
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

Holding the Line

Team Fire's determination and tactical prowess had paid off. They had secured the 'Hill' and the points were steadily climbing in their favour. The holographic display showed their score inching upwards, each minute bringing them closer to the coveted 100-point mark. Despite the relentless assault from the Simple Devils, Team Fire held their ground with unwavering resolve.

"Team Fire has managed to secure the 'Hill,' and their points are accumulating steadily. This is a critical juncture in the match. The Simple Devils are relentless in their attempts to contest the 'Hill,' but as long as Team Fire maintains control, the points will continue to climb in their favour," Dong-yul's voice echoed through the arena, capturing the intensity of the moment.

The Verdant Jungle was alive with the sounds of battle. The Simple Devils launched wave after wave of assaults, each one meticulously planned and executed. Yet, Team Fire's defenses held firm. Kang-dae, Soo-jin, Hana, Sang-hee, and Jin-kyong worked in perfect harmony, their skills and strategies complementing each other flawlessly.

"Stay focused, everyone. We need to hold this position no matter what. Their attacks are getting more coordinated, but we can't let them break through," Kang-dae's voice was steady and commanding.

"They know they have to drive us out or eliminate us to take control. We need to be ready for anything," Soo-jin reinforced their defences, setting up traps and barriers to slow the Simple Devils' advance.

"They're coming in from the north! Watch your flanks!" Hana's sniper shots rang out, each one unable to find its mark despite lethal precision.

"Rotate positions as needed. We need to cover all angles," Sang-hee coordinated their movements, ensuring that no weak points were left undefended.

"They're getting desperate. The longer we hold, the harder it becomes for them to win," Jin-kyong moved with agility and speed, engaging enemies who breached their defences.

"The Simple Devils are throwing everything they have at Team Fire, but the 'Hill' remains firmly in their control. This is a battle of endurance and strategy. Team Fire's points are climbing, and the Simple Devils know that their chances diminish with each passing minute," Dong-yul provided a running commentary, his voice filled with excitement and tension.

The crowd watched in awe as the battle unfolded. The holographic display showed the Simple Devils' relentless efforts to drive Team Fire off the 'Hill.' Each assault was met with fierce resistance, and the points continued to add up for Team Fire. The Simple Devils knew that their window of opportunity was closing rapidly.

"For the Simple Devils, it's now or never. They must break through Team Fire's defences if they hope to turn the tide. Every second counts and the pressure is mounting," Dong-yul's analysis captured the gravity of the situation.

As the Simple Devils regrouped for another assault, the tension in the arena was palpable. The audience could feel the stakes, knowing that the outcome of this match could determine the fate of the tournament. Team Fire's points had reached the halfway mark, and their lead was growing stronger with each passing minute.

"Hold your ground! We can't let them push us off!" Kang-dae called out, his voice carrying a mix of urgency and determination.

The Simple Devils launched a coordinated strike, their movements swift and deadly. They knew that driving Team Fire off the 'Hill' was their only chance to secure victory. The battle intensified, with both teams giving everything they had.

"This is it! The Simple Devils are making their final push. Can Team Fire withstand the onslaught and secure their lead, or will the Simple Devils turn the tables in a last-ditch effort?" Dong-yul's voice rose above the fray, filled with anticipation.

The clash of weapons and the roar of battle filled the air as the Simple Devils closed in on the 'Hill.' The chapter ended on a cliffhanger, leaving the readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the next instalment of the NexaRealm Championships. The outcome hung in the balance, and the fate of the match would be decided in the next thrilling moments.

Jin-kyong's normally lethal precision seemed to falter under the relentless pressure. Her shots missed their mark, or worse, lacked the impact needed to take down the enemy. The Simple Devils exploited every misstep, their assaults becoming more brazen and coordinated.

Her unwavering focus on the immediate threats ahead had made her oblivious to a creeping danger. The Simple Devils' Assassin, known for his stealth and deadly efficiency, had slipped past Team Fire's defences. His approach was silent, his movements a shadow in the chaos of battle. He closed in on Jin-kyong, his presence undetected until it was too late.

With a swift and precise strike, the Assassin eliminated Jin-kyong. Her digital form shattered, and the system's announcement echoed through the arena.

[Simple Devils: Enemy Eliminated!]

The shock rippled through the remaining members of Team Fire. Kang-dae's eyes widened as he processed the sudden loss.

"Jin-kyong's down! They've breached our back line!"

"We need to regroup! We're vulnerable now!" Soo-jin, who had been reinforcing their defences, felt a surge of urgency.

"They're targeting us individually. We can't let them pick us off one by one," Hana's expression hardened, her eyes scanning for any signs of the Assassin.

"We have to secure our position and cover each other better. We can't afford to lose anyone else," Sang-hee's tactical mind raced, assessing their precarious situation.

The loss of Jin-kyong had put Team Fire in a dire situation. With one member down and the Simple Devils at full strength, the odds were beginning to stack against them. The points continued to climb in Team Fire's favour, but the growing threat of elimination loomed large.

The Simple Devils, emboldened by their successful infiltration, pressed their advantage. Their coordinated strikes aimed to disrupt and dismantle Team Fire's defences. The tension in the arena was palpable as the spectators watched, their eyes glued to the unfolding drama.

"Stay tight! Don't give them any more openings!" Kang-dae's voice cut through the chaos.

The Assassin's presence was a constant, unseen threat, forcing Team Fire to be on high alert. Every shadow, every flicker of movement, was scrutinized. The pressure was immense, and the clock ticked mercilessly towards the thirty-minute mark.

"We need to buy ourselves time. Keep them at bay!" Soo-jin laid down traps in a desperate bid to slow the enemy's advance.

Hana and Sang-hee provided a covering attack, their weapons and spells blazing as they tried to repel the Simple Devils' relentless onslaught. The battle raged on, and each member of Team Fire was acutely aware that any misstep could lead to their elimination.

"Team Fire is in a critical situation. They've lost Jin-kyong and are now defending against a full-strength Simple Devils team. Can they hold their ground, or will the Simple Devils capitalize on this opening?" Dong-yul's voice added to the tension, his commentary capturing the high stakes.

The Simple Devils' strategy was clear: eliminate Team Fire one by one until the 'Hill' was theirs. The tension mounted as Team Fire fought to maintain their position, knowing that every second counted. Their points continued to rise, but so did the danger surrounding them.

"We have to push back. If we stay on the defensive, they'll pick us off. We need to turn the tables," Kang-dae's resolve hardened as he looked at his remaining teammates.

The assault intensified, and the chapter ended with Team Fire teetering on the brink of disaster. Their unity and quick thinking would be tested as they faced the full force of the Simple Devils. The next moments would be crucial, determining whether they could hold their ground or be driven from the 'Hill' entirely.

The relentless pressure from the Simple Devils began to take its toll on Team Fire. Each coordinated strike pushed them further back, chipping away at their defences and morale. Despite their best efforts to hold their ground, the advantage of numbers weighed heavily against them.

Kang-dae's sword clashed with that of a Simple Devils' fighter, but the combined assaults were overwhelming.

"We need to regroup!" he shouted, desperation creeping into his voice.

Soo-jin's traps slowed their opponents momentarily, but the Simple Devils adapted quickly, bypassing her defences.

"They're too coordinated," she muttered, frustration evident in her tone. "We can't hold them off like this."

Sang-hee, usually the calm strategist, felt the weight of their situation.

"If we lose the 'Hill,' we lose our lead," she reminded them, her eyes darting for a solution. But even as she spoke, the Simple Devils pressed harder, their confidence growing with each step forward.

The points continued to climb for Team Fire, but the incremental gains were overshadowed by the encroaching presence of the Simple Devils. Each passing minute brought them closer to losing their tenuous hold on the 'Hill.'

"Team Fire is in a desperate fight to maintain their position, but the Simple Devils are relentless. It's five against four, and the odds are not in Team Fire's favour," Dong-yul's commentary echoed their struggle.

The Simple Devils' strategy was clear: isolate and eliminate. Their Assassin moved through the shadows, targeting the weakest links. Soo-jin fell next, her traps unable to save her from a precise strike. The announcement of her elimination rang out, another blow to Team Fire's dwindling morale.

[Simple Devils: Enemy Eliminated!]

Kang-dae gritted his teeth as he saw his teammate disappear.

"We can't keep taking hits like this!" he yelled, blocking another attack. But it was clear that the tide was turning against them.

Hana and Sang-hee fought valiantly, but the relentless assault from the Simple Devils was too much. One by one, they were forced back, their territory shrinking. The 'Hill' that had been their stronghold now seemed an unreachable peak.

The Simple Devils' control over the 'Hill' grew stronger, the system recognizing their dominance as Team Fire was pushed further away. The gap between the two teams widened, and the realization hit hard: they were losing their grip on victory.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that Team Fire's initial advantage was slipping through their fingers. The Simple Devils' relentless tactics, their superior numbers, and their strategic acumen were too much to overcome.

Kang-dae, now fighting almost alone, saw the 'Hill' slipping away. His heart pounded as he made a last-ditch effort to turn the tide, but it was no use. The Simple Devils had secured the 'Hill,' and the system acknowledged their control.

"Team Fire is being pushed back," Dong-yul's voice narrated the shift. "The Simple Devils have taken the 'Hill,' and Team Fire is now in a critical position."

Their efforts, Team Fire, though valiant, seemed futile against the overwhelming force of their opponents. The next phase of the match would be a test of their resilience, their ability to adapt, and their determination to reclaim what they had lost. The stage was set for an epic comeback, or a devastating fall, in the battle for the 'Hill.'