
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

Tides of Battle

As the match kicked off, Daehan Reckoners wasted no time in putting their plan into action. With precision and coordination, they swiftly executed their strategy, converging on the middle tower as a unified force. The decision to prioritize the middle tower wasn't arbitrary; it was a strategic move aimed at disrupting Stormborn Sentinels' ability to regroup effectively.

Their approach to the middle tower wasn't just about seizing control; it was about seizing control decisively. By securing the central point on the map, Daehan Reckoners aimed to disrupt Stormborn Sentinels' movements and force them into a defensive position. This would make it difficult for their opponents to mount a coordinated counterattack and regain momentum.

As they advanced, Daehan Reckoners encountered resistance from two players of Stormborn Sentinels attempting to contest the tower. However, the sight of Daehan Reckoners' entire team descending upon them was enough to send them fleeing, retreating in the face of overwhelming numbers. This display of dominance further solidified Daehan Reckoners' control over the middle tower and bolstered their confidence in their strategy.

Securing the middle tower wasn't just about gaining a tactical advantage in the present moment; it was about setting the stage for future engagements. With control of the central area of the map, Daehan Reckoners could dictate the flow of the battle and respond quickly to any enemy movements. This strategic positioning allowed them to maintain pressure on Stormborn Sentinels and limit their options for counterplay.

As Daehan Reckoners stood victorious at the middle tower, a sense of determination filled the air. They knew that securing one tower was just the first step towards victory, and now it was time to proceed with the next phase of their plan.

"So, what's the next move?" Soo-jin asked, her voice filled with determination.

"We stick to the plan," Jae-hwa replied, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of movement. "Soo-jin, Hei-rung, and I will stick together, just like we practised. Min-jee, Hyo-sonn, you two stay parallel to us, but keep an eye out for any flanking manoeuvres."

"Got it," Min-jee nodded, her focus unwavering as she prepared to move out.

Hyo-sonn adjusted his position, ready to provide support wherever it was needed.

"We'll keep them on their toes," he said with a determined grin.

With their roles clearly defined, Daehan Reckoners wasted no time in moving towards their next target: the bottom tower. While there was no particular reason for choosing the bottom over the top, they knew that securing any tower would bring them one step closer to victory.

As they advanced, they remained vigilant, keeping a lookout for any signs of opposition. The path to the bottom tower was fraught with potential dangers, but they were determined to press forward regardless.

"Stay sharp, everyone," Soo-jin called out, her voice carrying over the battlefield. "We're almost there."

With each step, their anticipation grew. They knew that the bottom tower was heavily defended, but they were prepared to meet any challenge head-on. Victory was within their grasp, and they were ready to seize it with both hands.

As Jae-hwa alerted Soo-jin and Hei-ryung to the presence of three enemy players at the bottom tower, tension filled the air. Soo-jin's grip tightened around her weapon as she prepared to face their adversaries head-on.

"Three of them, huh?" Soo-jin remarked, her eyes narrowing in determination. "No problem. Let's show them what we're made of."

"We've faced tougher challenges before. We can handle this," Hei-ryung nodded in agreement, her focus unwavering as she prepared to support Soo-jin in the upcoming battle.

With their resolve steeled, Soo-jin wasted no time in leaping into action. With a fierce battle cry, she charged towards the enemy fighter, ready to engage in combat. The clash of weapons echoed through the battlefield as the two fighters locked horns, each determined to emerge victorious.

Meanwhile, Hei-ryung darted towards the marksman, her movements swift and precise. She dodged incoming attacks with ease, her eyes fixed on her target as she closed the distance between them. Just as she was about to strike, a sudden shot rang out, forcing her to veer off course to avoid the deadly projectile.

"Not so fast," Hei-ryung muttered under her breath, her eyes narrowing as she refocused her attention on the marksman. With determination burning in her veins, she launched herself towards her target once more, intent on taking down the enemy with her relentless assault.

However, her plans were quickly thwarted as the tank of Stormborn Sentinels intervened, intercepting her before she could reach the marksman. The two opponents locked in a fierce struggle, their strength matched as they grappled for dominance on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Soo-jin continued her duel with the enemy fighter, their weapons clashing in a symphony of steel. Despite the odds stacked against her, Soo-jin remained steadfast, drawing upon her training and experience to hold her ground against her formidable opponent.

As the chaotic skirmish unfolded, Jae-hwa found himself with a brief window of opportunity. With his keen eye and swift reflexes, he seized the moment, drawing his bow and taking aim at the enemy marksman who had been preoccupied with targeting Hei-ryung.

The unsuspecting marksman, too focused on his intended target, failed to notice Jae-hwa's arrow until it was too late. With a twang, the arrow soared through the air, finding its mark with deadly precision as it pierced through the marksman's head.

The sudden elimination of their marksman left the remaining members of Stormborn Sentinels reeling in shock and disbelief. Their carefully laid plans had been disrupted, and they now found themselves outnumbered and outmanoeuvred by the coordinated assault of Daehan Reckoners. The system displayed.

[Jung-Hee Gan eliminated!]

With the odds now stacked heavily against them, Jae-hwa wasted no time in redirecting his focus to the enemy fighter. Recognizing that his arrow alone would not be enough to take down the tank, Jae-hwa opted to target the fighter instead, aiming to whittle down their opponents' numbers one by one.

However, the tank, realizing the imminent threat posed by Jae-hwa's arrow, moved to intercept the shot, determined to protect their comrade at all costs. Sensing the tank's intentions, Hei-ryung sprang into action, launching a flurry of attacks to distract and disrupt their opponent, creating an opening for Jae-hwa to take his shot.

With Hei-ryung's timely intervention, Jae-hwa's arrow found its mark, grazing the fighter's arm and causing him to recoil in pain. Despite his realization of the incoming danger, the fighter's momentary lapse in focus proved costly, as Soo-jin seized the opportunity to deliver a decisive blow. With a swift and precise strike, Soo-jin's Shadowbane cut through the fighter's defences, delivering a finishing blow that eliminated him from the battle. The system showed.

[Won-Shik Tan eliminated!]

With two swift eliminations, Daehan Reckoners had gained a significant advantage, further tilting the balance of power in their favour. With their coordinated teamwork and strategic prowess, they had turned the tide of the battle in their favour, inching closer to victory with each passing moment.

With the marksman and fighter of Stormborn Sentinels swiftly dispatched, only the tank remained standing against the onslaught of Daehan Reckoners. Sensing their advantage, Soo-jin, Jae-hwa, and Hei-ryung coordinated their attacks with precision, closing in on their lone opponent with calculated determination.

The tank braced himself for the impending assault, knowing that his chances of survival were slim against the combined might of three skilled adversaries. Despite his formidable durability and defensive capabilities, he knew that his role as a tank meant that his damage output was limited, especially when faced with multiple assailants.

As Daehan Reckoners closed in, the tank fought valiantly, swinging his massive weapon with all his strength in a desperate attempt to fend off his attackers. His movements were slow and deliberate, each strike aimed at creating space and buying himself precious moments to devise a counterattack strategy.

However, against the relentless barrage of attacks from Soo-jin, Jae-hwa, and Hei-ryung, the tank found himself overwhelmed. Despite his best efforts, he could not withstand the combined onslaught of their coordinated assault.

With a final, determined effort, the tank unleashed a powerful shockwave, knocking back his assailants momentarily and buying himself a brief respite. But it was too little, too late. As he struggled to regain his footing, Daehan Reckoners closed in for the kill, delivering a flurry of blows that left him reeling. The system announced.

[Chul-Moo Maeng eliminated!]

With their final opponent defeated, Daehan Reckoners emerged victorious, their coordinated teamwork and strategic prowess proving to be the decisive factors in securing their triumph. As they stood amidst the wreckage of the battlefield, a sense of satisfaction washed over them, knowing that their hard work and dedication had paid off in the end.

Despite their success in eliminating three members of Stormborn Sentinels, the battle was far from over. Two members of the opposing team still stood, determined to turn the tide in their favour. However, the momentum had shifted, and Daehan Reckoners now held a significant advantage.

With their coordinated teamwork and strategic prowess, they were poised to capitalize on their momentum and secure victory. As they prepared to face the remaining members of Stormborn Sentinels, a sense of determination and focus filled the air, driving them forward with renewed vigour. Victory was within their grasp, and they were ready to seize it.