
Next Gen alchemists

In this world of alchemy their are creators and destroyers I wonder if this world is ready for the coming events that put the world in danger between these two types of alchemist I hope you enjoy this world of alchemy is about.

Anime_WriterJk · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 10 The shadow Alchemist

Evil neko Is on a subway to Yomi to search for the second piece of Calamity neko feels a strange feeling from inside the train he looks around and sees no one it's not just that presence their is another that's familiar he sees the city everything is so happy and cheerful reminds me of me and neko as he smiles

neko awakes w...where am I theirs nothing but darkness around me neko tried to get up but he had chains on his wrists i can't let you interfere. Brother Hiro! neko yells hey their elder brother how's it been hiro says why am i chained in here give my body back neko says not until i find all five pieces of Calamity and revive are father that hiro responds. You don't even know that guy or thing is are father hiro he runs up and kicks neko in the head don't talk bad about the man that saved my life if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here hiro walks into the darkness. Hiro wakes up and leaves the train hiro looks around looking for the second piece and sees a guy in black suit looking around once hiro looks away then looks back to see him disappear. Maybe im not the only one to be searching for the stones he keeps looking to then look up to see fujitsu looking around so he is alive hiro looks all around Yomi but can't find anything but he does run into the guy in the black suit. Why are you here he asks im just visiting hiro responds hiro shadow hands appear behind him well your going to be visiting death in a second if you don't leave hiro jumps to the top of a House he jumps house to house then the guy appears in front of hiro shadow hands attacked him hiro dodges and sends a blade at him he dodges the blade strikes the roof behind him hiro throws a punch but he dodges again and sends a shadow hand that punches hiro into the street. Your weaker than your brother aren't you hiro he sees hiro still laid out after that punch well then see ya later kid the shadow hands twist together forming a drill now die!! a big explosion that could be heard through out the city when hiro looked up he saw sand surrounding his body and fujitsu standing in front of him blocking the attack.

Guy in black suit

Alchemy: Shadow

Is able to fast travel, hide, and kill in the shadows

and is able to bend the shadows at his will

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