
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

The Final Showdown

As the match in the Celestial Gardens began, it quickly became evident that Aerial was employing the same tactic they had used in a previous round of Artifact Hunt. Joon-ho, having observed that match, recognized their strategy immediately. Aerial's approach relied on their two-star players, Chin-hwa and In-su, moving solo in opposite directions to search for the artefact. Meanwhile, the three remaining Assassins would lurk nearby, ready to provide support when needed.

Team Fire, with this knowledge, had a crucial advantage. As Kang-dae led his team through the floating islands and ancient ruins, Kang-dae's voice came through their communication channel, relaying the plan.

"Remember, Chin-hwa and In-su will be moving separately. We need to avoid confrontations with them. Focus on the Assassins," he instructed.

Soo-jin, Hana, Jin-kyong, and Sang-hee nodded in unison, their faces set with determination. They moved swiftly, using the terrain to their advantage. The lush, elevated gardens provided ample cover for their movements.

Kang-dae signalled for the team to split into pairs, with Sang-hee staying close to him for magical support. Jin-kyong and Hana moved to the left flank, while Soo-jin went right. They were careful to avoid Chin-hwa, who was moving through the central ruins, and In-su, who was taking a high vantage point near a waterfall.

As expected, the three Assassins from Aerial lurked in the shadows, waiting to spring traps. But Team Fire was prepared. Jin-kyong, with his keen eyesight and impeccable reflexes, spotted one of the Assassins hiding in a grove of cherry blossom trees. He silently signalled Hana, who nodded in acknowledgement. Moving with feline grace, Hana flanked from the opposite side, making sure to stay hidden in the thick foliage.

The Assassin, sensing movement, turned just in time to see Jin-kyong aiming forward with her Marksman's precision. The Assassin parried Jin-kyong's initial barrage of shots with a flurry of quick, deft movements, using his daggers to deflect the bullets. The sound of metal clashing against projectiles echoed through the grove. Hana, seizing the moment, leapt from her position, her Fighter's sword swinging in a powerful arc.

The Assassin was fast, incredibly fast, managing to evade Hana's strike by mere inches. He retaliated with a series of rapid slashes, forcing Hana to go on the defensive. Jin-kyong provided cover fire, each shot aimed to pin the Assassin down. Despite being outnumbered, the Assassin held his ground with remarkable skill, his movements a blur as he danced between his attackers.

Hana and Jin-kyong, though, were perfectly synchronized. Hana blocked the Assassin's attacks with her sword, her movements fluid and controlled, while Jin-kyong's shots became more precise, targeting the Assassin's weak points. The battle was intense, each side pushing their limits. Finally, in a coordinated effort, Hana feinted to the left, drawing the Assassin's attention, while Jin-kyong fired a well-placed shot that grazed the Assassin's shoulder. Staggered, the Assassin faltered for a split second, which was all Hana needed. She lunged forward, her sword finding the heart of the Assassin. Thus, the Assassin fell, unable to call for backup.

[Team Fire: Enemy Eliminated!]

Meanwhile, Kang-dae and Sang-hee encountered another Assassin near a stone archway. This Assassin, wielding twin blades, attacked with a ferocity that matched Kang-dae's own. Sang-hee stood back, her Mage's staff glowing with arcane energy, ready to strike when the moment was right. Kang-dae, using his massive shield, blocked the Assassin's relentless strikes, each clash of metal resounding through the archway.

The Assassin tried to outmanoeuvre Kang-dae, aiming for weak spots in his armour. But Kang-dae's defensive skills were unmatched. He anticipated the Assassin's moves, countering with powerful swings of his hammer. The Assassin, realizing brute force wouldn't work, shifted tactics, trying to use agility and speed. He dashed around Kang-dae, aiming for Sang-hee.

Sang-hee was prepared. She summoned a barrier of magical energy, blocking the Assassin's path. The Assassin collided with the barrier, momentarily stunned. Seizing the opportunity, Kang-dae charged, his shield bash sending the Assassin sprawling. Sang-hee followed up with a burst of magical fire, the flames engulfing the Assassin. Despite being outmatched, the Assassin rolled to extinguish the flames and launched another desperate attack. But Kang-dae was ready. With a powerful swing, he knocked the Assassin's blades aside, and Sang-hee's magic burned him. The Assassin fell, defeated.

[Team Fire: Enemy Eliminated!]

The final Assassin, realizing their strategy was being picked apart, attempted to regroup with Chin-hwa. Moving stealthily, he hoped to slip past Team Fire unnoticed. But Soo-jin intercepted him near a small shrine, engaging in a fierce duel. The Assassin, wielding a pair of serrated daggers, struck with lightning speed. Soo-jin parried her Fighter's reflexes allowing her to keep up with his rapid strikes.

Their blades clashed in a flurry of motion, neither gaining a clear advantage. The Assassin's technique was flawless, his attacks precise and relentless. But Soo-jin, with her calm composure, found openings in his relentless onslaught. She deflected a strike aimed at her neck and countered with a swift kick, unbalancing the Assassin. He staggered but quickly recovered, his eyes narrowing with determination.

The duel intensified, both fighters pushing their limits. Soo-jin, noticing a pattern in his attacks, timed her next move perfectly. As the Assassin lunged forward, she sidestepped, letting his momentum carry him past her. In one smooth motion, she struck with her sword, the blade cutting through the Assassin's hip from one side to another. He fell, unable to continue the fight.

[Team Fire: Enemy Eliminated!]

With the Assassins neutralized, Team Fire regrouped. The coordination and skill they displayed were exemplary, each member contributing to their success. They moved on to the next phase of the game, their confidence bolstered by their victories. The battle was far from over, but Team Fire was ready for whatever came next.

Chin-hwa and In-su, now the only active members of Aerial, quickly coordinated through their comms. Despite the situation, In-su's voice was a calm anchor amidst the tension.

"This is unexpected," Chin-hwa admitted, his tone betraying a hint of shock. "We've never been countered like this."

"Stay focused. We still have the advantage. Keep looking for the artefacts. I'll cover you," In-su responded with steady assurance.

The defeated Assassins, despite being in the respawn queue, could still listen in. Their shock was palpable even through the comms.

"How did they counter us so perfectly?" one of them muttered.

"We underestimated them," In-su said calmly. "But we adapt. Chin-hwa, find the artifact. I'll ensure we stay on track."

Their determination remained unshaken. Despite the setback, they continued with their original strategy. In-su, already possessing one artefact, was methodically making his way back to their base. The system's voice broke through the game's ambient sounds, announcing to all players.

[One artefact located. Alerting all players.]

This alert rippled through both teams. Team Fire now knew that Aerial had already secured an artefact, intensifying their resolve to prevent further progress.

The commentators, Soo-min and Dong-yul, were stunned, their energetic commentary now tinged with surprise.

"Unbelievable!" Soo-min exclaimed. "Team Fire has managed to disrupt Aerial's strategy completely. I've never seen Aerial this shaken."

"This is a rare sight. Aerial, known for their flawless tactics, is actually on the defensive. Can they recover from this?" Dong-yul, equally astonished, added.

The audience, too, was in a state of shock. The usual cheers and excited chatter were replaced by a hushed silence. To witness Aerial, the favourites of the tournament, being pushed back was an unprecedented sight. The tension in the Game Building was thick, every spectator holding their breath as the match unfolded.

Wish you all could see the face of Aerial's fan girls. Their mouths sprang open like a broken door, with no chance to shut at all. The shock to all spectators, commentators alike was valid. But the impact was more on these women.

Chin-hwa and In-su pressed on. In-su, ever the calm strategist, reassured his team.

"We have one artifact. We need 4 more. Stick to the plan, and adapt as needed. We can still turn this around."

Chin-hwa, moving swiftly and silently through the ruins of Celestial Gardens, searched for another artefact. His sharp eyes scanned every nook and cranny, determined to find their second piece. Meanwhile, In-su positioned himself strategically, ready to fend off any of Team Fire's members who might come too close.

The audience watched with bated breath as the game progressed. The silent tension was palpable, each player and spectator keenly aware of the high stakes. The disruption of Aerial's strategy was a game-changer, but Aerial's resilience and ability to adapt kept the outcome uncertain.

Team Fire, emboldened by their success, knew they had to maintain their momentum. They couldn't afford to let Aerial recover. Each member moved with renewed purpose, aware that they had a real chance to win.

As the hunt for the remaining artefacts continued, both teams were locked in a high-stakes game of strategy and skill. The next moves would be crucial, determining whether Aerial could reclaim their dominance or if Team Fire would seize their moment of glory. The final match of the Weekly Tournament had turned into an epic showdown, with every player, commentator, and spectator eagerly anticipating the outcome.