
new world: I got a plant system

Luna_Jackson_1900 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


After waking up I go to find the Wolf pup to see it is fully healed

I give it a piece of meat and play with it for a while then I walk towards the Plants to plant and harvest more

then I hear screaming I run to the forest and see a carriage from animes surrounded by goblins and dead bodies with only one guard covered in silver armor with gold patterns alive standing at the carriage door fighting the goblins

as one of the goblins was about to land a critical hit Ako jumps and shoots the goblin in the head with soil and water instantly killing it

after that he kills the rest of the goblins and finds that the guard had fainted so he heads for the carriage and opens the door to find 2 people inside the carriage an old man and a young lady in luxury clothing after checking to see if everyone is alright he notices something

1 goblin killed

1 goblin killed

player leveled up

system leveled up

1 lv:2 goblin killed exp x100

1 lv:1 goblin killed exp x50

1 lv:1 goblin killed exp x50

1 lv:1 goblin killed exp x50

I realize that I can now see the level of what I kill and the amount of exp I gain so I open status to check the changes


Name:Aiko Daisuke







Stat points:6

Player level:3 exp 500/100

System: plant system

System level:2


Skills: plant creation:lv:5 water creation:lv:5(level up) soil creation:lv:2

He noticed that he had leveled up again and that that he could level up his skill then he hears a voice he looks around and noticed that the guard has woken up and is now at the door of the carriage standing beside the man and young lady

thank you for saving our life said the old man I am King Herbert of the plaineara kingdom this young lady beside me is Princess Faith and this man here is the head of the nights General Colen

after realizing he is in the presence of the king he knew he needs a backstory he kneels in front of the king and introduces himself as Aiko an adventurer from a faraway place

the king then asks him to be his escort for the remainder of the trip and after some thought he decides that it will be a good idea to know where civilization is so he agrees to the king's request and after finding the horses that he did not notice had run away and finding the people who were riding the horse knocked out in the bushes set out on a journey with the king

on the way he get to know the king princess and knight better

after half a day with the group they stop at a river to clean up and drink water after that they continue their journey and about fifteen minutes later they get abused by a group of bandits

after dealing with the bandits Ako inspects their bodies and notice that all of them have a small mark on their bodies

after pointing that out to the king he saw that the king was almost always in his thoughts for the rest of the journey

plaineara is a big and beautiful kingdom in the middle of a plain it has huge thick wall around it in the inside of the of the kingdom he sees a lot of beautiful flowers and kids playing around the kingdom is very lively

after some minutes pass we arrive at the castle it is a big white castle with gold patterns

after we pass the guards the king and princess go somewhere and leave me with general Colen who leads me to a room

upon entering the room I notice it is almost as big as my small cabin I take a bath and lay on the bed

I realize just how much I missed a normal bed Then after looking at the system for some time he fall asleep

hearing a knock on the door he gets out of bed and said come in after he says that a maid with blonde hair enter the room informing him that the king is inviting him for breakfast

he takes a bath get dressed in some good cloth and open the door to see the same maid waiting for him

the maid lead him to a huge dining room and notify the king of his presence the

king is sitting on the chair at the head of the table so he goes to sit at the other side but the king stop him and tell him to sit beside him

after sitting down he then realize he did not see the food on the table the table is filled with delicious looking food that he can't wait to eat the he hears the king start talking

come in after the king said that general Colen enters the room and stand behind him while all the other guards and maids leave the room leaving only the king Aiko and general Colen in the room

the king then said to Aiko

Aiko Daisuke I met you just a couple days ago and in those days most of them were of you helping me I am going to give you your reward

But I must ask for your help again

author sorry I didn't post for so long I had some problems 900 something words