
Begining (Chapter 1)

I hated this world. This world was cursed, and so was I. No matter how hard I tried, there were always people who betrayed him, who cheated him, who hurt him. I wished they would all suffer, die, or be killed by someone. Iwished Icould create a new world, a better world, where only the hardworking and the honest would thrive. I will be the God of this new world, the absolute God.

He was only seven years old when he learned the harshness of life. He was beaten up by some older kids before the festival. They kicked him while he was lying on the ground, covered in dirt and blood. He bit his lip and clenched his fists, holding back the screams that threatened to escape his throat". He didn't want to give them the satisfaction. They left him there, laughing and mocking him. He got up after it was dark, and limped home. His mother was shocked and asked him what happened, who did this to him. He lied and said he didn't know them. He didn't want to worry her. She bathed him and applied antiseptic cream on his wounds. She told him he shouldn't fight, he should be peaceful. He told her they were cursing him and saying bad things about her. She smiled and said if he wanted to change the world, he had to become strong. this sentence ignited a spark in his heart that would soon grow into a blazing flame

A few months later, he found himself in a new city. It was just as big and crowded as the old one, but it felt even more alien and hostile. He had no place to call home, only a cramped and filthy room that he shared with his family in someone else's house. Every night, he was haunted by the sound of a woman's screams. She was the owner's wife, and he abused her mercilessly. He cowered under his blanket, wishing he could make it stop. He went to school, but he faced another tormentor there. A girl who bullied him relentlessly, who taunted him, insulted him, and reduced him to tears every single day. He loathed her, but he was powerless to fight back. He was weak and helpless. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, his family finally got their own home. He was overjoyed. He sprinted to his mother and embraced her. His father lifted him up in his arms and told him he was destined to change the whole world someday. He looked into their eyes and saw the pride and love they had for him. He felt a surge of happiness, the first one he ever experienced in his life.

The next day, they went to the market to celebrate their new home. They were filled with joy and anticipation. They strolled along the street, hand in hand, grinning from ear to ear. He spotted a truck heading their way. It was going too fast, zigzagging wildly. He glimpsed the driver's face. He was drunk and hysterical. He didn't notice them. He didn't brake. He smashed into them. He wrecked the shop. He destroyed everything. He watched his parents soar in the air. He watched their bodies slam on the ground. He watched their blood spray on his face. He watched them perish. In a flash, he lost everything. He lost his mother, his father, his sister. He lost his bliss. He lost his world. He was alone. He remained there, still and silent. He gazed at the corpses of his family. He felt nothing. The tears rolled down his cheeks, but he was unaware. He was in shock and then collapsed on the ground.

He opened his eyes in a hospital bed. He had slipped into a coma for a month after the accident that killed his parents. The doctor wondered how he felt. "My parents are dead," he muttered, his voice flat and emotionless. The doctor gasped. He tried to comfort him. He assured him he had nothing to fear, he would be looked after. He beamed. The boy glared at him. He blacked out again. He was isolated in the room. He came to and overheard the police outside. They were discussing the driver who murdered his parents. He was a novice driver. He had cheated on his license exam. He had ties with the licensing department. He had evaded justice. He was at large. He listened to this and felt something. He felt anger. He felt hatred. He felt rage. He began shrieking. He desired to slay him. He desired to slay them all. He desired to transform the world. He desired to be God. The doctor and the police barged in. They endeavored to soothe him. They administered him an injection of anesthesia. He experienced a piercing pain in his arm. He experienced his body go limp. He experienced his mind go blank. He shut his eyes. He witnessed a burst of light. He heard a few words in his mind: "Become the God of the New World."