
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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162 Chs

The Bold Gambit

The tension in Team Fire's comms was palpable as they gathered to reassess their strategy. Jin-kyong's sudden elimination had thrown them into disarray, and In-su's unexpected aggression had them scrambling for a new plan. Their initial tactic of avoiding In-su and Chin-hwa was no longer viable, and with the artefact count now at 3-2, the pressure was mounting.

"We need to regroup and rethink our approach," Kang-dae's voice crackled through the comms. "Sticking to our original plan isn't going to cut it anymore. In-su's coming for us, and if we keep running, we'll be picked off one by one."

"We need to divide their attention. If In-su and the Assassins are focused on us, Soo-jin and Sang-hee can continue searching for the remaining artefacts. It's our best shot," Hana, her voice calm but determined, chimed in.

"Agreed," Sang-hee replied. "We still have the lead, but it's a fragile one. If we can find those two artefacts before they do, we can end this."

"Alright, here's the plan. Hana and I will engage In-su and the Assassins directly. We'll try to draw them away and buy you two as much time as possible. Soo-jin, Sang-hee, you need to move fast and find those artefacts. Jin-kyong, stay on comms and guide us from above once you respawn," Kang-dae took a deep breath.

"Got it. I'll be back in the game soon. Just hold out until then," Jin-kyong, her voice filled with frustration but also determination, responded.

With their plan set, Team Fire moved out. Hana and Kang-dae headed toward the last known location of In-su and the Assassins, preparing themselves for a confrontation that could make or break their chances. Soo-jin and Sang-hee, meanwhile, split off and began their frantic search for the remaining artefacts, knowing that the clock was ticking.

"Remember, our job is to distract and delay. Stay agile, and don't let them corner us," as Hana and Kang-dae approached the area, Hana spoke softly into the comms.

"We're keeping at it. Let's give them hell," Kang-dae nodded, even though she couldn't see him.

They moved cautiously but quickly, using the cover of trees and buildings to their advantage. Suddenly, a flash of movement caught Kang-dae's eye. He signalled to Hana, and they both prepared for the imminent clash.

Meanwhile, Soo-jin and Sang-hee were sprinting through the Celestial Gardens, eyes scanning every nook and cranny for the telltale glint of an artefact. Their hearts pounded with the urgency of their mission. Soo-jin paused, her sharp eyes catching a faint shimmer near a statue.

"I think I've got one," she whispered into the comms. "Sang-hee, cover me."

Sang-hee, her magic at the ready, stood guard as Soo-jin carefully approached the artefact. She reached out, her fingers closing around the cool, metallic surface.

"Artifact secured. We need one more," Soo-jin reported, the relief evident in her voice.

[One artefact located. Alerting all players.]

"Great work," Kang-dae's voice came through the comms, strained with exertion. "Keep moving. We're holding them off for now."

Back at the battlefront, Hana and Kang-dae were locked in a fierce struggle with In-su and the two Assassins. The air was charged with tension, and the clash of skills was nothing short of spectacular. Hana, with her dual capability as a Fighter and Assassin, moved with the grace and lethal precision of a predator. Every step was calculated, and every strike aimed to incapacitate. She darted through the battlefield, a whirlwind of energy and power.

In-su, the third-best Mage in Korea, was a formidable opponent. His spells were cast with pinpoint accuracy, aiming to slow Hana's relentless pursuit. He summoned icy barriers to block her path, and bolts of arcane energy crackled through the air, seeking to immobilize her. But Hana was undeterred, weaving through the obstacles with a fluidity that spoke of her expertise.

"Stay close," Kang-dae's deep voice rumbled through the comms. "I'll handle the Assassins."

Kang-dae, the steadfast Tank of Team Fire, was a fortress in motion. His heavy armour clanged with each step, and his shield was a bulwark against the onslaught of the Assassins. Whenever they attempted to break through and assist In-su, Kang-dae was there, deflecting their blows and absorbing the damage with unyielding resolve.

One of the Assassins, a swift and deadly presence, attempted to flank Hana. His dagger gleamed in the light as he lunged forward, but Kang-dae intercepted, his shield slamming into the Assassin with a force that sent him reeling. The second Assassin, seeing an opening, tried to slip past, but Kang-dae swung his massive sword, forcing him back.

"Focus on In-su!" Kang-dae barked. "I'll keep these two busy."

Hana didn't need to be told twice. Her eyes were locked on In-su, her target. She leapt over a low wall, closing the distance between them. In-su, sensing her approach, cast a spell that caused the ground beneath her to freeze, ice creeping up her legs to bind her in place. Hana gritted her teeth, muscles straining against the cold.

In-su smirked, thinking he had her trapped. But Hana was far from done. With a powerful surge, she shattered the ice with a burst of strength, breaking free. She lunged forward, her blade aiming for In-su. He barely had time to react, casting a shield spell just in time to deflect her strike.

"You'll have to do better than that," In-su taunted, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

Hana responded with a flurry of blows, her movements a blur. In-su's shield flickered under the relentless assault, and he was forced to retreat, casting spells to keep her at bay. He launched fireballs and lightning strikes, but Hana dodged and deflected, never letting up.

Meanwhile, Kang-dae was locked in a brutal contest with the two Assassins. They were fast, their blades a constant threat, but Kang-dae's defence was impenetrable. He parried and countered, his sword clashing with theirs in a deadly dance. Every time they tried to slip past, he was there, a wall of steel and determination.

One Assassin, frustrated by the stalemate, tried a desperate manoeuvre, leaping over Kang-dae's shield to strike from above. But Kang-dae was ready. He swung his shield upward, catching the Assassin in mid-air and slamming him to the ground. The Assassin groaned, momentarily stunned, giving Kang-dae the chance to deliver a finishing blow.

The second Assassin, seeing his comrade fall, hesitated. It was all the opening Kang-dae needed. He charged forward, his sword cutting through the air. The Assassin barely managed to deflect the strike, but the force of the blow sent him staggering back.

In-su, realizing his support was dwindling, intensified his efforts. He cast a powerful spell, a wave of force that knocked Hana back. She rolled with the impact, coming to her feet with a fierce determination.

"This ends now," Hana declared, her voice a low growl.

"Sure it does," In-su's eyes narrowed.

They clashed again, Hana's relentless aggression against In-su's arcane mastery. She dodged another lightning bolt, closing the distance once more. Her blade flashed, slicing through the air with deadly precision. In-su's shield shattered under the force of her strike, and he stumbled back, eyes wide.

Hana seized the moment, her heart pounding with adrenaline. She lunged forward for the decisive kill, her blade aimed at In-su's chest. But just as her sword made contact, the figure of In-su dissolved into thin air, like smoke in the wind.

Startled, Hana stepped back, her eyes wide with confusion. She spun around, her senses on high alert, realizing she had been fighting a mere illusion.

"Damn it," she muttered under her breath, her mind racing to understand the trick In-su had pulled. How could he only be the third best with skills like this?

A sudden, chilling realization dawned on her. She scanned the battlefield, her eyes locking onto the real In-su, who was now alongside his two Assassins. They were converging on Kang-dae, who was unaware of the imminent danger.

"Kang-dae, it's a trap!" Hana shouted, but it was too late.

In-su had used a high-level spell to create a mimic of himself, drawing Hana away while he targeted Kang-dae. The real In-su unleashed a powerful immobilization spell, rooting Kang-dae to the spot. The Tank struggled against the magical bonds, but his strength was no match for In-su's arcane prowess.

The two Assassins moved in with lethal precision, their blades flashing in coordinated strikes. Kang-dae's armour absorbed some of the blows, but the Assassins' relentless assault found the gaps, delivering the fatal strikes. Kang-dae fell, his form crumpling to the ground as the system lit up with a grim announcement.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

Hana's heart sank as she watched her comrade fall. The tide of battle had turned dramatically against them. She gripped her weapon tighter, her knuckles white with determination. In-su and his Assassins turned their attention back to her, and she knew she was in for the fight of her life.

"You underestimated me. A fatal mistake," In-su's eyes gleamed with triumph.

"This isn't over yet," Hana's gaze hardened.

She sprang into action, her movements a blur as she danced between In-su's spells and the Assassins' blades. Her mind raced, formulating a new plan. She couldn't let Kang-dae's sacrifice be in vain. She had to buy time for Soo-jin and Sang-hee to find the remaining artefacts.

In-su and his Assassins closed in, but Hana's agility and combat prowess kept them at bay. She parried and dodged, each movement precise and calculated. In-su launched another spell, but Hana deflected it with a swift counterspell, the arcane energies clashing in a brilliant display of light.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, the tension palpable. The commentators' voices crackled through the air, narrating the high-stakes duel unfolding before them.

"An incredible display of skill from both sides! Hana is holding her own against overwhelming odds, but can she last long enough for Team Fire to secure the win?"

"Team Fire's strategy is hanging by a thread. If Team Fire's Fighter can keep Aerial's Mage and his Assassins occupied, they might still have a chance. But with the Tank down, their chances are dwindling."

Hana's muscles burned with exertion, but she couldn't afford to falter. Each second she held them off was a second closer to victory for Team Fire. She dodged another strike, her blade flashing as she countered, her mind laser-focused on survival and victory.

In-su, sensing the shift in momentum, pressed harder, his spells becoming more desperate and powerful. The Assassins mirrored his intensity, their attacks becoming fiercer. Hana's breath came in ragged gasps, but she didn't back down.