
New World Genesis

Dellverse · Urban
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Chapter 1 - The Genesis of the World Tree

The beginning of the New era was brought by the end of the old. The end of the old was brought by a flurry of asteroids crashing into our planet. They crashed into cities, mountains and oceans all across the world. One asteroid landed in Africa carrying a plant from another planet. When it landed in the north east part of Africa. The plant grew into an enormous tree that could be seen from space. The tree gave our world ether. When it happened it was described as an astral blast of energy blasting all across the earth. The World Tree became the source of all ether in the world. The blast had an on the people as well. People who were sick were healed, People who paralyzed began to move, and People in a coma woke up. It was a miracle in the modern era. People called the tree from there forth the World Tree. New crystal appeared in mountains and mines across the world. These crystals were crystallized ether and one medium one was powerful enough to power an entire home. This changed the world's technology to such a degree it amazed all.

The World Tree brought so much change to the world that many countries sought to control its powers for themselves but the people who lived there block all attempts to seize it. They called themselves the Guardians and use the ether in themselves to defeat all invaders. The Guardians and their people form their own city called Ion. But humans were not the only ones who obtained ether. Animals and vegetation also we're effected by the blast. Some animals grew in size and power. Some were the size of buildings. While other had grown stronger and faster than they already were. Humans tried to fight them but they're weapons from the old era had no effect on them. The Guardians told the world if they wanted to survive the most use the ether they have within. This lead to the rise of the warriors. People who could use there ether to become superhuman. Some even developed special powers as well. With there new powers they fought back against the waves of beast helping humanity survive and adapt to our new world. The era of old is over, the era of the World Tree has begun so any questions?