
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 18 Stallions Return

The flings off the person's head show it was stallion right before she got blasted with a beam neko rushed in clapping his hands together and touching the ground blocking the red figures blast.N..neko stallion says neko rushes over and grabs her hand before the beam broke through the barrier of earth neko made.Neko claps his hands together and touched the ground making a wall cause the red figure was building up power to blast.We got to go now neko says as he grabs stallion one more time the red figure stopped building up and sent out a huge blast of power neko and stallion where sent flying.When neko opened his eyes their was just a huge crater what was that thing neko asked it's the calamity stone stallion responds how was this stone able to get a body neko wonders.You would need a lot of alchemy to be able to do it but it is possible fujitsu says neko and fujitsu sit their trying to figure it out.Well tell me when you figure it out I'm going to go stop that monster stallion says neko and fujitsu search the city but their was no ref figure or a stallion.Neko paused for a moment and thought what if their was an underground hide under this underground city neko wondered he told fujitsu they find an entrance to the sewer.You better hope that stallion or that walking stone or here or I'm going to tear you lim from lim fujitsu as they walk through the sewers.They began to fill tremors and they heard screeching they head down the tunnel to see stallion and the stone fighting once again.This tunnel is unfinished poles where everywhere ready fujitsu neko asks fujitsu nods they jump down neko landed on a pole fujitsu floats down with his sand.The stone looks over at them and launched of a pole into neko's direction and neko did the same they collided with each other the poles ringed while neko and stallion fought the stone fujitsu was working on a sand barrier.Stallion got out neko was cutting it close with the stone in hot pursuit he makes it through now!! neko yells fujitsu claps his hands together making the sphere barrier shrink.The stone couldn't break out of it the sand crushed it back to it's original size just right when neko was about to grab it boom as akai and kage come from the the city floor crashed down.Kage jumps back from akai who was played out on his back then gets up kage and akai notice neko holding the calamity stone.But it was like they where froze in time and something is different about neko the black and purple aura returns.