
new world administrator

Dan, a talented game developer, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a new and unfamiliar world. In this strange land, he encounters fantastical creatures, mystical landscapes, and magic beyond his wildest imagination. As he navigates this mysterious realm tag. administrator , admin , system, dan, administrator , new world , world , power

Red_Mind_god · Fantasy
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28 Chs

My Finest Day Yet part 1

Dan slowly backed away from the soldiers as they approached, a sense of dread gnawing at him. Just as one soldier was about to confront him, a commanding voice cut through the tension. A man on horseback rode forward, his authoritative presence clear as he ordered the soldier to deal with the "rude individual" delaying their city lord.

"Wait, please don't—" Dan pleaded, but his words fell on deaf ears as the soldier prepared to attack. Dan's instincts kicked in, and he dodged the soldier's spear thrusts with remarkable agility, as if time itself had slowed to a crawl.

Despite his attempts to explain the misunderstanding, the soldiers remained intent on harming him. As they lunged again, Dan seized one of the spears and deftly redirected it, striking the soldier and rendering him unconscious.

Dan continued to dodge the relentless onslaught of attacks, his movements fluid and precise as he incapacitated his assailants with calculated strikes. Despite the chaos unfolding around him, he maintained a firm grip on his strength, ensuring that his blows were powerful enough to render the soldiers unconscious but not lethal.

For three intense minutes, Dan managed to subdue his opponents one by one, until a total of 31 soldiers lay unconscious at his feet.

the commander dismounted from his horse and approached Dan cautiously, a mixture of respect and wariness in his eyes. "You possess remarkable skill," the commander remarked, his tone cautious. "But tell me, what is your purpose here?

Dan raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Sir, please, I did not intend to impede your way. This is all a large misunderstanding," he pleaded, hoping to defuse the tense situation.

Another man arrived on horseback, clad in battle armor and exuding an air of authority. He appeared to be in his forties, with a commanding presence that demanded attention. The man fixed his gaze on Dan and spoke in a stern tone, "Is that right? Well, explain why you are stopping me."

Dan hesitated for a moment, realizing the gravity of the situation. He couldn't tell them the truth – that he was running from the guards – or risk being thrown into jail. Dan quickly formulated a plausible explanation. "I apologize for the disturbance, sir," he began, choosing his words carefully. "I was simply trying to navigate through the crowd and inadvertently found myself in your path. It was never my intention to hinder you're path.

The man in the armor exchanged a quick glance with the commander, a silent communication passing between them. Then, turning his attention back to Dan, the man introduced himself.

"Well, if it is a misunderstanding that led us to introduce each other, my name is Gabriel Everhart, the lord of this city," he declared, his voice carrying authority. "This man beside me is my second-in-command, Alen."

Gabriel gestured towards the commander, indicating his rank and importance. Then, he turned his focus back to Dan, his gaze piercing. "And how about you, sir?" he inquired, waiting for Dan's response"