
03: This isn't the bathroom

5 hours Later:

Blaire and Sage headed over to the newest bar in the scene, Legends.

Sage introduced the newest additions "Hey Blaire these are Callie and Gwen!"

Gwen was tall and slender with the side of her hair shaved and the other braided. She looked fierce. She was wearing a short black dress with a leather jacket. Callie was shorter than Gwen but still pretty tall, she had brown curly hair and green eyes. Her wine colored dress had a thigh slit and made her look really pretty.

"Hey!" She shook their hands, "My names Blaire." She said warmly.

To the other girls she looked stunning, just like a model. Her dress, a golden two piece highlighted her eyes and gave her skin a radiant glow. She had modest makeup but it accentuated her features and enhanced them.

"Oh wait... no... you can't be... are you Blaire Perry from insta?" Callie asked.

"Yes, that's me." Blaire replied, bashfully.

Blaire, not only was a great detective, but also had a successful instagram account with currently 855k followers. One thing she didn't expect was to get noticed her first day in NYC.

"Cmon guys we're aren't getting any younger. Let's go!" Sage urged, playfully.

They entered the club together. Many heads turned with their appearance. It wasn't an uncommon thing in Blaire's world and it didn't faze her anymore.

The club was modern and dark. With a bar on the right of the platformed dance floor. On the second floor was a VIP section for the social elites. The girls made a beeline for the bar, ordering their first drink in celebration of Blaire's first day in NYC.

"Congrats Blaire!" They all toasted. Then they threw back their drinks like it was water.

Soon they were talking and Blaire learned that Gwen volunteered at a local pitbull animal shelter, and she was an entrepreneur. Callie was a yoga teacher, and a law student at night. They were really friendly Blaire thought to herself. She ordered another drink, a long island iced tea.

After she finished her second drink, Sage and Callie pulled her onto the dance floor. By this time the room was slowly starting to spin. A smile spread across her face, and then suddenly she was beaming. The music was pumping and was making her feel invincible. But after a while she had to go to the bathroom.

"HEY SAGEY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE BATHROOM IS?!?!?" She yelled to her bestfriend over the music.

"Yeah I think it's that way!" Sage replied pointing right.

She stumbled over to the direction Sage had pointed in. But there was no door. So she looked to her right and saw stairs heading up to the second floor. She figured it must be up there because there wasn't anything here.

She stumbled up the stairs. She almost fell twice, good thing there was a rail she thought to herself. When she reached the landing. She was met with a room with a black door. I found the bathroom she thought to herself.

She turned the handle and pushed. At the same time her foot buckled under her, causing her to fall. Instead of hitting the floor she crashed onto a black leather couch. Well not exactly, she fell onto the person on top of the couch.

What bathroom has a couch? she thought to herself, well at least it's better than the floor. She looked to her right and noticed a leg in white suit. Not just any suit a custom italian designer suit. Oops, she thought to herself. Her eyes traveled up the figure till she was met with a scowling face.

That scowling face was the most gorgeous face she had ever seen. His jawline could cut diamonds. His skin was a honeydew gold. He had piercing blue eyes, that were cold but held a hint of curiosity. His full lips were delicious looking. If only she could reach up and... wait what was she thinking! But she couldn't control her body it arched into his still shocked figure and found his lips with pleasure.

They tasted warm, which spread throughout her body exciting her senses. She bit on his lower lip playfully. He opened his mouth in surprise. She took this opportunity to insert her tongue into his mouth. She intertwined it with her own and shifted her body so that she was sitting directly into his lap.

( ... )

Liam's day was supposed to go smoothly, but that was not the case. He had come to his club to discuss business with the alcohol shipping company. He entered the VIP suite on the second floor and was waiting on the couch for the representative's arrival. He was checking the time on his phone, when he heard the door open.

He only had time to look up from his phone, when he felt the pain on his upper thigh. Why did the designer suggest the couch to be so close to the door?

He looked down and saw a woman laying on his leg. Her brown hair smelled faintly of oranges. She looked up slowly, clearly embarrassed. This can't be the representative he thought to himself.

That was when his breath was caught. Somehow his cold exterior remained. But he internally he was astounded that God could make a creature this beautiful. Her brown hair shaped her face elegantly, her features were soft and young. But the most stunning feature was her golden eyes. They reminded him of a lions, but her's were more passionate and fiery.

That was when it happened she shifted and arched, right up to his face. Her lips intertwined with his and set his heart on fire. She bit down sending a sharp pain throughout his face, causing his mouth to open slightly. She took this opportunity to push her tongue into his mouth. Damn, he thought to himself, How could a mere woman render the Liam Carson, wall street billionare, helpless. He didn't like being controlled, but he couldn't help himself, she was delicious.

But that's when the door opened again.