
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

The Critical Move

As Hana and Soo-jin broke from the single-file formation to engage the Simple Devils' Fighter, an opportunity opened up for the lurking Assassin of the Simple Devils. He had been waiting for this very moment, poised to strike. With the frontline of Team Fire now slightly fragmented, the Assassin saw his chance to exploit the gap.

From his concealed position on the outskirts of the 'Hill', he moved with predatory precision, closing in on his targets: Sang-hee, the Mage, and Jin-kyong, the Marksman. Kang-dae, realising the imminent threat, tightened his grip on his shield. His eyes darted between Sang-hee and Jin-kyong, knowing he could only protect one effectively from such a swift and deadly foe.

"Stay close, don't break formation!" Kang-dae commanded, his voice strained but resolute. He knew their momentum was critical, and any disruption could spell disaster.

The Assassin's movements were quick and deliberate, a blur in the chaos of battle. Each turn and manoeuvre Kang-dae took seemed to be matched by the Assassin's agility, edging closer and closer with each passing second. The tension was palpable, and Kang-dae knew he had to act fast or risk losing the advantage they had fought so hard to gain.

In a split-second decision, Kang-dae activated his special skill, Send. With a flash of light, he teleported to the back of the file, positioning himself directly between the Assassin and his teammates just as the Assassin leapt in for the kill. The Assassin's blade met the unyielding surface of Kang-dae's shield with a resonant clang, halting the lethal strike in its tracks.

"Go, now! Finish the Mages!" Kang-dae roared into his comm, his voice echoing with authority.

He thrust his shield forward, driving the Assassin back with sheer force. The Assassin, momentarily stunned by the sudden shift and the ferocity of Kang-dae's defence, was pushed away from Sang-hee and Jin-kyong.

Sang-hee and Jin-kyong, galvanised by Kang-dae's intervention, turned their focus on the Simple Devils' Mages. With coordinated precision, they unleashed a barrage of attacks. Sang-hee's spells crackled through the air, while Jin-kyong's arrows found their marks with lethal accuracy. The two Mages of the Simple Devils, already under pressure from the relentless assault, crumbled under the concentrated fire.

"Unbelievable! The Tank's quick thinking and impeccable timing have saved his team from a devastating ambush. Now, Team Fire has the upper hand, with only three members of the Simple Devils left standing!" Dong-yul's voice boomed across the arena, capturing the moment.

Realising their initial barrage of spells wasn't breaking Team Fire's formation, the Simple Devils' Mages switched tactics. They began conjuring a more powerful, concentrated spell, intending to obliterate their opponents with a single, devastating strike. The air crackled with magical energy, the tension mounting as they prepared their next move.

The moment the Mages started casting their powerful spell, Jin-kyong seized the opportunity. Her marksmanship was impeccable; she aimed for the Mage furthest along in the casting process. With a steady hand, she released a bullet that cut through the air, finding its mark with lethal precision.

The bullet struck true, and the system immediately announced the elimination.

[Team Fire: Enemy Elimination!]

The crowd erupted in cheers, the excitement palpable.

The second Mage, witnessing his comrade's downfall, abandoned the spell and scrambled for safety. Jin-kyong quickly adjusted her aim, but the Mage was already retreating behind cover. Sang-hee, observing the situation, prepared to act. She chanted an incantation, her hands glowing with magical energy.

Sang-hee unleashed an area-of-effect spell, targeting the direction the Mage was fleeing. The ground trembled as the spell exploded, sending shockwaves across the battlefield. The fleeing Mage was caught in the blast, and the system promptly announced another elimination.

[Team Fire: Enemy Elimination!]

With both Mages taken down, the tide of the battle shifted dramatically. The elimination of these key players left the Simple Devils significantly weakened. Team Fire, now outnumbering their opponents, surged forward with renewed vigour. They pressed on, knowing that just by stepping onto the 'Hill', they would reclaim it and start accumulating precious points once more.

Kang-dae maintained his defensive stance, his shield was up and ready to intercept any further threats. He kept a vigilant eye on the Assassin, who now circled warily, looking for another opening. But Kang-dae was unwavering, a bastion of protection for his team.

As Team Fire advanced, the 'Hill' began to acknowledge their presence. The system indicators flashed, showing the change in control. The crowd erupted in cheers, sensing the momentum shift.

Dong-yul provided the play-by-play, his excitement infectious.

"Team Fire is back in control of the 'Hill'! Their coordinated effort and strategic brilliance have turned the tables on the Simple Devils. This is the kind of gameplay that defines champions!"

The remaining Simple Devils, realizing the gravity of their situation, regrouped for a last-ditch effort. But the loss of their Mages and the mounting pressure from Team Fire made their position increasingly untenable.

Kang-dae glanced at his minimap, eyeing out for any new situation. He knew they just needed to hold on a little longer. With the 'Hill' now in their control and the enemy ranks thinned, victory was within reach.

"Hold your ground!" Kang-dae shouted, determination burning in his eyes. "We're almost there!"

As the battle raged on, the balance of power had shifted. Team Fire, against all odds, had managed to turn the tide and reclaim the advantage. The next chapter of this intense showdown was set to be even more thrilling, as both teams prepared for the final push.

The battle on the 'Hill' had reached a fever pitch. With both Mages of the Simple Devils eliminated, only the Assassin remained to hold the line until his teammates could respawn. Kang-dae, ever vigilant, had taken it upon himself to neutralize this threat. The Assassin darted and weaved, attempting to find an opening, but Kang-dae was relentless, blocking every path and interrupting every move.

Frustration mounted for the Assassin as he realized that going head-to-head with Kang-dae was not a viable option. With the rest of Team Fire securing the 'Hill,' the Assassin's only hope was to reduce their numbers and prevent the accumulation of points. But as seconds ticked away, that hope dwindled. Kang-dae's mastery of defence left him with no choice but to go for an elimination.

The Assassin moved with lethal precision, striking at Kang-dae with a flurry of attacks. Kang-dae parried and blocked, his shield absorbing the blows. However, as a Tank, his offensive capabilities were limited, and he couldn't deal significant damage to the Assassin. The relentless assault began to take its toll, and Kang-dae found himself pushed to his limits.

With a swift and decisive strike, the Assassin finally broke through Kang-dae's defences, delivering a critical blow. The system announced the elimination.

[Simple Devils: Enemy Elimination!]

The crowd gasped, and a murmur of tension spread through the arena.

The Assassin smirked, believing he had finally created an opening. But his triumph was short-lived. As Kang-dae fell, Hana and Soo-jin arrived on the scene, their weapons at the ready. The Assassin's eyes widened in realization; he was now outnumbered.

Hana and Soo-jin, both Fighters, closed in on the Assassin. He fought valiantly, his movements swift and deadly, but against two skilled opponents, he was quickly overwhelmed. Hana's sword clashed with his, while Soo-jin moved in from the side, forcing the Assassin to split his attention.

Despite his best efforts, the Assassin couldn't fend off both Fighters at once. With a coordinated strike, Hana and Soo-jin managed to corner him, and Soo-jin delivered the final blow. The system announced.

[Team Fire: Enemy Elimination!]

[Team Wipe!]

With the Assassin down, the Simple Devils were left with no players on the field. They had to wait for the respawn timer, but time was not on their side. The 'Hill' remained firmly under Team Fire's control, and the points continued to climb.

"An incredible turn of events! Team Fire has managed to eliminate the last standing member of the Simple Devils. With no opposition, they are free to secure the 'Hill' and rack up those crucial points!" Dong-yul's voice echoed through the arena, capturing the intensity of the moment.

The clock ticked down, and the Simple Devils respawned one by one, but it was too late. They regrouped and made one final push, but the timer hit zero before they could make any significant impact. The system announced the end of the match

[Time's up! Team Fire wins the second round!]

The crowd erupted in cheers as the scoreboard confirmed Team Fire's victory. They had won the best of three and qualified for the next round of eight. The players of Team Fire exhausted but exhilarated, gathered on the 'Hill' to celebrate their hard-fought win.

Dong-yul's commentary captured the excitement and drama of the match. "What an incredible performance by Team Fire! They held their ground, executed their strategy flawlessly, and overcame every challenge thrown at them. This victory secures their place in the next round. Congratulations to Team Fire!"

As the players exited the arena, the anticipation for the next round grew. Team Fire had proven themselves to be formidable contenders, and their journey in the tournament was far from over. The stage was set for even more intense battles as they prepared to face their next opponents.