
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 23 Mother

Fujitsu a woman says waking up fujitsu up out of his sleep m..mom fujitsu says reaching out to the woman she reaches out to grab fujitsu's hand but gets interrupted by a man busting into the room.The man back hands fujitsu's mom sending her to the floor why can't I move fujitsu says in his mind as his mom gets stomped and punched right in front of him.He begins to see sand particles circle around him but when the man stopped he went to strike fujitsu but the sand blocked his attacks what i..is this fujitsu looks over to his mother to see sand spikes appear blood dripped from her nose she then reached out her hand than closed it as the sand spikes attacked killing him.My mom was a sand alchemist fujitsu says in his mind Momma will always love you fuji fujitsu's mom says before she falls to the ground fujitsu began to hear a younger kids voice it's all because of you fujitsu turns around to see a 4 year old version of himself crying.Fujitsu walked up to him and hesitated to touch his shoulder but he finally touched his shoulder the room went white a man appears beside fujitsu fuji it's going to be ok as long as you have courage as long as you find a reason to fight a reason to live you will unlock something special.Fujitsu wakes up on a roof mom..dad fujitsu says as he stands up I'll find a reason to fight one day.

(3 Years Later)

I'll kill you a man says before he gets Sand cocooned your way to loud a voice says as the voice turns out to be fujitsu wearing a black and gold oni mask in army looking pants,boots,and a jacket your just a kid a man says before he gets sent flying through a wall back when I was a crazy 9 year old I loved to harm people I still kind of do but I do it for a reason some people can call it brutality or murder but I kill someone for a reason fujitsu says as he vanishes with his sand.