
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

Aerial's Ascendancy

Soo-min's voice filled the hall, her tone a mix of excitement and analysis as she recapped the recent turn of events.

"What an incredible start to this match, ladies and gentlemen! In a surprising twist, two artefacts that were originally secured by Bionocular's Assassins have now been snatched by Aerial. This shift in possession showcases the skill and strategy of Aerial's key players."

The screen displayed the highlights of the fierce encounters, emphasizing Chin-hwa's masterful marksmanship and In-su's swift spellcasting.

"Aerial's Marksman, who is also the second-best Marksman in Korea, demonstrated why he holds that title by effortlessly evading the Assassin's attacks and landing a pinpoint shot that sealed his opponent's fate. On the other side, Aerial's Mage, Korea's third-best Mage, showcased his spellcasting prowess, overwhelming his foe with a barrage of magic and securing another artefact for Aerial."

The crowd buzzed with a mix of admiration and tension, their eyes glued to the action unfolding on the screen. Joon-ho, too, absorbed every detail, knowing that these insights could be crucial for Team Fire's strategy. As the teams prepared for the next phase of the match, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation.

Chin-hwa and In-su, despite being far apart on the map, had the same thought: get the artefacts back to their base without delay. Chin-hwa moved swiftly and steadily, knowing that avoiding combat was his best option to secure the artefact. In-su, however, found himself in a more precarious situation.

Bionocular, aware of their disadvantage, mobilized their remaining trio to intercept the artefacts. The two Marksmen and Mage of Bionocular, their task was to retrieve what had been stolen. As fate would have it, In-su became their target.

Chin-hwa, encountering no immediate threats, continued his path back to the base with relative ease. In-su, on the other hand, faced a relentless pursuit. The three Bionocular players closed in, their coordinated attacks creating a deadly crossfire. A rifle bullet whizzed past In-su's right side, barely missing him, while a barrage of bullets from a machine gun aimed at his left.

In-su's response was immediate and precise. He cast a slow field spell on his left, causing the machine gun's bullets to drag through the air, significantly reducing their threat. This allowed him to concentrate on dodging the rifle shots from his right. His fingers danced over his magical staff, summoning a protective barrier that absorbed some of the rifle's impact.

Meanwhile, the Bionocular Mage was busy laying traps ahead of In-su's path—explosives and binding spells designed to ensnare him. In-su, unfazed, cast a revealing spell that highlighted the traps, allowing him to navigate around them with ease. His agility and quick thinking kept him steps ahead of his pursuers, despite the odds stacked against him.

From his vantage point, Joon-ho watched in awe. In-su's mastery of his spells and his seamless communication with his teammates were a testament to his status as Korea's third-best Mage. Every move was calculated, every spell cast with precision. Even in a three-against-one scenario, In-su maintained control, showcasing the skill and strategy that made Aerial a formidable team.

As In-su continued to evade and counter, his comms crackled with updates and strategies, ensuring that his teammates were aware of his situation and could provide support if needed. The dynamic interplay between his prowess and the team's coordination highlighted the depth of their training and experience.

With the artefact firmly in his grasp and his path slowly clearing, In-su pressed on, determined to deliver his prize back to the base. His performance not only impressed the spectators but also sent a clear message to Bionocular - or rather all competitors: Aerial was not to be underestimated.

Bionocular's trio—two Marksmen and a Mage—closed in on In-su. Their mission was clear: intercept and retrieve the artefact. The relentless assault on In-su, however, left them oblivious to the approaching danger.

The Marksman with the rifle heard nothing, his focus solely on In-su. From the bushes behind him, an attacker emerged. One of Aerial's Assassins, Assassin 1, moved with lethal precision. With a swift, silent stab, the Assassin dragged the body into the bushes. The game system's voice broke the tension.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

Bionocular was now three eliminations behind. Before they could react, the same fate befell the other Marksman, the one wielding the machine gun. Assassin 2 appeared from the shadows, slitting the Marksman's throat in a fluid motion. The game system was once again announced.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

The plan of Aerial was unfolding flawlessly. The three Assassins were not merely hunters; they were the unseen support for their key players, Chin-hwa and In-su. As soon as In-su came under attack, the nearest Assassins sprang into action, leaving the third Assassin free to continue lurking.

Aerial's strategic deployment was clear: Chin-hwa and In-su operated separately, one on the left, the other on the right. The three Assassins spread out to provide support—one on the left, one in the middle, and one on the right. If either Chin-hwa or In-su was attacked, the closest Assassins would converge to assist, ensuring their key players were never left unprotected. It was a well-oiled machine, showcasing their superior planning and execution.

In-su, now less pressured by the relentless assault, continued his path towards the base. His teammates' swift eliminations of the attackers had given him the breathing room he needed.

Joon-ho observed all of this from his seat, his admiration for Aerial's tactical prowess growing. This level of coordination and support was what made Aerial a top contender. Every move was calculated, and every action synchronized to maintain their advantage. Joon-ho knew that if Team Fire were to face Aerial in the finals, they would need to be prepared for a battle of wits and strategy as much as one of skill.

As the dust settled, the game system's announcements reinforced Aerial's dominance, and the spectators were left in awe of the seamless interplay between Aerial's players. This match was proving to be a masterclass in strategy and execution.

With both Bionocular Marksmen eliminated, only their Mage remained. Aware of the impending threat, the Mage tried to retreat and set up defensive spells. However, both Assassins from Aerial, having swiftly dealt with the Marksmen, now turned their attention to the lone Mage.

The Assassins moved in unison, their steps silent and deadly. The Mage attempted to cast spells to ward off the attackers, but the Assassins were too quick, too coordinated. In a desperate move, the Mage tried to create a barrier, but Assassin 1 deftly manoeuvred around it while Assassin 2 closed in from the opposite direction. The Mage's last-ditch effort to fend them off was futile. With a synchronized strike, both Assassins attacked, bringing the Mage down.

[Aerial: Enemy Elimination!]

The game system's voice echoed through the hall, followed by a larger announcement:

[Aerial: Team Wipe!}

The spectators gasped, the atmosphere thick with a mix of shock and excitement. For Bionocular, the announcement was a harsh blow, a public acknowledgement of their defeat. Even though they could respawn, the embarrassment of a team wipe in front of a live audience was palpable.

Meanwhile, In-su, now free from immediate danger, leisurely made his way back to the base with the artefact. The Assassins had bought him the time he needed, demonstrating Aerial's superior strategy and execution once again.

Joon-ho watched with a keen eye, absorbing every detail. Aerial's ability to adapt and respond swiftly to threats was unparalleled. He knew that this level of coordination and tactical brilliance would be the key challenge for Team Fire if they were to face Aerial in the finals. The match was a stark reminder of the difference between good teams and great ones.

As the announcements settled, the hall buzzed with murmurs of admiration and disbelief. Aerial had not only taken the lead but had done so in a manner that showcased their dominance and strategic superiority. This display of power sent a clear message to all competitors: Aerial was a force to be reckoned with.

The atmosphere in the hall was electric, a mixture of awe and disbelief. Aerial's dominance was on full display, and the spectators couldn't help but be impressed by their flawless execution. The contrast between Aerial's seamless teamwork and Bionocular's faltering efforts was stark, painting a clear picture of what separated the top-tier teams from the rest.

Joon-ho leaned back in his seat, his mind racing with thoughts. He had witnessed firsthand the prowess of Chin-hwa and In-su, and the impeccable support provided by Aerial's Assassins. This wasn't just a match; it was a masterclass in strategy and execution. Aerial had dismantled Bionocular with precision, each move calculated and executed flawlessly.

As In-su continued his unhurried journey back to the base with the artefact, Joon-ho couldn't help but marvel at the Mage's composure. Despite the chaos and pressure, In-su had remained calm, utilizing his spells with surgical precision. It was a testament to his experience and skill, solidifying his reputation as Korea's third-best Mage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what we've just witnessed is the epitome of professional NexaRealm play. Aerial has not only secured two artefacts but has also demonstrated their unparalleled strategic prowess. Their coordination, adaptability, and sheer skill are a reminder of why they are one of the top teams in this tournament," Soo-min, the commentator, broke the silence with her authoritative voice.

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the brilliance they had just witnessed. The cheers and shouts filled the hall, a wave of admiration for Aerial's performance. Joon-ho took a deep breath, knowing that this match would serve as a critical lesson for Team Fire. They would need to prepare meticulously, study Aerial's strategies, and find ways to counter their tactics if they were to stand a chance in the finals.