
97. Princess that was counted

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W e b n o v e l s . c o m. If you read it anywhere else it means its copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

But that was not the problem. Princess Sora was prince Long. Actually, people always thought that they were twins so they never thought too much about it. Prince Long was someone who traveled here and there and would appear from time to time in the palace.

And not many people knew he was the Crown Prince. Only a few insiders knew and didn't take it seriously as they knew about his sickness. If Emperor dies, they just need to prove that Prince Long is sick and he would lose his right for the throne.

But none of those conspires would have imagined that the Emperor would ask the priest to help him and stabilize his mind. What actually helped was the talks and calm attitude Liu Mei had with him. Since he met her he slowly accepted a few crazy things in his mind and with priests hypnosis and power, the two people in his mind combined and made a new character.

The problem is, the new character accepted Liu Mei as his sister and became in a future kind of overprotective. To Emperor's anger.

As they left the town many things suddenly happened. The same evening whole bunch of people knocked on their doors and as no one opened it up, they broke inside. Seeing the house almost ghostly empty, they were scared and furious.

A young woman came behind them with from expression and yelled. "Where is she? Find her, quickly! I must get rid of my anger."

After the prince and princess came back Bai Empire from Dalan Empire, they got information that the person who humiliated them was in their country. Not even in the country, she was in the capital city, walking around comfortably with that messy prince.

Suddenly a huge buzz happened behind their backs. A servant rushed towards her with a pale face. "Princess, it is bad! The Royal forces are outside."

"What? If they are there, then my father..." She paled and rushed out.

Everyone kneeled in feint grandly dressed man that sat comfortably and nibbled on a piece of dry meat. This is meat Liu Mei specially made for "Princess" Sora. And 'she' shared it with him.

Looking at soft delicious meat and dried fruits and vegetables, the Emperor was in deep thought. His son just came back from Dalan Empire and explained everything about what the old monk said.

Thinking about all the ideas she told her friend, he rubbed his head. Instead of gratefully and respected attitude, she had to run. As he saw the princess he sighed. It seems those people pulled lots of connections to by her side. They really were so stupid to pull this ignorant child into their machinations. Do they think he is old and senile?

Not yet. His face suddenly shone in a bright smile. He is not dead yet.

He waved his hand and the cruel game of open inquiry stared right in front of her eyes. One by one, her guards, her servants, even personal maids were cruelty treated until they confessed.

She slumped down as she heard their plans and felt her heart getting cold. Used like a porcelain doll and moved like a puppet.

The Emperor stood up and walked to her. "Come my child. I will make them pay for what they have done to you and to our country. Tomorrow will be a new day as our Empire will cease to exist, but our people will have a safe life and food to eat. Isn't that good as well."

"Father, I have been foolish. Because of me... because of me... our Empire... " She shook on the whole body and prince Lang came forward with a smile.

"Little sister, we might become one with Dalang Empire, but our people will be safe. Don't worry. This was our plan all along. We just didn't know it will go this fast." He picked her up and put on her two feet. He went down to put on a shoe that fell off her foot and smiled at her. "We might not be Empire, but we are still Kingdom. You are still a princess and people must respect you. Come, let's go home. Empress cleaned the palace of all unneeded accessories and we can finally live normally. Come."

He held his hand in front of her. Peace could be seen on his face and kindness. She never realized how good this man is. From another side, her other brother came and rose his hand as well. "Come little sister. Your family will protect you."

Almost in a daze she rose her hands and was softly led by her brothers back home. To the palace.

On the main gate stood a woman with grand dressing and her yellow eyes shone warmly, while she smiled at her. "Mother..."

"Mother had clouded eyes as well. Sorry, my child. But now I can finally breathe. Let's go home." As the royal family entered the palace, smoke rose over the top of the city from different burning piles.

The next morning the piles were scattered, the sheets cleaned as nothing happened and life continued. But this time, it was different.

New flags rose and waved in the wind. Dalang Empire flag made most of the people realize what happened.

A long procession from the south came with winter rations for their country, making all people more than grateful to their rulers. For the sake of their people, they chose to become a part of the great Dalan Empire. No wars, no bloodshed, no fear. Calm and collected action.

People began to praise the Ruler of Bai for being wise and new stories and songs were made in praise for them all.

But, where is Liu Mei?

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W e b n o v e l s . c o m. If you read it anywhere else it means its copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

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