
Victor's Birthday-eve! He's getting WHAT kind of present!? (2)

Yuuuuri!" Hiroko was calling from downstairs, "Yuri! Vic-chan! Get up already!"

The younger of the two grumbled a little as he stirred, rubbing his eyes...but then fell back asleep again.



His mother's voice sounded much closer that time, though still distant enough that she was at least outside their shared room rather than in it. He was up with a start either way, pushing himself up so quickly that he saw his partner's arm get tossed where it had once been draped over him, landing in the meager heap of blankets that they'd been sleeping on. Seeing the arm land, Yuri suddenly realized the man next to him was naked...and he was naked as well. Clothing was still where he'd remembered them being placed the night before; Victor's on the couch, his own on the headboard.

Ohmygod we really did it last night. He thought in a slight panic, feeling his heart jackhammering away...only to slow down again almost as quickly as it had gotten started. Wait...why am I so freaked out? He reached over to gently comb the silver-grey hair out of his fiancé's face with his fingers, I agreed to marry him...to share everything with him; body, mind, and soul. It would've been inevitable...and I liked it anyway...

Victor stirred just a little, rolling from his side to his back. He hummed a little something to himself in a sleepy haze, but appeared to go right back to sleep.

Yuri smiled at it, scooting closer until he could rest himself across his partner's chest, one arm curled under himself as the other laid flat, fingers curled just in front of his nose. He listened quietly to the man's breathing, the beating of his heart, and savored in the warmth of his skin. He only turned his head a little as he heard the sound of scratching at the base of the sliding door...and then - even worse - footsteps thumping up the hall just beyond the walls.


"I'm awake!" He called out, hoping beyond all reason that his mother wouldn't just barge into the room, but braced for it in the event that she did.

"Is Vic-chan in there?"

"Of course he's in here; it's his room."

"Is he awake?"

"...I dunno, maybe?"

"It's nearly 10am. You two should be awake already! The movers are going to be here soon!"

"Nearly 10am!? Why didn't you wake us up sooner!?" Yuri was up right after that, scrambling for the pieces of his green spa-robe as he hobbled for the sliding door.

"I tried! I was hollering for you an hour ago!" Hiroko said, "Did you at least finish packing?"

"Yeah, yesterday, before we went to the Ice Castle." He answered. He pulled the robe closed over his chest as he neared the exit, and opened it just enough to get out; Makkachin wormed his way between his legs to get inside, and Yuri just watched the pup go. With a heave of a sigh, he looked at his mother, who just gave him 'that' look, "What?"

"You're not finished at all are you?"

"...I think we are!" He insisted, "All we left unpacked were the things we need to take with us to Nationals, or that we're using before we leave. I made sure of it last night."

"I hope that includes your soap and shampoo." She pointed out, "You stink."

One eye twitched furiously at the sound of those words, and Yuri just backed up through the doorway again, and fell in without another word, closing it with one foot.

"I'll make you boys breakfast after the movers are gone. For now, go clean up!"

"Haaaaai." Yuri heaved, looking up at where he still had a foot on the doorframe. He waited until he could no longer hear his mother's footsteps, heading towards the stairs at the end of the hall, and descended. Once the sound was gone, he flopped down the rest of the way down to the floor...only to tilt his head back and find Victor smiling back at him, holding his chin up in the palm of his hand. Makkachin was up on the bed next to him, and they both looked at the frumpy heap on the floor.

"Ohayo, koibito." The Russian mused quietly, his Japanese spoken with the added spice of his own native accent, "O genki desu ka?"

Yuri hadn't expected to be spoken to in Japanese by the man, so it was confusing for a moment, but when he finally understood what his partner had asked, he rolled onto his stomach and pushed up onto his hands and knees. He crawled over the few paces between them, pushed himself up onto his knees to make-up for the height difference of the bed, and answered the inquiry with a kiss and a nuzzle, "Genki desu."

"What did I miss?" Victor asked, nosing his partner back affectionately, "I only really woke up when you fell into the room a minute ago." He explained, reaching up to cover a yawn.

Cherry-hazel eyes watched quietly as Victor pushed up on his hands and sat back in the blanket pile; as usual, caring nothing for being completely exposed. Yuri shook his head, "It's nearly 10am. Movers will be here in the next 30 minutes. We should get cleaned up and get out there before they show up."

The Russian stretched, and let his arms slump at his sides lazily. He nodded though, and rubbed his face a little, "Are you ready for this? It's a big change for you."

"Mh." He answered, "I was only nervous about a handful of things, but after last night..." The words trailed as Yuri's face got pink, but he found no need to finish the sentence as he felt a warm hand come up under his chin.

"No more worries then?"

Yuri barely shook his head, smiling, "I'm ready for just about anything now."

"Perfect." Slate blue eyes half-closed, "That's just what I like to hear."


By the time the pair were ready and headed outside, Makkachin was already barking up a storm, tail flailing back and forth excitedly as a huge CedEx box-truck turned into the small parking lot in front of the resort. Yuri pulled on the dark blue coat that Victor had gotten for him just before their trip to Barcelona, and threw a scarf around himself as well.

Victor was close behind, yawning again where he stood shoeless just inside, but perked up as the cold winter breeze brushed across his face. Wearing only a loose-fitting thin sweater and sweat-pants, he clearly wasn't about to go all the way outside like his partner was.

Yuri did all the talking, hearing the workers speaking in Japanese rather than English for once, and did the same in turn so everything went smoothly, [Yeah, everything is in boxes with your shipping logo.] He explained, pointing in though the open sliding doors, [There's a few more boxes upstairs still, but we'll bring them down for you.]


There were three workers that went by them after that, one of them stopping to get a signature from Yuri to confirm the destination address, and then followed in after the others with a label-gun in his other hand.

"Well, I...I guess that's it then." Yuri said in English again, turning to look at where Victor was leaning against the doorframe, and approached to stand close by, "You can stay and watch, or..."

"I'm hungry." The Russian said simply, an aloof smile on his face, "Let's eat something."

The first boxes were starting to get hoisted out through the doors on hand-trucks, wheeled through main entrance-way and under the resort arch towards the waiting mechanical lift at the back of the truck. Seeing their things being stowed away made butterflies rise into Yuri's gut, but Victor wouldn't let him dwell on it, putting an arm lazily over his shoulder.

"Hungry." He said again.

"Mom said she'd make something for us once the movers were gone..." Yuri explained, stepping inside just long enough to push his fiancé towards the common room, "Maybe she'll take pity on you and feed you early. I'll get the boxes from upstairs and join you soon."

"But I want to eat you." Victor said hazily, still half-asleep apparently.

"...Eh?" Yuri stopped dead in his tracks, snow crunching under his shoes as his face turned red, remembering the crude jokes that had passed between the Russian and his own sister the previous week, "Don't you mean you want to eat with me?"

"Silly Yuri." Victor said, still giving him a sly look, "You're the tastiest pork-cutlet fatale in the whole world, and I've barely gotten a sample..."

Yuri quirked a skeptical brow.

Victor turned around and stepped closer, though cautious of where the warm inside floor changed to the frozen cold step. One hand went onto the front of each of Yuri's shoulders, then he leaned in close, giving him fiancé a quick peck of a kiss by one ear, "I meant exactly what I said."

Glasses fogged up, but all Yuri could do was stand there and listen to his partner having a good laugh at him as he stood back upright.

Victor waved as he turned around to go to the common room finally, "Come eat when you're done."

When he was gone, Yuri reached for his face and pulled his glasses off, grumbling as he used his scarf to clean them off. As he set them back in place, he spotted a henna-pink blob out the corner of his eye, and turned to spot his older sister there snickering at him, "Mari-nee-chan..." He said dully.

"I wish you guys were staying a little longer, little brother." She teased, "It's so funny watching your reactions to everything. You're such an innocent."

The aforementioned younger brother just grabbed the scarf again and wrapped it fully around his head until nothing but the white glare off his frames could be seen, "I'm going to get the boxes from upstairs."

Mari just pat his shoulder as he walked by.


By noon, the CedEx truck was finally pulling away from the resort, and the skating duo stood on the street to watch it go. They had with them all their remaining belongings; backpacks with Yuri's skating gear, both of their skates, travel supplies and changes of clothes. It was all they'd need to leave for St. Petersburg right after Nationals.

"I'm a bit nervous about sending Makkachin ahead with all our stuff, but...it wouldn't be easy to sneak him into the hotel."

"Yeah... It'd be hard to have a dog to take care of while competing."

"Let's head to the Ice Castle." Victor said, holding Yuri's left hand with his right, "Yuko said there was a class until 1, so they should be done by the time we get there if we start walking now."

Yuri nodded, and the pair started heading towards the road bridge. The winter winds were colder as they crossed, and Victor stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, taking Yuri's with it where he held on.

"So how much colder is it than this in Russia?" Yuri wondered aloud, his nose and ears getting a bit red from the brisk afternoon air.

"Oh, much colder." He answered, "I'll buy you some proper winter gear though once we get there."

Yuri pondered those words for a moment, "You probably make so much more money than I do."

"Probably, but it's not just from prize money. Russian athletes are sponsored by the state, so I get to keep a lot more of it than skaters who have to pay out-of-pocket for everything." Victor huffed a laugh, "My mailbox will be overflowing by the time we get there. No doubt my return to the ice will be profitable. Then I can shower you with gifts~!" He nuzzled closer affectionately, "Now that you've been on the GPF podium, you'll probably see more, too. So keep going, and pretty soon, people will be sending you invitations for all sorts of opportunities."

"How soon do you think you'll know if the RSF is sending you to Worlds?"

"Pretty soon after Nationals. Knowing I'm not going to Euros will give me plenty to time to get ready."

"How are you going to get ready? Do you have programs in mind? Costumes?"

"I'll just use one of the programs I arranged before deciding to be your coach. 'Eros' and 'Agape' were only two of the four programs I was mulling over last year."

"Oh...there were four?"

"Yes...the Four Loves." Victor explained into his scarf, snow crunching beneath their feet as they continued on, "Eros, the erotic love. Agape, the unconditional love. Storge, the empathy bond, like with family members, and Philia, the love held between close friends. I was working on Eros and Agape mostly, but I had Storge at the back of my mind...I just wasn't really feeling it yet. You know as well as anyone that you can't properly tell a story on ice if you aren't invested in it. Yurio's 'Agape' always lacked a little because he couldn't keep his greed in check."

"Storge...the empathy bond..." Yuri echoed, thinking on it, "Like the bond between mother and child, or siblings. What was holding you back...?"

"To me, family meant impatience, loss, suffering, and amnesia..." Victor answered curtly, "But by the time I practiced it here in Hasetsu, my mind wasn't on that page anymore. My understanding of the 'family' bond changed drastically because of you and your family."

Yuri balked, surprised by the dour admission, "Why would family mean something so dark for you...?"

"It just does...and because it was so different from Eros and Agape, it put me in a rut." The silver answered with a shrug, "Not really true suffering, I know, but as an artist, I was in anguish." He squeezed Yuri's hand where he held it in his pocket, "Which is why I'm so glad your friend's kids posted that video of you. Being here with you has given me so much inspiration~! I could plan programs for the next 10 years if I thought I'd be in the game that long!"

"You do tend to be pretty impulsive when you've decided on something." His partner agreed, stepping closer to hold to Victor's arm with his free hand, "Is that what happened yesterday with 'Aria'?"

"Sort of." Victor said cheerfully, "It was just so much fun to skate it beside you, after telling you what it meant to me. It just...seemed right."

"I wish I could keep up with you," Yuri sighed, though he tried to smile anyway, "You're so at ease with everything...but I'm playing it all back in my head like it's some recap of a sporting event."

"You don't regret it, do you?" Victor wondered anxiously.

"Huh? No. I didn't mean it like that." Yuri answered, stroking his fiancé's hand with his thumb where he held it, "Japan is...really conservative, that's all. My mom joked about how women would be seen as hopeless if they aren't married by my age, but it's kind of true. It's just seen as pathetic if a man isn't, but at least we have the benefit of being seen as career-minded, so the judgment isn't as severe." He paused slightly, not sure how to phrase his thoughts. He shook his head, "Everything is so structured and binary here. Fiancés are supposed to become husband and wife, not husband and husband...you know what I mean?"

"You're worried about being seen as less than what you are?" Victor asked, hearing Mila's words on the wind, like her warning was haunting him.

"No...I don't see the wife-thing as being 'less.' It's just 'different.' But if we had to define things, we both know who between us is the more dominant personality. By default, the stronger one is the husband; the leader. So that makes me...not a husband..."

"Well, you're not a wife either though. Do you think you'd be seen as not-a-husband if you married a woman instead of me?"

"Well, no...but..."

"Would the woman be the husband if she had a stronger personality than yours?"


"Then what are you worried about?"

Yuri grumbled to himself, not sure how to reply.

"The only person whose opinion matters, other than you own, is mine, and I say that I'm taking you as my husband. Not as my not-a-husband, not as my wife, not as my domestic partner. Say it with me, Yuri. Hus..."


"Say it over and over, until it loses its meaning when you speak it out loud, and it doesn't look right anymore when you write it down." Victor went on, "Say it so often that you have to start saying it in Japanese so you know what you're even talking about. ...What is the word anyway?"

"There's a bunch, actually... 'Shujin' is one most men use when referring to themselves, but that implies 'lord' or 'master.' Most young people go with 'danna' or 'otto' now. What's the Russian word?"

"Muž." Victor answered happily, "And we will be muž'já."

"...Moosh...mooshya..." Yuri tried, his attempt at a Russian pronunciation falling flat.



Half a hundred pictures were taken by the triplets when Yuri and Victor arrived at the Ice Castle. Yuko was a bit emotional, knowing that Yuri wouldn't be coming back to Hasetsu after Nationals, but her husband was all encouragement and well wishes.

"We wanted to see if we could skate one last time before we leave." Victor said, "If it's not too much trouble."

"Never!" Yuko said enthusiastically through her tears.

The whole bunch of them ended up on skates after that. The 'event' itself was incredibly casual; sliding along in wide circles at a leisurely pace. Yuri held to Victor's hand for most of it, and the girls held to a corner of Victor's long coat, dragged around the ice rather happily. A few times, the pair broke off to skate a bit faster, but they were never far apart from one another.

Yuko noticed how well they synched, able to execute several complex maneuvers without so much as speaking to one another. She supposed they each knew what moves were coming based on the position they were in when entering them. Once in a while, she recognized a few short cuts from different programs the pair knew. Victor even started performing 'Yuri on Ice' for the fun of it, which inevitably brought tears to Yuri's eyes, even without the music. Yuko consoled him on the sidelines as the girls recorded it. Never to be outdone, Victor performed the program flawlessly, including that signature move at the finale, with one arm raised, reaching for his fiancé.

The thought then occurred to Yuri though, "Being able to do my program so well, you could've outdone your own record, too. Do you plan on trying to retake it at Worlds?"

"Of course." Victor purred, pulling Yuri back out onto the ice as he caught his breath, "I won't go easy on you just because I hope you win Gold. My fans and sponsors won't be happy if they think I'm pulling punches."

"No, that makes sense." Yuri agreed, "It's going to be a really rough season. With you coming back, Yurio already a Gold medalist, and probably JJ getting his nerves calmed...never mind all the other talent."

"You were in warm-up mode until almost the very end." Victor pointed out, "The others were really trying. Yurio even had to start taking risks to beat you. Imagine if you started taking risks!"

Yuri's mind went on to do just that, but all he saw was the rink wall when his face collided with it at the Japanese Qualifiers. He shook his head, and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maybe."

"We should probably start packing it in..." Takeshi said, rubbing the fatigue from his eyes as he went to round up his kids, "You guys should be getting to the train station."

Yuri looked at the time on his phone, "Wow, almost 7 already. Is there anything left to do before we leave?"

"We're missing one person to say goodbye to."

"Minako-sensei..." Yuri said, worried they'd miss her somehow, "She said she'd meet us at the station. I can tell her we'll be there in half an hour if you can't think of anything else we need to do."

"You left your 'Aria' costume here yesterday, Victor." Yuko pointed out, coming onto the ice again, "You probably don't want to leave without it."

"Oh wow, no, thank you." He said, surprised at himself, receiving the suit bag with care, "I'll just have to bring this as a carry-on, I guess." He folded it and clipped the bottom of the bag to the hanger-hook to make it as small as possible, then turned back to Yuri, "All that's left then is saying your final goodbyes to your family."

As they all started to head off the ice, packing their skates away for the last time, Yuri's anxiety started to creep up again. It wasn't a fearful sort at least...it was a happy and excited form. He was last to leave the Ice Castle though, before Takeshi turned from where he held the door open to lock up once they were gone.

Yuri and Victor stood in front of the Nishigori family, smiles all around, "Thank you all for everything you've done to help get us to the GPF."

"It was our pleasure." Takeshi answered proudly, "Ice Castle Hasetsu is always happy to welcome you."

"We're going to miss you, Yuri!" The triplets chanted together, stepping forward to give him their goodbye hugs and well wishes. They then turned to the Russian, and Loop nervously asked on all their behalf, "Can we call you Uncle Victor? Since you're marrying Yuri."

"I'd love that~!" He answered enthusiastically, kneeling down to embrace the three of them. He kissed them each on the cheek in turn, "Do svidanija."

"Mom, take a picture for us!" Lutz begged, waving her phone excitedly for Yuko to take.

Victor pulled Yuri into the picture, standing in front of the lights of the Ice Castle as they picked up the girls for a better shot, and all five of them smiled brightly. Victor even pulled out his own phone and had Yuko take the same photo for his own sake.

"Let me take one of just you two." She offered, and the triplets quickly vacated the spot to clear the frame. They clambered to their mom's legs with their own phones out, ready and eager to take pictures for their Instagram page.

Victor pulled his fiancé closer, holding both of his hands in his own for something of a formal photo. When that was done, he pulled Yuri against his chest and threw his arms over him, rubbing their cheeks together for another photo to post on his own Instagram. He held his fingers out in a V-shape and smiled brightly, "Yay! Hashtag #JapaneseNationals and then #BackToRussia!"

Yuko laughed and gave Victor his phone back, "You two are adorable. I can't wait to see what you have planned for your big comeback."

The group could see the lights of a taxi coming towards them, and they knew that time was up.

"Yuri..." Takeshi started, holding out his hand to the younger man. When the skater took it, he pulled him forward and patted him firmly on the back, "You've come a long way since you were a chubby little kid. Broke a world record and scored a good-looking foreign fiancé, too. But you still have so much more that you can accomplish. Don't come back until you have Gold, okay?"

Yuri blushed, but nodded, "I'll do my best."

Yuko then stepped forward, and hugged her life-long friend tightly, "He's right. You've achieved so much since we used to copy Victor together here at the Ice Castle. I want you to win Gold, but more than that, I want you to have fun and enjoy yourself. If you can't say you like what you do anymore, then it's a waste, right? Love what you do, and love those you do it with. You'll go far."

Yuri actually started to tear up at her words, and rubbed his eyes with a free hand as he hugged her goodbye, "Thank you, Yu-chan."

As the taxi parked, Victor started moving towards it, taking Yuri's hand to pull him along. It was bittersweet to be leaving the Ice Castle, and Yuri felt rather somber then. He took one last long look at it before getting into the back seat behind Victor, and waved to the Nishigori family as the car started to pull away.

"Take care, Yuri! Take care, Uncle Victor!"

"You tooooo~!"

When they were out of sight, Yuri pulled out his phone, just waiting for the triplet's fanpage to update. Instead, and perhaps because it took less time, Yuri spotted something else.



v-nikiforov One last skate at Ice Castle Hasetsu before going back to St. Petersburg. I'm sad to be leaving these amazing hot-springs, but so relieved I'm taking a special souvenir home with me! #LeavingHasetsu #LifeAndLove #SkateHusbands #JapaneseNationals #BackToRussia

The formal photo of them just holding each other's hands came up with it. Yuri's eyes welled up as he looked over at his fiancé, seeing him with his phone out as well, the glow of its light illuminating his face in the dark cab.

Victor reached over and squeezed his hand, "You're a very emotional person. It's quite endearing."

"I told myself I wouldn't cry while saying bye to everyone, and then this gets me." Yuri muttered, wiping his eyes with his free hand, "I thought you'd post the other picture; the silly one."

"I will later, but I liked this one better in the moment. It's like a wedding photo."

The cab driver suddenly piqued his head up, "I'd heard you two were getting hitched. It's news all over town."

Victor beamed and proudly held his ring-hand up for the man to see in the rearview mirror, "Yep!"



Yuri looked over nervously as Victor sat back in his seat again, "Are you really going to make me wait until I win Gold somewhere important before we can have the wedding?" He asked, "I might not even win one. We could be waiting for years before it happens, if it ever does. You know I'll get nervous competing against you."

"You broke my record, and I had won Gold when I set it to begin with," Victor pointed out, "I think that's cause enough to go ahead and make plans."

Yuri's face lit up, "Really?"


"Where will we go?"

"I was thinking of going back to Barcelona. It seems the most natural place, unless we come back here."

"Will one of you change your names?" The cab driver wondered.

"Hmmm..." Victor thumbed his lip, "I hadn't thought of that~!"

"Yuri Nikiforov..." Came a whisper.

Before Victor could really respond, his phone started buzzing loudly in his coat pocket, catching him by surprise as he pulled it out, "I wonder who'd be calling this late at night?" He asked himself, looking at the Cyrillic text on the faceplate, and suddenly got really excited, "Zdravstvujte! ...Da. Da. On gotov?" He paused only long enough to hear the answer, and somehow looked even more excited, "Dostavit' ego v moj dom. My budem tam vo vtornik. Spasibo bol'šoe! Do svidanija." He clicked out of the call and put the phone back where it had been, only to turn his head and grin at his partner, "Now I can't wait to get back."

"What was that all about?"

"You'll see." He answered coyly, "You were saying, though?"

"Oh...I was saying...I like the sound of Yuri Nikiforov..."

Victor smiled, and then reached his arm over his fiancé's shoulders to pull him close, "So do I."

By the time they pulled up to the resort, the snow was starting to fall again. Goodbyes to his sleepy family were easier than they were with the Nishigoris, and with the last of their luggage stowed in the taxi's trunk, the pair were soon on their way again. It was only a few more minutes before they arrived at the train station.

Minako was waiting for them, looking a bit disheveled - like she'd gotten out of bed to be there - but it turned out that it was just because she'd been drinking a little. Yuri knew she'd taken a taxi herself to get there, so he put his hand on Victor's shoulder to have their own taxi wait a moment so their driver could take her home again. Victor paid the man and asked that he wait, which he was happy to do since Victor prepaid for that trip as well.

"Yuri..." Minako said proudly, though with an air of sadness to her tone, "You're leaving this town to go train abroad again. It may be another five years before you come home."

"Maybe." He answered sheepishly.

"I'm counting on seeing you at Four Continents, okay? To show me what you've learned, since I won't be able to make it to Nationals on such short notice."


Minako nodded, and then turned to Victor, "You've been a bachelor for years. I remember all the days you were so liberal with your flirtations to the millions of fans you have around the world. But even with all that, you came to Hasetsu and claimed this guy as yours." She thumbed at Yuri like he wasn't there, which made him blush again, "What are you going to say to all of those ladies and gentlemen whom you've spurned?"

"I love all my fans." He answered easily, "I can only hope they continue to cheer me on, and Yuri, too. They all cheered loudly enough when I knocked him over at Cup of China."

The tired ballerina smiled, and then reached out with her right hand to cup the Russian's pale cheek. She rubbed it lightly with her thumb, and nodded again in approval before pulling it away, "Take care of him."

Victor smiled, and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek in turn, "I promise. Do svidanija."

"Davai. Both of you. I'll be cheering you on from Yu-Topia."

The Russian pulled Yuri close with an arm over both shoulders, carrying his costume bag over the other, "Spasibo! Our cabbie will take you back home, so don't worry about calling another."

"Bye, and thanks for everything, Minako-sensei. I'll keep in touch!"

"You better!" She waved, watching them go until she could no longer see them through the train station doors. Once they were gone, she got into their cab, and gave the man her address for home. She settled in for the quick drive, but pulled out her phone to check Instagram. First on the list was a post from the triplets' account.



victuri Victor Nikiforov skates 'Yuri on Ice'

#YuriOnIce #VictorOnIce #IceCastleHasetsu

She watched the video, not even realizing the music hadn't originally played when the footage was taken; Victor was so cued in to the song that he skated it in perfect time even without the beat. Smiling as it finished, Minako could hear the sound of Yuri starting to cry off screen. As she scrolled on, she saw a photo of Yuri and Victor with the girls in front of the castle, and then finally below that, Victor's own photo post. That image brought happy tears to the ballerina's eyes.

You two are so perfect.