
First news

So first of all we have the novel supreme summoning system.

It's a great novel and if you guys have never heard about it go check it out.

So the readers commented that there are too many filler chapters.

Wich I personally have to agree.

But the novels great so that cancels out the part about filler chapters.

If push comes to shove we all could grit our teeth and wait till a few more chapters come out and the read like we have done many times.

Any ways some commenters way of commenting I did not like but every one has free will I guess?

Any ways the author Anounced that he/she will delete the chapters she had written Wich I have no idea why maybe the author took it personally and I understand.

So just like that the novel is on a hitus.

We have no idea when author San is gonna start again.

But I hope that author picks it up again cause I've always dreamed of those type of storys but was too lazy to write so I was happy to see one of those story on web novel.

And to all readers the comment section is a way for you guys to interact with authors pleases do so in a less hurtful way.

And please authors don't take the comments too personally that's just some people's opinion.

And they just wants to say it even though they don't mean it.

Well some do but think about all you're other readers so please don't drop good novels.

I've seen this happening too often that most novels are dropped off midway.

Anyways that's all for the first news adios