
NexaRealm: Best in the World

In the heart of Seoul, high schooler Joon-ho Kang conceals a secret—he's a master assassin in the virtual world of NexaRealm. Selected to represent his school in the national 1v1 tournament, Joon-ho's strategic brilliance wins not only matches but also recognition. However, success raises a profound question: Does he love NexaRealm for the game or the pursuit of being the best? His internal struggle intensifies as he navigates newfound fame, supported quietly by his parents and observed closely by childhood friend Soo-jin. NexaRealm, once a source of joy, becomes a crossroads when Joon-ho receives an invitation to join Korea's national team. Now, Joon-ho faces a choice: pursue professional gaming, reach the pinnacle in NexaRealm, or maintain a balance between passion and genuine connections. The journey unfolds as he confronts the cutthroat world of pro gaming, discovering the true meaning of his NexaRealm connection and the choices that define his path. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and his only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Heavy language is used in the story. Blood, gore, violence and sexual acts are also depicted in the story. Update: a chapters a day Site: https://akikure.carrd.co/

Aki_Kure · Games
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161 Chs

A New Start

As Joon-ho, Soo-jin, and Sang-hee stepped through the doors of the main hall, they were greeted by a sight that took their breath away. The hall was expansive, with rows of seats stretching out before them, each one filled with eager faces. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as students chatted excitedly, their voices echoing off the high ceilings.

The seating arrangement was meticulously organized, with rows of chairs arranged in a staggered formation to maximize the visibility of the stage at the front of the hall. Each seat had a small desk, perfect for taking notes or jotting down important information. The hall itself was spacious, with plenty of room for the hundreds of students gathered there.

Joon-ho's eyes scanned the sea of faces until they landed on a familiar figure. A hand shot up, and he saw Kang-dae waving enthusiastically, with Kyu seated silently beside him. Joon-ho followed Kang-dae's gesture, and with Soo-jin and Sang-hee in tow, they made their way over to join their friends.

"Saved you guys some seats!" Kang-dae exclaimed, his grin widening as they approached.

"Thanks, Kang-dae. We appreciate it," Joon-ho replied, offering a grateful smile as they took their seats. Soo-jin and Sang-hee nodded in agreement, their excitement palpable as they settled in.

As they arranged themselves from left to right, Kyu, Kang-dae, Joon-ho, Soo-jin, and Sang-hee, conversation flowed easily between them.

"I wasn't sure how many of us were coming, so I figured I'd better reserve a whole row just in case," Kang-dae explained, leaning in to speak over the growing buzz of the crowd.

"That was a smart move," Soo-jin remarked, her eyes scanning the room in anticipation. "I can't believe we're finally here!"

"I know. It feels like we've been waiting forever for this day to arrive," Sang-hee nodded enthusiastically, her gaze flicking between her friends.

Joon-ho grinned, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him.

"It's definitely going to be an adventure," he agreed, his eyes shining with anticipation. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for us here at NexaCorp Korea University."

As they settled into their seats, Kang-dae turned to Soo-jin and Sang-hee, offering a friendly smile.

"Hey, I'm Kang-dae Muk," he began, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you both."

Soo-jin returned his smile, shaking his hand warmly.

"Hi, I'm Soo-jin Kim," she replied. "It's great to meet you too finally."

"And I'm Sang-hee Bok. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kang-dae," Sang-hee followed suit, her expression brightening as she greeted him.

Kang-dae nodded, a grin spreading across his face.

"Likewise," he replied. "So, how do you guys know Joon-ho?"

Soo-jin glanced over at Joon-ho, a playful glint in her eye.

"We go way back," she said with a chuckle. "We've been friends since we were kids."

Sang-hee nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, these two are practically like siblings at this point," she added, shooting Joon-ho a teasing smile. "And I'm just a roommate of Soo-jin in this uni."

Joon-ho grinned, feeling a warmth spreading through him at their words.

"Yeah, Soo-jin has been putting up with me for years," he joked, earning a laugh from the group.

As the conversation flowed, Kang-dae turned to Kyu, who had remained silent throughout the introductions.

"And this is Kyu Cah," he said, gesturing to his quiet friend. "He's, uh, a man of few words."

Kyu offered a small nod of acknowledgement, his gaze flicking between Soo-jin and Sang-hee before returning to Kang-dae. Though his silence was noticeable, his presence added an air of mystery to the group, leaving them curious about the enigmatic figure seated beside them.

As the lights dimmed and the chatter of the students began to fade, a hush fell over the hall, signalling the start of the orientation. The anticipation in the air was palpable as everyone turned their attention to the stage, where a podium stood illuminated by a single spotlight.

A sense of excitement washed over Joon-ho as he leaned forward in his seat, eager to hear what the speakers had to say. Beside him, Soo-jin and Sang-hee exchanged excited glances, their anticipation mirroring his own. Even Kyu, who had been silent up until now, seemed to lean in with interest, his eyes fixed on the stage.

As the first speaker took the stage, a wave of applause rippled through the crowd, signalling the official beginning of the orientation. The speaker's voice filled the hall, clear and authoritative, as they welcomed the new students to NexaCorp Korea University and outlined the agenda for the day.

"Good morning, esteemed students, and welcome to NexaCorp Korea University," the speaker began, his voice projecting clearly throughout the hall. "My name is Man-shik Yu, and I am the Dean of Student Affairs here at the university. It is truly a pleasure to see so many bright faces eager to embark on this journey of discovery and growth."

Joon-ho listened intently as Dean Man-shik spoke, his words resonating with a sense of warmth and encouragement. It was reassuring to know that the university's leadership was invested in the well-being and success of its students.

"As you begin your academic journey here at NexaCorp Korea University, I urge you to take advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you," Dean Man-shik continued. "Whether it's joining a student club, participating in a research project, or seeking out mentorship from faculty members, there are countless ways for you to enrich your experience and make the most of your time here."

Beside him, Soo-jin and Sang-hee nodded in agreement, their eyes bright with enthusiasm. Joon-ho couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he listened to Dean Man-shik's words, eager to dive into all that the university had to offer.

"As you navigate your way through your studies, remember to stay true to yourself and your passions," Dean Man-shik concluded, his voice filled with sincerity. "You are each capable of achieving great things, and I do not doubt that you will leave a lasting impact on our university and the world beyond."

As the applause subsided, Dean Man-shik stepped forward once more, a smile gracing his features. He knocked softly the neatly stacked flash card in between his hands to the podium stand.

"Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce our esteemed faculty members who will be guiding you on your journey here at NexaCorp Korea University."

The crowd erupted into another round of enthusiastic applause as the teachers made their way onto the stage, each one a renowned figure in the world of NexaRealm. Among them were five individuals, each representing a specific role in the game: fighter, marksman, roamer, assassin, and mage.

First, the fighter stepped forward, a towering figure with a presence that commanded attention. Known as Seung-hyun Kim, he was not only a formidable force on the battlefield but also held the title of Korea's top-ranked fighter, revered for his unparalleled skill and strategic prowess.

Next came the marksman, a sharp-eyed individual named Ji-woo Park, whose precision and accuracy were unmatched. As Korea's leading marksman, he had earned a reputation for his deadly aim and quick reflexes, making him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

The roamer, known simply as Min-ji Lee, was a nimble and agile presence on the stage, her movements graceful yet calculated. As Korea's top-ranked roamer, she specialized in providing support and assistance to her teammates, ensuring that they were always one step ahead of their opponents.

Then there was the mage, who stepped forward, a master of arcane arts named Hye-won Choi. With a wave of her hand, she conjured sparks of magic that danced in the air, a testament to her formidable powers. As Korea's top-ranked mage, she possessed unrivalled knowledge and control over the elements, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Lastly, the assassin, Dong-soo Pyun, is a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. While he may have recently been surpassed by a newcomer, his skill and expertise were undeniable, earning him the title of Korea's second-ranked assassin and the respect of all who knew him.

"These teachers are not only experts in their respective fields but also esteemed members of our faculty here at NexaCorp Korea University. I encourage you to learn from them, as they have much to offer in terms of wisdom, experience, and guidance," as the applause died down, Dean Yu addressed the crowd once more, his voice filled with pride and admiration.

With the introduction of these renowned figures, the atmosphere in the hall crackled with excitement and anticipation. The students were eager to learn from the best in the field and to embark on their journey to mastery in NexaRealm.

As the orientation came to a halt, the names of Seung-hyun Kim, Ji-woo Park, Min-ji Lee, Dong-soo Pyun, and Hye-won Choi lingered in the minds of the new students, igniting a spark of determination and ambition within them. With the guidance of these exceptional teachers, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and carve their path to greatness in the world of NexaRealm.