
new world administrator

Dan, a talented game developer, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a new and unfamiliar world. In this strange land, he encounters fantastical creatures, mystical landscapes, and magic beyond his wildest imagination. As he navigates this mysterious realm tag. administrator , admin , system, dan, administrator , new world , world , power

Red_Mind_god · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

town of nowito

As Dan roused from his rest, he was met with the sight of fresh towels and clean clothes, courtesy of the caring hands around him. Expressing his gratitude with a nod, he settled back into his seat, ready to continue the journey.

As they traveled onward, the road stretched ahead, uneventful after the encounter with the wolves. However, Dan was abruptly pulled from his thoughts by the sound of a man's voice shouting in an unfamiliar language.

Intrigued, Dan leaned out of the wagon, his eyes widening at the sprawling town that lay ahead, resembling more of a city than a mere settlement.

As the wagon neared the front gate, Dan and the other travelers found themselves in a long line, patiently awaiting their turn for entry. Hours passed before they finally reached the gate

As the guards meticulously inspected each wagon, Dan waited with bated breath, the anticipation mounting with each passing moment. Finally, the signal was given, and the wagon was granted entry through the city gates.

As they passed into the bustling city, Dan's eyes widened in wonder at the magnificent sight unfolding before him. The city sprawled out before them, a bustling metropolis adorned with lush greenery, charming squares, and majestic architecture.

The contrast between the lively cityscape and the serene countryside they had left behind was striking. Dan couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant energy that pulsed through the streets as the wagon rolled onward, carrying them deeper into city.

As the wagon came to a halt in the bustling parking area, Dan observed the People disembarked from their wagons, bustling about with purpose as they went about their business.

Realization dawned upon Dan as he recognized this area as a bustling hub within the city, likely a central location where travelers converged and dispersed.

Dan also didn't know were to go next he cant speak the language and does not know who can help him As Dan wandered through the streets, Dan approached random passersby, attempting to communicate through gestures and expressions. 

Though met with some puzzled looks, he remained undeterred, persistently seeking out anyone who might understand him

Sitting on the beach near a small park, Dan couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the uncertainty of his situation. "What am I going to do? No one here knows me, and I can't communicate with anyone," he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice.

As Dan glanced in one direction, he noticed a guard approaching with a couple of individuals in tow. Recognition dawned upon him as he realized that these were the same people he had attempted to communicate with earlier for help. However, instead of offering assistance, they seemed to be approaching with an air of anger and frustration.

Before long, the guard and the individuals arrived at Dan's location. They pointed accusing fingers at him, their voices raised in agitation as they accused him of disturbing the peace. Dan, bewildered by their hostility, tried to explain that he had done nothing wrong. However, his efforts were in vain, as he couldn't speak their language.

Recognizing the escalating situation, the guard intervened and escorted Dan to a nearby building. Gesturing for Dan to sit down, the guard took out an orb and motioned for Dan to place his hand on it.

The orb glowed with light, its radiance fading once Dan removed his hand. The guard then retrieved a paper card and placed it on the orb, causing it to display information about Dan. After reviewing the card, the guard stored it away and led Dan to another building.

This building was four stories tall and wide, adorned with unfamiliar letters on the front. As they entered, the guard approached a man at the front desk. Shortly after, three individuals approached and escorted Dan to a room filled with various items.

An elderly man approached Dan, taking a sample of his blood and applying it to an object. The object reacted to the blood, prompting the old man to place it onto a ring. He then handed the ring to Dan.

Dan slipped the ring onto his finger, and the old man leaned in, his voice filled with anticipation. "Can you hear me, young man?" he inquired.