
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

Fates Unveiled

The colossal NexaRealm arena pulsated with energy as Daehan Academy and Hwarang Institute clashed in a 1v1 showdown. The holographic banners shimmered, casting a vibrant glow across the digital battleground. In the virtual broadcasting booth, two Korean commentators, Ji-hoon Kim and Min-seo Park, provided a riveting play-by-play of the mid-fight spectacle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the thrilling confrontation between two of Seoul's finest schools for those that are just joining us. Daehan Academy and Hwarang Institute are locked in a fierce battle, and things are heating up!" Ji-hoon's voice echoed.

"Absolutely, Ji-hoon! It's a neck-and-neck competition, but what we're witnessing now is something extraordinary. Look at the intensity on the field!" Min-seo chimed in.

The camera zoomed in on the ongoing duel, revealing two shadowy figures engaged in a high-stakes combat. The identity of the contestants remained shrouded in mystery, adding an element of suspense to the unfolding narrative.

"We've got an assassin from Daehan Academy facing off against a formidable mage from Hwarang Institute. The skill levels here are off the charts, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats," Ji-hoon's commentary heightened the tension.

"But Ji-hoon, let's talk about the unexpected twist we're witnessing. The mage, representing Hwarang Institute, seems to have an unusual advantage. Higher levels, superior items – it's like the virtual stars aligned for them," Min-seo analyzed the situation.

"You're absolutely right, Min-seo. It's a rare occurrence, and it's sparking discussions among the NexaRealm community. Some even recall a similar incident in the World NexaRealm Championship. Remember the France vs. England final?" Ji-hoon nodded.

"Ah, the infamous match where one team seemingly had everything in their favour. It's concerning, Ji-hoon. The creators at NexaCorp have a lot to address if they want to maintain the integrity of the game," Min-seo responded.

The camera focused on the assassin from Daehan Academy, skillfully dodging magical onslaughts but clearly struggling against the mage's overwhelming advantage.

"Our assassin, tirelessly weaving through the onslaught, is displaying incredible skill. However, the mage from Hwarang Institute, with superior levels and items, is proving to be a formidable adversary," Ji-hoon continued.

"This isn't just about schools competing; it's a testament to the unpredictable nature of NexaRealm. The crowd is witnessing a battle not only of characters but of strategies and, dare I say, fate itself," Min-seo added.

As the commentary intensified, the camera panned across the crowd, capturing the mix of awe and concern on virtual faces. The excitement in the arena was palpable, with every pixelated clash resonating through the digital realm.

"Regardless of the odds, our Daehan Academy assassin is fighting valiantly. Can skill triumph over the twists of fate? Only time will tell," Ji-hoon's voice carried a mix of anticipation and hope.

The mid-fight commentary continued, drawing viewers deeper into the immersive world of NexaRealm. The mystery of the unexpected advantage hung in the air, captivating the audience and setting the stage for the revelation of the contestants' identities – a surprise that would leave a lasting impression on the NexaRealm community.

As the virtual battleground unfolded, the mage from Hwarang Institute showcased a mastery of the arcane arts. The camera zoomed in on Seo-yeon, the mage, as he gracefully cast spells, manipulating the very fabric of NexaRealm to his advantage. Ji-hoon and Min-seo, the Korean commentators, dissected the unfolding strategy with precision.

"Look at that, Min-seo! Seo-yeon is casting the 'Cerulean Bind.' It's a rare spell, known for its ability to create magical barriers, confining the opponent within. This is a tactical masterpiece!" Ji-hoon's voice carried a sense of awe.

"Well guessed, Ji-hoon! The Cerulean Bind is a favourite among mages aiming to pluck out elusive opponents. It's a strategy often seen on the international stage, and here, Seo-yeon is executing it flawlessly. The small-town setting adds an extra layer of complexity," Min-seo chimed in.

The camera followed the trapped opponent, skillfully navigating through the narrow alleys and around the packed buildings. The virtual townscape became a playground for Seo-yeon's magical prowess.

"Our assassin is in a tough spot, Min-seo. The Cerulean Bind has effectively turned this small town into a magical maze. For someone who relies on shadows and surprise attacks, this is a challenging predicament," Ji-hoon analyzed the situation.

"Absolutely, Ji-hoon. Seo-yeon has taken control of the narrative here. By limiting mobility and hiding spots, he's effectively neutralizing the opponent's strengths. It's a brilliant move, and the crowd is loving it!" Min-seo agreed.

As Seo-yeon continued to cast spells, the magical barriers formed, trapping the opponent within the enchanted confines of the Cerulean Bind. The audience, both virtual and real, held their breath as the tension in the NexaRealm arena reached its peak.

"Seo-yeon's strategic brilliance is on full display. He's not just a mage; he's a tactician. The Cerulean Bind has turned this into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse," Ji-hoon marvelled.

"And what a game it is, Ji-hoon! This tactic is particularly effective against opponents who rely on cunning and stealth. The confined spaces, the unpredictability – it's a nightmare for our trapped contestant," Min-seo added.

The camera switched between the trapped opponent and the focused mage, each move calculated and precise. The small-town setting added a layer of realism, with pixelated rooftops and narrow alleys becoming the arena for this intense confrontation.

"Can our contestant break free from this magical web, or will Seo-yeon's strategy prove insurmountable? The crowd is on the edge of their seats, and I can't blame them!" Ji-hoon's excitement rose.

"It's a chess match within NexaRealm, Ji-hoon. The Cerulean Bind has set the stage for a thrilling climax. Will the opponent find a loophole, or is this where Seo-yeon claims victory?" Min-seo concurred.

The commentators' voices resonated through the arena as the digital struggle unfolded, a testament to the intricate dance between tactics and skill in the world of NexaRealm. The outcome hung in the balance, and the crowd, both virtual and real, awaited the next move with bated breath.

As the Cerulean Bind's enchantment tightened its grip on the virtual town, Ji-hoon and Min-seo delved into the profound impact of Seo-yeon's high-level and rare items on the unfolding spectacle.

"Folks, take a moment to appreciate the brilliance we're witnessing. Seo-yeon's high level and those rare items are not just for show. The Cerulean Bind has transformed this small town into a labyrinth, restricting our trapped contestant's every move," Ji-hoon's voice resonated with admiration.

"Absolutely, Ji-hoon. This is NexaRealm at its finest. The magical barriers are cutting off escape routes, and the virtual audience is witnessing the full power of Seo-yeon's character building," Min-seo added.

The camera panned across the town, showcasing the intricate spellwork shaping the landscape. Buildings became imposing obstacles, and narrow alleys turned into winding mazes. The virtual crowd gasped, fully immersed in the unfolding drama.

"This isn't just a duel; it's a strategic masterpiece. The Cerulean Bind is a game-changer. It's a testament to how high-level gameplay and rare items can reshape the very fabric of NexaRealm," Ji-hoon continued.

"And let's not forget, Ji-hoon, that Seo-yeon's character is a force to be reckoned with. The effectiveness of the Cerulean Bind lies in its caster's proficiency. This is a showcase of skill, not just raw power," Min-seo chimed in.

As the commentators marvelled at the magical display, the camera occasionally caught glimpses of the trapped contestant, desperately seeking an opening within the confines of the Cerulean Bind. The audience, both virtual and real, felt the intensity of the virtual struggle.

Suddenly, the mood shifted.

In the blink of an eye, the virtual air crackled with energy as the trapped assassin, against all odds, found a gap in the magical barrier. A collective gasp echoed through the NexaRealm arena.

"Wait, Min-seo! Something's happening! Our trapped contestant... they're on the move!" Ji-hoon's voice carried a mix of shock and excitement.

"This is unprecedented, Ji-hoon! The Cerulean Bind was supposed to be foolproof. How did our assassin break free?" Min-seo exclaimed.

As the camera frantically followed the elusive assassin, Ji-hoon and Min-seo exchanged bewildered glances. The trapped contestant, utilizing a combination of skills and spells, navigated the magical labyrinth with unexpected finesse.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing! The Cerulean Bind was supposed to be impenetrable. How is our contestant moving so freely?" Ji-hoon stuttered.

"It's as if they've found a glitch in the system, Ji-hoon. This is NexaRealm history in the making!" Min-seo replied.

Just as the astonishment reached its peak, the camera shifted to a breathtaking moment. The trapped assassin, utilizing a spell that blurred the line between reality and illusion, materialized right behind Seo-yeon. The audience erupted in cheers and gasps, the virtual and real worlds colliding in a crescendo of shock and awe.

"Unbelievable! The assassin has broken free and is now right behind Seo-yeon! What an incredible turn of events!" Ji-hoon shouted.

"This changes everything, Ji-hoon. The tide has turned, and Seo-yeon is about to face the consequences of underestimating our elusive assassin," Min-seo, still processing the sudden twist, managed to say.

The NexaRealm arena was left in suspense, the audience eagerly anticipating the fallout of this unforeseen twist. The turn of events had shifted the dynamics of the duel, leaving the fate of Seo-yeon and the trapped assassin hanging in the balance.


So, because of the short prologue, I released the first chapter along with it. I hope you enjoy this new story of mine. As much as I want to update with 2 chapters a day, I am running another novel which is where that novel itself is updating with 2 chapters a day. But we'll see, if you all do love and show enough support, I strive to make the difference

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