"Actually, Rora is my Positive's name, I'm Aror." she corrected.

"Isn't the water so much prettier now? I feel like I'm finally making a difference!"

"You aren't the only one." Nerehc affirmed. "The Dictator's scared shitless. Hasn't shown her ugly mug since Christmas. I bet all her armies are thinkin' of quittin'."

"Don't let your guard down too quickly." Arorua said worriedly. "She's not the one to give up without a fight… I would think."

"Yeah yeah, I won't. Which reminds me, Lorac, you should join the Daring New Kids."

"DARING NEW KIDS???" Both of them were stunned.

"What? You didn't think we were still 'Destructively Nefarious' Kids, didja? Aside from being a lot less tongue-twister, that acronym sounds more right to me. I mean, don't you agree?"

"I… guess." Arorua said.

"Thank you for the offer, but I think I'm more comfortable with helping kids on the sidelines." Lorac replied. "'Course, if there's anything you really need me for, I'll be happy to!"

"I really wish you joined a long time ago, now I think about it." Nerehc smiled. "Oh well… keep doin' good, Lorac." He and his sister continued toward the town.

Downtown Dnalevelc

"Wow, Nerehc… it's like DNK really isn't what it used to be." Arorua continued. "Not even 'destructive' anymore? Even though the most destruction I remember in our history is terrorizing Positives."

"Oh, I made that a rule though. 'Any Negative that feels the desire to let loose steam and/or have a little fun may go to the Posiverse and terrorize in the name of their opposite.' It's like our funnest pastime."

"It… is?" This already contradicted everything he was doing.

"I figured that was part of the relationship. 'Course, getting to know each other was a part of it, too, that's why we had that day. You know Sipa wanted to get out and destroy stuff. Yllas and Yevrah even went there to destroy yo-yos, Alol assaulted Gothic materials, and don't think Ycrad didn't wanna terrorize."

"Hu hu hu. And yet everything is shiny here." Arorua chuckled. "It's hard to believe all those traitors still say you're a bad leader."

"Not as weird as my hateful sister taking me out on a date."

"I'm not HATEFUL, and this isn't a date. I just… wanna show you that. …LOOK, Nerehc, Bananafly's!" She pointed at the kids' restaurant across the street. "Still want breakfast? I bet they have pancakes." she told him slyly.

"Like you ever wanted—HEY!" She was already dragging him over excitedly.

Bananafly's was one of the funnest restaurants a kid could ever come to. Things were colorful, there was a playground for all the young ones, and dozens of sweetastic meals to keep kids happy and semi-healthy. The waiter brought Nerehc and Aror 10 layers of blueberry pancakes, which the former sliced in half with his Devil's Sword and began to munch huge chunks. "Sho'veya got to KNOW me YET?" He gargled with syrup streaming down his chin.

"Oh, that's getting to be there." Arorua remarked, merely using her knife to cut off little pieces and take her time eating. "So Nerehc, uhhhhmm… how long have you been planning this whole… change?"

"Oh, I dunno." Nerehc swallowed. "Since training, I think. You remember how many cadet groups kept fighting each other? I just never imagined the organization going well because of that. 'Course I did it, too, to be fair… I did it more. But that's why Supreme Leader still passed us. Made me his assistant, even. Taught me just what my mom taught: a Negaverse has Negatives. It defines our balance, and DNK's philosophy. That's why… he let the whole organization fall into chaos. He abused his operatives and tore down a couple treehouses. In the end, a semi-occurring purple fire set his office to sparks and earned him indefinite hospitalizing."

"No one ever knew why." Aror said sarcastically. "At least you were a little less neglective."

"Yeah… I really wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to erase what he did, but by that time, he and Mom got to me. I didn't think the Negaverse could be anything but… negative. But we know now my philosophy wasn't so bad at all, I guess. If I hadn't seized the throne, he definitely woulda cracked under the Dictator."

"Just like all the other leaders. Think about why they… did for a moment. Why would any of them crack under the Dictator?"

"Ibsej says she would have, afraid for her life and all. Heh, forgot to mention she visited me this morning."

"She… did?"

"Unfortunately. Said she was afraid for herself, woulda joined her if I hadn't come along, but 't's why she joined me. Then she didn't seem very afraid at all. I oughta try doing that with the other leaders…"

"How much would you… give… to get all those leaders to like you?"

"It's not that I want 'em to like me. I just wanna let them know they don't have to… be afraid. Because of some crazy power the Dictator has. If she used it on me, I wouldn't've surrendered. She's just one person and a few underlings, but millions of kids easily gave in to her."

"M-Maybe they had other reasons for joining." she followed understandably. "Like to save people she threatened to kill. Or-"

"-she promised to kill somebody for them." Nerehc thought aloud smugly, munching a pancake forcefully.

"…" Arorua's heart flooded with guilt. "If she threatened to kill somebody you didn't even know, would you surrender?"

"I'd probly kill her if anything. Like, what would that person have to do with us."

"W-What if it was one of the traitors. She probably would if…"

"For those guys, I would surrender." The response startled Arorua. "They're still my operatives, and I want to protect them. I know I can change their minds, too."

A pancake slice had been stuck to Aror's fork for the past 5 minutes as she was twirling it around. "You shouldn't give away everything you worked for just for a few lives."

"Why not? Even characters on Negatar did that. Sometimes surrendering so that you may slay your enemies later is a good thing."

". . . . . . . . . . ." They had 10 layers of pancakes. Nerehc's half was tucked in his tummy. Only the second piece of Arorua's could make it to her fork. "I'm not hungry." She dropped the fork on her plate and walked out of there in a hurry.

"A-Arorua!" Nerehc reached out for her.

"And will you be paying, Sir?" asked the waiter as he walked by.

"Talk to my parents, you dumb hippie." Nerehc stormed out as well. "Just kidding, I'll come back later."

The streets were bustling with townspeople when Nerehc got outside, making it difficult to see where his sister had gone. "Arorua?" Through the crowds, however, appeared to be a dark-blonde girl rushing to fight through. "Aror-Arorua!" Nerehc kicked on his rockets and soared overhead, startling the crowds before he landed right in front of her. "Arorua, what's wrong with you?! You're acting really weird today and I don't like it."

"I just… c-CAN'T I be concerned about what my brother plans to do if…if something terrible happens?!"

"Yes. But it's not normally you. Arorua, if something's bothering you, I want you to tell me."

"I'll tell you what's bothering me, you'd do so much as SURRENDER yourself for a couple of traitors!" she stated aggressively. "What kind of leader does that? They're traitors, Nerehc, they don't like you, and they won't think any more of you if you gave yourself up or not!"

"I figured you of all people would WANT something bad to happen to me."

"W-Why would you think THAT??"

"Because it's how you've always BEEN, Arorua. You wanted to squish me when I was tiny, you wanted to smother me in my sleep, you were only afraid for me when I was in Termina because Mom would've killed you. Why now, of all days, would you be worried for me-"

"Well YOU'VE ALWAYS been a spoiled LUG, but then you go thinking FRIENDSHIP'S most important, DON'T you."

"Arorua." Nerehc clutched both of her hands. Over his sunglasses, he stared with a look of pure sincerity and trust. "You're my sister… and no matter how you care about me, I love you. If there's anything bothering you…—that's not my general existence… I want you to tell me. As your leader, too."

Her eyes were on the verge of tears. She pushed Nerehc aside and vanished into the crowds. "A-Arorua—WAAIT! Ugh. . . ." Nerehc pinched his nasal bridge. "Girls are SO-"

"EMPTY YOUR HEARTS OF HIIIIIM." Right on cue, Sipa poofed to push him down. "Ah, Nerehc, I was planning to burn down the church when you appeared."

He stood and brushed himself off. "Hey, Sipa. Anything new going on?"

"Ohmygodlike sooooooo yeeeeeeeesss." The stars in her eyes said plenty. "Brace yourself, Nerehc: do you know what Inferius is?"

"The spell that which makes people inferior to you?"

"Close enough. Inferius is the Reanimation Spell, which can bring dead bodies back to life and allow a wizard complete control over them. Hehehehe, can you IMAGINE the pranks I can do with a spell like that?"

"Sounds wonderful." Nerehc said sarcastically.

"Hey, I supported you more than a fair amount, so at least sport a mixed chuckle."

"Kmm heh heh heh." He smiled. "Can you really do a spell like that, though?"

"Probably not. That's why I need to practice 'soon as possible! Then when I'm really good, I can do the Grand Imperius!"

"Oh, no. What's that?"

"It was invented sometime in Napaj: you can summon a soul back from the dead to inhabit an artificial body. Personality and all, any skills or powers they developed in the living will be at the controller's disposal. Except doing the spell requires a complicated process, so a lot of dark wizards never get around to it. Make that my new personal goal!! Eeeeemmm…" Sipa almost forgot to ask: "So what about you?"

"Arorua's been acting really weird. It's like she… knows something and she's afraid to talk about it. You'd think she'd learn from me after I so boldly revealed the Apocalypse."

"Well anyway, wanna go with me to practice the Inferius?" she asked eagerly. "I heard about this region in Eporue, reeeeaaaaally dead and full of bodies. It's the perfect place to practice and train my future army."

"Hm hm hm." Nerehc couldn't lie, Sipa was humorous when she wanted to be. "Let's swipe a R.E.P.M.A.C.S. and split then." He took his girlfriend's hand and rocketed over the city.

DNK Moonbase

Activity wasn't so ecstatic on Moonbase, either. Since Nerehc was late, Ininap took the pleasure of filling his paperwork—which Nerehc himself had begun doing lately, and Sicnarf and Hcaz were training Sucram and Yddam in the gym in Haki and Fishman Karate respectively. Spirits were high around the Moonbase lately, ever since Christmas, people have come to adore Nerehc as a leader. He scared off the Dictator twice and numerous traitors were apprehended before they could do anything. They haven't tried anything since, so except for ordinary villain attacks, the members of DNK haven't had to worry about anything.

But jinxes existed even in the Negaverse, because just when good times were continuing, their Moonbase was stormed by a fleet of ships. The glass walls shattered as Psiw of all colors soared in, joined by merkids who caught kids in blood grasps, and Nainozama who ran in to start crushing—except even the simplest blast from a ray gun scared them off.

Hcaz flew in, grabbed a merkid by the tail, and swung him into Psiw while Sicnarf moved swiftly and threw Armament punches at Nainozama; though a waste of strength. "They must be here for the prisoners, come—" A sudden blast of poison blinded their vision. Sicnarf and Hcaz were binded in the metal of the floor, while Yddam and Sucram were trapped in a psychic grip.

The smog, created by Yenmihc, cleared as Avakam marched forward with a smoking gun. The escaped DNKG agents surrounded them, including Ynnad. "Your leader late to the scene?" remarked Avakam.

"And what LAME locks!" Beewv jumped on her shoulder. "Surprised these lame-o's ain't escaped themSELVES!"

"Whaddo you think you're doing?" Sicnarf asked in his calm tone.

"Preparation." Ynnad confirmed, his wand aimed at Ininap, whom Enaillihr had wrapped inside water tentacles.

EiznekCm Household

Arorua returned to her house and collapsed frontwards on her bed. She couldn't be near Nerehc right now. She can't bear to face him again. Her brother… whom she had come to hate so much. Whom their mother favorited… gave him powers of the Devil. Whom Arorua would get in trouble for picking on, because he was so adored. Loved by his mother, loved by a Ganon girl, a Spanish kid, a spineless stutterer. Everyone loved or admired Nerehc… and what had he done for anyone.

He made an alliance with the Nimbi, became close friends with their leader so she would drop in on him while he was in underwear. (Or at least Arorua hoped.) He showed Christmas to the DNK, made everyone buy presents for another, whether they liked them or didn't like them. He and Cheren introduced them to their Positives… Arorua still didn't know the point, to strengthen their bonds or something. Whatever it was… Nerehc did it for them. He was a leader that truly cared for his followers. Arorua pegged him all wrong.

What had she done, though. Besides be lazy… so uncaring for her bickering friends, showing no enthusiasm for the missions Nerehc gave them. Lame missions, maybe, but Arorua had no spirit. She had no care for her little brother, showed no respect to her leader. After all the pranks and embarrassment… Nerehc had this to say:

"You're my sister… and no matter how you care about me, I love you. If there's anything bothering you…—that's not my general existence… I want you to tell me. As your leader, too."

…The Negaverse had no gods… that's what they were always taught. So why… was there a sun over their world? Why would any soul know what Christmas is, or the idea of love. Why, in a world where they would not be watched, judged… was she regretful in her decisions. Cared for her brother's safety. Wanted, more than anything… for him to have it all.

"Second thoughts?" Annaira asked. Just when Arorua looked up in surprise, she was trapped in her unbreakable grasp.

Eporue; Dead Lands

True to the word, there was a humongous plain in Eporue that was absolutely dead. The sky was pitch black, no wind blew. Not a single hint that even a blade of grass ever existed. Since just about anywhere looked juicy, they decided to take land on a random spot of land. The ground beneath their feet felt like solid flat rock at first step, but there was a hint of… softness that they couldn't describe. All Sipa needed to know, how much lie underneath. "Inferius."

With a wave of her wand, nothing happened for 10 seconds. Then, part of the ground before her sprouted a lump, the earth giving away as a dirt-riddled skeleton rose up. Sipa waved her wand like a conductor's baton, the corpse mimicking in movement. She flicked her wand, forcing the corpse to push its upper half out of the ground and wander about on its hands. "Huh. It worked." Nerehc said. "Nice job, Sipa."

"I know, but let's keep it going!" She cast the spell at another spot, making the upper half of a one-armed skeleton come out. It scratched the ground as it crawled around, and Sipa let them be accompanied by a straight one with no arms, running about frantically with his boney legs. Nerehc continued to watch as Sipa revived numerous skeletons, all playfully doing whatever like mindless animals.

"I doubt you'll make much an army out of these things." Nerehc said honestly. "Though if you wanted some extra hands around the house, by all means-"

Sipa's arms fell to her side. To Nerehc's confusion, her eyes were lazy and milky, as though she was just Imperiused. The skeleton with two arms and no legs crawled back over, staring at Sipa with empty sockets. For 30 seconds they stared… it made Nerehc uneasy. "Ummm, Sipa… you okay?"

"…Are you…are you… coming to the tree. Where they strung up a man… they say murdered three. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be." Sipa mindlessly walked forward, muttering this rhythm. "If we met at midnight, under the Hanging Tree."

Nerehc hurried after the girl, trying to make the least bit of sense of what she was doing. "Are you. Are you. Coming to the tree. Where dead man called out… for his love to flee. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight, underneath the tree." (Play "Hanging Tree" from Hunger Games: Mockingjay.)

Her quiet, gentle voice was joined by a team of voices whose sources Nerehc could not see. The field was totally empty… no… it wasn't… Nerehc saw faint white auras, reaching from the ground and appearing from the mist. He had the strange sensation that hundreds of thousands of eyes were staring at them. Sipa singing with the rhythm of thousands of voices.

He followed Sipa a few miles into the plain, before she finally stopped and tapped her shoe to the ground in a certain pattern. Before their eyes, a square patch of land lit, sinking into a staircase that led into darkness. Still singing with the voices, Sipa stepped down first, and his heart racing with worry, Nerehc followed. It was so dark, Nerehc's violet flame provided little light, but something in his possession did: the white light of the Devil's Sword surpassed all the rest, so Nerehc raised it forth, illuminating this land to its full brightness.

He was at a loss for words. Underneath this plain where everything was dead… there was a tree. For miles beneath the surface this cave stretched, all to make room for this tree that grew upside-down. The bark was cold and dead as stone, its branches skimpy, having never known a shred of life. Embedded within the bark, within the walls, reeking… thousands and thousands of corpses. Nerehc's sword gave light to it all… but thanks to its presence, more lights were added: thousands of faded white souls appeared from the darkness, staring at Nerehc with still, lifeless eyes. There was a hint of expectation in these eyes… like these souls have been waiting for someone like him for ages and ages.

Nerehc shot back to attention, remembering why he was down here: he was following Sipa, who was long down a pathway that led down the many branches this tree "grew." He was afraid of catching up using his rockets, so he merely followed the pathway she took, steadily catching up. The singing voices only grew louder as he went; soon, they would be inside his head entirely. He would be seconds from catching up with Sipa, he hoped. That is, before something caught his eye: on a branch above him, 3 leaves were sprouted. Green, tiny leaves that looked like they were struggling to stay on. But Nerehc could clearly see, one of the leaves was half-brown. In a matter of time, it would fully turn the color of rust, fall into the abyss.

Speaking of the abyss, Nerehc continued down the tree, desperate to catch up to Sipa. After what felt like miles of descending, Nerehc finally hit solid ground. But Sipa was still not done, mindlessly wandering around the stem, er, tip of the tree. Nerehc followed, and saw she was standing before a small, narrow shaft that led into darkness. When he expected her to grab a ladder and climb, instead she fell headfirst down the darkness. "Sipa!" He ran there and stood on the edge, but not even his Devil's Sword could illuminate the blackness. With every bit of courage, Nerehc jumped down, alighting his flaming shoes to soften his descent. He fell and fell, with no hope of ever finding a bottom. Nerehc got the idea this chasm would take him to the Earth's very core. Only time would tell.

But time would suddenly move faster when Nerehc's rockets immediately vanished, and he took the great fall. In seconds, he expected to join these souls in song… but a soft landing prevented such a fate. Nerehc gasped, realizing what he landed on. Sipa lay totally flat on the ground-… he didn't wanna say dead. He quickly turned her onto her back, checking for a pulse. Despite her still-cold eyes, those thumps were the only relief of Nerehc's day. But why his flames suddenly stopped burning… why now, this deep beneath the earth's crust.

And then Nerehc knew why: this room was filled to the brim with Chi-Seals. Dozens and dozens, more than he cared to count. All to the dedication of sealing one door. When he stepped forward, Nerehc knocked the door gently, and was unable to push it open. Nerehc absolutely had no idea why all these Chi-Seals were necessary. Only one could put the stamp on a bender, and two at the entrance of a building would have the structure set in stone. Why would just one door require so many seals? Nerehc came to only two conclusions: behind this door was a treasure so incomparably valuable or sacred, they made sure no bender could breach this… or inside this door was a bender of such unimaginable fury and power, they made absolutely sure he couldn't escape. But what bender would have such power? Nerehc didn't think chi-blocks worked on gods. No bender in the universe should require so many chi-blocks, to keep them in OR out. So why…why were all these seals in place. (End song.)

All he knew was… this creeped him the fuck out. He wanted to turn around and leave—"GAAH!!" when Sipa suddenly grabbed his shoulder forcefully. Her eyes were a deep crimson red, no signs of life or consciousness at all.

".won si emit taht ,tcejorp siht htiw dna ,latrom dnoyeb raf reit a eveihca dna stimil lacisyhp sih dnoyeb evlove lliw nam ,yad eno taht os egdelwonk kees ot eunitnoc dna seiradnuob sih dnoyeb og ot ytud s'nam neeb syawla sah ti ,dniknam fo yrotsih eht ni tnemhsilpmocca tsetaerg eht si ti ,hcraeser fo sega fo tluser eht si tcejorp sihT"

Nerehc absolutely wanted to get the fuck out of this tree, and he wanted to get out now. 'Cause that was absolutely the creepiest thing Sipa had done in her entire life. His heart continued to race even after Sipa shook her head and her eyes returned to normal. "…Boy, did you just totally doze off, too?"

"… … ..Weneedtogetoutofherenow." He grabbed Sipa's hand and ran for the exit—but there wasn't even a ladder to guide them back. "CRAP! Sipa, use Ascendio!"

"What am I, some Posiverse Nomékop?"

"I can't fly, so just do it!"

"All right. Ascendio!" She threw her wand up and shot straight up the shaft like a rocket. But no way her magic would take them all the way, thankfully they were out of the chi-zone as Nerehc kicked on his rockets and flew the rest of the way. They were back at the tree, and ignoring any sort of anger the ghosts might get in, he continued flying all the way to the top. Passing all the branches, all the ghosts, stopping before they hit the ceiling. Nerehc flew around until they found the ledge with the stairway up, taking land. "Siiigh… what a drag." Nerehc breathed.

"Nerehc, how did we get down here?!"

"You tell me, YOU'RE the one who led me!"

"I did not, I—"

"Can YOU twerps take your arguing somewhere ELSE?!" a chubby ghost with a short beard yelled angrily.

"Wait a second… aren't you-"

"Hori of the Psychic Nation, THANK YOU for asking." the ghost responded with an unfriendly tone. "Former Master of the Black Lotus forced into a CRAPPY afterlife because his Positive got tired of mortal squabbles. Choked on a damn hotdog."

"Meh you think THAT'S bad, I 'ad ta slip on a 'nana and SPLAT just 'cause MAH Positive had ta organize an assassination on HIMSELF." proclaimed Subla Erodelbmud, who Sipa knew as the former principal of the magic school, Guineapimples. "Wah if I could have ten SECONDS in the Spirit World, Ah would go for mah Positive and choke his ohld spiritual GUTS out. Ah tell ya, nothin' makes me more GOSHdamn mad than those GOSHdamn Positives. …Oh, and Sipa, excellent first Inferius."

"What kind of place IS this?" Nerehc exclaimed.

"Wah it's the place where Negatives go when they DEAD, fool! Or at least one of the places, I think there's a lake up in Aisa, but you should see-"

"AAAAAAAHHH!" They whipped around at the stairway when a scream seemed to sound from outside.

"What the… Sipa, come on!" He took his girlfriend's hand and rushed up.

"FINALLY, get lost!" Hori called after. "So wha' was that about you humping Avrenim?" he asked Subla.

Nerehc and Sipa arrived back to the surface, and several yards ahead, Arorua was on her knees. "Aror!" Leaving Sipa, Nerehc skied over, halting a few feet before his sister. "Arorua… what's-"

"AAAAAAHH!" Arorua's shoulder blades burst through her flesh, crimson with blood as she hovered into the air.

"ARORUA!!" Nerehc was about to fly up and grab-

"Don't." But then faced forward. Aluben .D Mottobeikniw stood, her blank, lidless eyes staring. "Nerehc… I have learned… all I needed to."

"DAAAAH!" He whipped around, seeing Sipa flail her arms and throw her wand away. Annaira had her in a bloodbending grasp, pinning her to the ground with her arms trying to twist behind. Nerehc readied to strike lightning, but ceased as Anna raised Sipa like a shield, and went further to make the girl choke herself.

"Waste not." Aluben told her subject. Anna released Sipa's hands and lowered her to her knees. "You're in no more position to fight… out of this." Aluben held her hands raised and open as she kept Arorua aloft. "After 3 years… my crowning is firm. Finally… after all of this time… you have no more else to say. Nerehc… it is time for you to submit to the only working order."

"Humph. And what order is that?"

"You see, Nerehc… I've always viewed an empire as… a body. A human body, if you will… And what is a body than millions of cells, all carrying a special task set forth for them by their god? Millions of tiny, tiny minerals, working. The nations of that empire – the bones of the body – all in perfect order and balance, to forever keep the body moving. Progressing. But what happens, when even the simplest bone is a little bit faulty? The body… breaks."

"AAAAAAHHH!" Arorua's left leg was bent upward, so her femur and tibia bones stuck out. Nerehc never saw a sight so painful; he never felt greater sympathy for anyone than Arorua.

"But then… you're…"

"Yes, Nerehc… bonebending. Controlling the bones of the mortal body, sensing the tiny minerals and enforcing your will over them. The most powerful and darkest of earthbending moves. My mother, brother and I are the last of the Mottobeikniw Family. The last of the bonebenders. Our ancestors, some of the first earthbenders to be entrusted with the power, have long desired to study its dark side. So, they came to the discovery of bonebending. Our chi became embedded within, not just our feet, but our skeletal structure. This power became feared, so my family was executed. Except, through a fault of her Positive, my mother. Who lived to this very day and had me. I have further demonstrated its ferocity… by establishing full dominion. Almost…"

"And you couldn't use it on me?"

"Because dark arts of any kind cannot affect darknessbenders. Not bloodbending, breathbending, or dark magic. I had nothing to control you, force you to my side. Until now…"

"But you could've taken anyone hostage anytime. Why choose now?"

"Because I had the wrong impression of you. I thought, with the Devil's essence inside, all that defined you was darkness and hatred. I was wrong. Inside, your heart is weak. You allow others into your life with love. You choose to seek light instead of the darkness which exists plainly inside you. I thought, if I had taken your sister and PULLED the skeleton from her flesh… you would show no remorse. I was wrong…"

"You seemed to get the impression… that I was just like you." Nerehc said firmly. "We both used our dark powers to get where we were… but all I sought in my quest was a better change."

"Make yourself distinguished with your tone. Stand out… above all the rest as a boy of love, not hatred. But understand… hatred is all that defines this world. The gods turn a blind eye to our dark world, and any elements or magic blessed onto us is devoted solely to dark arts. That's because our world, the Dark Side of the Coin, is made of their hatred. The hatred they wanted to put aside, so they may only see the light, Positive side. No matter what you do, Nerehc, you will never change this world. If you want further proof… join me at the tree. And I will show you…"

"Does this have anything to do with that weird door?!"

"A door? I have no idea what you mean. All I know… is the legend surrounding this tree. Do you know?"

"Hmmf." Nerehc kept his glare fixed.

"This Tree of Ending, alongside Mt. Gnaa and many such structures, indeed contained all the fallen souls of Negatives. That is why either of these structures was filled with nothing but dark energy. The hatred that was accumulated in all these poor souls… gave Negatar Gnaa an incredible source of energy that would allow him to revive Arceus in all his darkness. But Mt. Gnaa was a small puddle next to the Tree of Ending. Souls filled with the deepest spite came here, their energy polluting the Negaverse for eons. All thanks to the will of whom your powers originate."

"You mean… Demise?"

"Lord Ganon himself, yes. These structures were of his creation, and the Tree of Ending was rich with evil energy. And so, he cast his own influence over the accursed tree. Should any soul so desperate enough to want to follow in his footsteps… Should his body be destroyed, and his soul forced to inhabit that of mortals… they can come here… and take it all. Every ounce of boiling darkness would be at their will."

"Are you saying you want to… ABSORB all these souls?"

"Absorption in a manner of speaking. No… I will, in fact, become one with them. These souls, when summoned forth, will inhabit their former bodies, wherever in the world they may be. I will control each and every one of their corpses. Their energy once again thriving in their bones, my Army Built On Hatred will be the most powerful the Negaverse has ever seen. All I need now to accomplish this… is you, Nerehc."

"Why would I help you?"

"If you have any love for your sister… or those that serve under you… you will use your demon powers to summon them. My followers have already taken your Moonbase, your operatives will be ours to sacrifice. But not before this one… For every minute you take, your sister's 'nation' will become a little more disoriented."

"AAAAAHH-UUUAAAAAHHH!" No later did Arorua's arms twist so her finger bones poked out of separate areas from their respective flesh shells.

Nerehc couldn't take anymore of that, not wanting to see what bones will pop out of his sister next. "All…All right."

"Nereeehc!" Sipa yelled in protest.

"B…Bro.." Arorua choked.

"I promise to join up with you and help you out. Just… don't hurt any of my operatives."

"You have my word…" And to everyone's surprise, Aluben placed Arorua on the ground, still in unbearable pain with her dislocated bones. Annaira forced Sipa onto the ground, not taking her grip off her. Aluben walked past Nerehc and the tree's entrance, toward a small, simple stump standing lonely in the barren field. "Take your sword, and thrust it in this stump."

"What'll this do?" Nerehc asked, following.

"This stump is the base of the entire tree. Connected to all of its roots. With the Devil's Sword, that which belonged to Demise himself, the souls which lie in rest here will be called."

Nerehc still couldn't believe any of this would happen. He was anxious at the thought. If he stuck this sword into the stump, would eons of angered souls rise from the grave and bow to Aluben's power? Or was it all a hoax. Better yet, what if her bonebending didn't affect their corpses and they would roam the earth terrorizing every living soul.

"Shall we just add your friends on Moonbase into the mix?" she asked.

Nerehc couldn't wait anymore. He sincerely hoped with all his heart, as he raised the sword above the stump… she was wrong.

The sword pierced clean through, and as Nerehc gripped the hilt firmly in both hands—almost forcibly glued to it, the Triforce seal on his right hand shined, his energy flowing down the sword and into the stump. The very ground where it lay buried and the tremendous dead tree glowed an eerie purple light. Ghostly figures began to emerge all around, the most terrifying and howling visages on their demonic forms. Some shot directly back into the ground while others flew vast distances. Legions of skeletons arised from the ground, encased inside dark, otherworldly auras. Even Sipa was terrified, this being far beyond her magical or demonic level. The dead had arisen with unfathomable built-up rage. The Grand Inferius… this can't really be it… can it?

That's when they all started jittering uncontrollably. Nerehc saw Aluben hovering into the air—possibly making her own bones float, and whirled her arms. The skeletons immediately flew off the ground and into a dusty cluttered cyclone, brimming with their evil blue auras as they centered on Aluben. "My father, an esteemed emotionbender, used his powers to remove all of my feelings, so that I may focus solely on my goal. To make my body the perfect vessel for thousands of years of hatred. With all this evil in their bones, mixed into my own… I will achieve my ultimate goal, as Goddess of the Negaverse. This world… will finally have a deity to protect it, keep it in order. For I will rule it all with… HATRED."

Aluben's back bones pierced out of her body, linking with some of thousands and thousands of bones within the cyclone. All of those dark, angry souls, their expressions ravenous, howled at the soulless child and shot into her body. She didn't even scream. Just floated there and let thousands of beings of hatred come. The anger and rage existed clearly in their bones. Now those bones were all her own.

In the center of this vast, dark plain was a great blue light that revealed all. This light… belonged to one, supreme being. A great colossus of thousands of molded corpses. Alit by ghostly blue flames, allowing perfect view of her furious, burning black/yellow eyes. "I AM the Goddess of DEATH….. I AM the Negaverse's first guardian deity. I am she… who will bring new order to the World of Hatred. I, the sole embodiment of pure hatred… must continue to grow… until those who resist… will KNOW."

Her titanic, evil gaze fixed upon Annaira, whom even she was terrified of her ruler's new power. "Scour the treehouses. Order every operative inside to submit… or face judgment. Take all of the denizens of Moonbase and bring them to headquarters. Let them see their new age."

Anna only nodded. Aluben turned toward the heavens, her colossal form rising from the earth, going to the heavens.

Totally passing this off at the moment, Nerehc flew straight back to Arorua. With so many bones sticking out, but still not dead, she had every right to be crying. "Arorua…" He wanted to offer to get her help, but he questioned what doctors could fix such ruptures.

A sniffle. "N-Nerehc… I'm… sorry."

"The Dictator ambushed you, it's not your fault. I promise I'm going to-"

"She didn't just ambush me. I…I was WORKING for her."

"She forced you to spy on me?! No wonder why-"

"NO. She didn't. I…I JOINED her mySELF."


"Look!" Arorua pulled away and slipped off her left boot. On the back of her foot—or rather the flesh as the bones were twisted leftward—the DNKG logo was inscribed.


"I…I just hated you… so… much." She hadn't even the strength to look up. Her tears dropped directly to the ground. "Mom gave you everything… treated you like the prince you are. You were always so spoiled… to me. I thought that's… all you were. That's why you took the office of leader. Aside from fighting the Dictator… you did NOTHING. All you wanted was the throne… but I was wrong. Even before you made the alliance, you were a great leader. You gave me… and so many others treehouses and important jobs. You always… had it in you. You made friends with the Nimbi… showed Christmas to us. After how much I was mean to you, you still loved me. You did… still love me. But I was jealous, so I ignored it all. I just wanted to… hate you… and kill you. So I promised Aluben I would spy on you. I wanted to stop, ever since Christmas, since Nollid found out and never turned me in… but it's not that easy. I was afraid for myself. The inscription? There's a spell in place where Aluben can control any person that has it in their skin. It lets her bonebend them from afar, even see what they're doing. Even though Annaira is the one who writes them in."


"So I kept spying on you… and nothing happened for months. Until…Until her agents reported to've found the Tree. Aluben wanted me to get a bit more info out of you… determine for certain your weaknesses. She heard everything you said to me… what you would've done for your operatives. I knew… all along… this would happen."

"…" Nerehc closed his eyes. "You should've told me… a long time ago."

Arorua looked up. An eerie darkness fell over Nerehc.

"If I had known this… I would've cut Aluben's head off a long TIME ago!!"

"Nerehc." He turned to Annaira, who still had Sipa in her grasp. "Time for yours. Since bloodbending won't work… I have other means." She pulled out a pocketknife.

Before either could respond, the ground began trembling. Miles to the west, a great cyclone of dust and bones spiraled their way. Anna kept hold on Sipa and ran one way while Nerehc took Arorua and soared to the sky. The wind of the cyclone was too strong, and seemed dead on catching Nerehc. With all his strength, the latter couldn't get to the sky. He and Arorua were sucked in. "AAAAAHHHH!" Annaira and Sipa only watched as it blew beyond the horizon.

Ydnew's House

The mountains never looked more beautiful. Even with so many clouds still in the heavens, there were plenty of holes to let sun in. All this light, to Ydnew and Itaav's eyes… could only be a bad omen. "Dad… what's going on?"

"Something I expected for a while, Ydnew. Ever since… he predicted it would."

"You mean…?"

"Yes. Let's only hope… he got to Nerehc in time."

Yes, folks… Aluben’s powers are revealed. And what a time, when she achieves the Logia. Two more chapters until this Season of Shadows concludes. I will see you… for the final battles.

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