
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

Rise of the Flags

As the crowd buzzed with anticipation, Dong-yul's voice echoed throughout the arena, stirring excitement among the spectators.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he exclaimed, his words carrying over the thrum of the crowd. "Welcome to another thrilling match in the NexaRealm tournament!"

The commentator's enthusiasm was infectious as he delved into the intricacies of the upcoming match.

"Today, we have a classic showdown in the Capture the Flag game mode," he announced, his voice rising with excitement. "A test of strategy, teamwork, and cunning!"

Dong-yul went on to explain the rules of the game, emphasizing the unique challenges presented by NexaRealm's dynamic gameplay.

"In this fast-paced mode, teams have just 30 minutes to steal and secure as many flags as possible," he explained, his words punctuated by cheers from the crowd. "But it's not as simple as it sounds!"

He detailed the complexities of the game, highlighting the strategic depth and tactical prowess required to emerge victorious.

"With a diverse range of classes and respawns after death, every decision counts," Dong-yul proclaimed. "It's a battle of wits and skill, where every move can turn the tide of the match!"

Drawing on past matches, Dong-yul recounted a memorable tactic employed by a previous team.

"In one recorded showdown, a team opted to focus on securing just one flag," he recounted, his voice tinged with excitement. "They defended it with all their might, holding off their opponents until the very last second!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Dong-yul painted a vivid picture of the intense battles that lay ahead.

"It was a nail-biting finish," he exclaimed, his voice ringing out with enthusiasm. "And today, we're sure to witness more thrilling moments as these teams clash on the battlefield!"

With the stage set and the players ready to make their mark, the excitement in the arena reached a fever pitch. As the countdown to kickoff began, the anticipation among the spectators was palpable, eager to witness the exhilarating spectacle unfold before their eyes.

As the countdown reached its climax, tension hung heavy in the air. Team Fire and Simple Devils stood poised at opposite ends of the battlefield, their eyes fixed on the prize ahead. The NexaRealm system's voice echoed throughout the arena, counting down the final moments before the match would commence.

The system's voice boomed, signalling the start of the match.

[Three... two... one... Begin!]

With the timer hitting zero, both teams wasted no time, springing into action with synchronized precision. They rushed towards the middle of the map, their footsteps echoing against the rugged terrain as they closed the distance between them.

As the match unfolded, Dong-yul provided insights into the strategies employed by both Team Fire and Simple Devils.

"It looks like both teams have opted for an aggressive approach right from the start," he commented, his voice carrying over the sounds of battle. "They're wasting no time in making a beeline for the enemy's flag, aiming to secure an early advantage."

Indeed, both teams surged forward with relentless determination, their focus fixed on the coveted prize at the heart of the battlefield. Spells crackled through the air, arrows whistled past, and blades clashed as the players engaged in a fierce skirmish for control.

"It's a battle of attrition out there," Dong-yul remarked, his gaze scanning the unfolding chaos. "Team Fire and Simple Devils are putting everything on the line, each vying for dominance in this high-stakes contest."

As the dust settled, Dong-yul turned his attention to the composition of the two teams.

"Team Fire has opted for a balanced lineup," he observed, his tone analytical. "With one Mage, one Marksman, one Tank, and two Fighters, they've covered all their bases and are poised to adapt to any situation."

Turning his focus to Simple Devils, Dong-yul continued.

"On the other hand, Simple Devils have taken a more unconventional approach. With two Mages, one Marksman, one Assassin, and one Fighter, they've opted for a unique composition that emphasizes agility and burst damage."

With a quick thought process within his brain, Dong-yull gave out his insight.

"It's an intriguing matchup indeed," Dong-yul remarked, his excitement palpable. "But in the end, only the best will emerge victorious in this thrilling game of Capture the Flag."

With that, he settled back into his commentary, eagerly awaiting the next twist in the unfolding saga on the battlefield.

As the match progressed, Team Fire's members moved with calculated precision, each executing their assigned roles with utmost focus and determination. Soo-jin, Hana, Sang-hee, Jin-kyong, and Kang-dae dispersed across the battlefield, their movements coordinated via their communication devices.

"Hana, Kang-dae, you're up," Soo-jin's voice crackled over the comms, her tone firm with resolve. "Infiltrate and secure that flag. We'll cover you."

"Copy that," Hana replied, her voice tinged with determination. "Moving in now."

With lightning speed, Hana darted across the terrain, her agility and expertise as a Fighter blending seamlessly with her Assassin abilities. Kang-dae, the stalwart Tank, followed closely behind, his imposing presence providing cover and support for Hana's daring infiltration.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, Soo-jin and Jin-kyong worked in tandem to create chaos and confusion among the enemy ranks. Their coordinated assault disrupted the opposing team's defences, allowing Hana and Kang-dae to manoeuvre more freely.

"Keep 'em distracted, Soo-jin," Jin-kyong's voice chimed in, her sharpshooting skills evident in every precise shot. "We've got your back."

Soo-jin grinned, her adrenaline pumping as she engaged the enemy head-on.

"You heard her, let's give 'em hell," she replied, her movements fluid and purposeful.

At the rear of the formation, Sang-hee remained vigilant, her supportive spells bolstering her teammates' efforts from afar.

"Stay focused, everyone," she reminded them, her voice calm and reassuring. "We've trained for this. Stick to the plan, and we'll come out on top."

With their strategy in motion and their teamwork unwavering, Team Fire pressed forward, determined to claim victory in the exhilarating game of Capture the Flag.

As the action unfolded on the big screen before them, Joon-ho, Hyun-ae and not to forget Kyu, watched intently, their eyes glued to the fast-paced gameplay of Team Fire. Joon-ho couldn't help but marvel at the coordination and teamwork displayed by their friends, despite knowing the limited amount of training they had undergone.

"You see that, Hyun-ae?" Joon-ho remarked, a note of admiration in his voice. "They've only trained together for a day, yet their teamwork is on point. It's like they've been playing together for years."

Hyun-ae nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the screen as she observed the seamless coordination of Team Fire.

"It's impressive, no doubt," she replied, her tone thoughtful. "But I can't help but wonder if they're pushing themselves too hard. They're relying heavily on strategy and coordination, but what about their individual skills?"

Joon-ho furrowed his brow, considering her words.

"You have a point," he conceded. "But I think they're banking on the element of surprise. By focusing on teamwork and strategy, they're throwing off their opponents' expectations. It's a risky move, but if it pays off..."

He trailed off, his thoughts drifting back to the intense match unfolding before them. Despite his concerns, there was no denying the exhilaration of watching Team Fire in action, their determination and unity shining through with each decisive move. Kyu, on the other hand, had stayed silent, and observed to his own prospect.

As the match continued to unfold, Joon-ho and Hyun-ae remained captivated, fully immersed in the electrifying atmosphere of the tournament. With every passing moment, their anticipation grew, eager to see if Team Fire's bold strategy would lead them to victory.

As the tension mounted and the intensity of the match reached its peak, the atmosphere in the arena crackled with anticipation. Spectators leaned forward in their seats, their breaths held as they waited to see the outcome of the exhilarating showdown.

But amidst the excitement and fervour of the tournament, there was a palpable sense of suspended animation, as if time itself had momentarily halted. The players on the screen moved with precision and purpose, their every action calculated and deliberate. Yet, for a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the world around them had come to a standstill.

Joon-ho, Hyun-ae, and Kyu, watched in rapt silence, their minds consumed by the unfolding spectacle before them. In that brief pause, they found themselves caught in the grip of anticipation, their hearts racing with the thrill of the unknown.

Outside the confines of the digital battlefield, the spectators held their breath, their eyes fixed on the screen as they waited with bated breath for the next twist in the tale. The air was charged with anticipation, each moment pregnant with the promise of excitement and drama.

And in that suspended moment, as the world held its breath, there was a sense of infinite possibility, a feeling that anything could happen in the electrifying arena of NexaRealm. With the outcome of the match hanging in the balance, the stage was set for a thrilling conclusion to an unforgettable chapter in the annals of gaming history.