

Kristen gets involved with a billionaire after she finds out her bestie and fiance were sleeping together. Kristen's ex fiance Ace, begged her not to cancel the wedding but she made up her mind already. she gets caught up in the billionaire family's issues and learns a dark secret. she tries her best to resolve it. she falls in love with the billionaire but she isn't so sure if he feels the same way. her ex best friend gets jealous that she always have her way, and she decided to come for her. how would things turn out for her?

Treasure_Faniyi · Urban
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23 Chs


Kristen's pov

                I woke up with the worst hangover ever, I don't remember coming into my room. I got out of bed, I found a new toothbrush and towel. I watched myself in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, after that I filled the tub with warm water.

              After I was done, I decided to wear a white top and a black trousers with white sneakers. I looked around for my luggage but I couldn't find it.  I knocked on the room next door, I didn't get any answer from Aiden. I had a feeling he would be in the kitchen and I turned out right, he turned around just in time.

" good morning Kristen, I made breakfast. Hope you like pancakes? my mom already called this morning to confirm our coming " he served me with syrup on top.

" I can't find my luggage" I sat on the kitchen chair and tried the pancakes. " oh my God, I can't even make it this perfect "

            I was so hungry that I could eat his own portion. I stuffed my face with the pancakes and in a matter of time I was done. I picked up the serviette and cleaned my face with it. I could feel Aiden stare, I looked up at him and he didn't stop staring.

" what?? I'm really hungry " he only grinned.

" your bags are in the car, I guess all those drinking made you hungry , you can have mine, I'm filled anway"

      he got up and pushed his plate to me, I have never been this exicted because of food, I quickly grabbed it. He went in for a while, I was done eating, I grabbed both plates and did the dishes. As soon as I turned around I knew I was done for. Aiden was standing in the living room with his phone to his face, I have never seen him dress this casual before. He was wearing a grey sweatpants with a round neck top.

" are you drooling?" Hell, he must have caught me staring. I quickly cleared my throats.

" no, why would I?" I used the back of my hand to clean my mouth.

" so you were eye fucking me then?" He folded his hands together with a smirk on his face.

" dont flatter yourself big boy, we have a place to be so let's go".

        I turned away from him, I left him behind. I waited for him outside, I didn't bother looking at him as he got outside. He opened the car doors and I sat in front immediately and used the seat belts. He got into the car and faced me

" if you want a piece of me, you can just say that darling" I turned to look at him and he had a grin on his face.

Ugh, He so full of himself.

"The last time I saw something like you, I flushed it. Like I said earlier do not flatter yourself, I'm not one of those girls that are willing to open their legs anytime they see you."


He laughed " yeah yeah, sooner or later, you will be begging me to be between your legs, every girl that I have come across always wants a piece of me"

" I'd rather go to hell than do that, like I said before, don't flatter yourself, I'm not one of those girls jerkface" who the fuck those he think he is, Chris Hemsworth??

He only laughed, he's so annoying, full of himself, he's the reason why God created a middle finger.

" I could have sworn i was dealing with an adult " I muttered to myself.


  I didn't realize I had fell asleep. Aiden shook me, I opened my eyes immediately.

" we are here "

" really?? How long did we drive for??" I asked as I took out the seat belt. I got out of the car, an old lady was taking my luggage inside.

" 3 hours" he answered softly.


I have never seen a house this big, it was amazing.

" its a family house that's why its this big" Aiden said like he was reading my mind.

" let's go" he offered his hands.

Of course the pretense, I have to act sweet to this annoying man so his mom doesn't suspect a thing.

I took his hands, he pulled me a little close and we walked into the house together.

" Aiden sweetheart, give me a hug haven't you missed your momma?" The lady pulled him into a hug. He gave him a kiss on the cheek." my little boy".


I giggled, thats when she realized someone else was with him.

" oh my God she's real" she pulled me into a hug. " hi, you are kristen right? I am Aiden's mother, you can call me olivia" Olivia, didn't look old at all. She has the perfect skin and she looks young.

" its so nice to meet you, Aiden has told me a lot about you " I gave her a warm smile.

" he has never been mentioned you, I didn't know he was seeing someone until it was on the news. You have no idea how exicted I was when  I found out, he had not been with anyone since madison, she..." Aiden interrupted his mom

" mom, I'm pretty sure she's tired, we would be going to our room now "

       I looked at him, it was so obvious he didn't want to talk about ' Madison. She must have really hurt him, he's never mentioned her before. He held my hands and pulled me with him to our room. Our luggage was in the room already and there's just a single bed.

" you can have the bed, I would take the floor"

" but.." he didn't let me finish, he left the room immediately. I took out my stuff from my bags and placed them in the wardrobe, I took out my phone and texted my dad.

       Hey dad, we haven't talked in a while I know. I know you are probably wondering about the news you heard about Aiden king and I, well, it's true. We are together but not together. I would explain anytime I come over, I have missed you . 

He must have noticed my reaction when he told me about his girlfriend.

"Oh and i can't wait to meet your girlfriend " I hit send. That was a total lie, I don't want to meet her at all but I have to be happy for him, he had spent most of his life raising me, he deserves happiness. I heard a knock on the door and Aiden came in.

" mom made lunch and she's waiting for you and my sisters would love to meet you, let's go"

    I followed him, I was starting to get nervous. I think im doing the wrong thing lying to his mom but at the same time, I could use the money to buy my dad a new house closer to me so I can take care of him.

" you must be Kristen, I'm Mia and that's Ava, my older sister. Oh Aiden, she's so pretty" she hugged me and I shaked hands with Ava.

" its really nice to meet you both."

" Kristen meet my husband Liam" Ava said, pointing to the man beside her.

" nice to meet you Liam "

" you too Kristen, Olivia wouldn't stop talking about you. She's really exicted that Aiden has decided to be with someone again and hopefully their would be another wedding in the family soon"

I choked on my spittle, Aiden came closer and rubbed my back for me.

" of course " he said, I turned to see a smirk on his face.

" mom did you tell him yet?" Mia turned to Olivia.

" tell me what??" Aiden asked, both Olivia and Ava gave Mia a death stare.

"Mom what's going on??" Aiden asked again.

" why don't we just settle down and eat first?"

       We all sat down for lunch, Ava sat beside Liam , Aiden and I sat beside each other, Mia and Olivia opposite each other. Olivia said a short prayer and we began to dig in.

" so how did you two meet??" Mia asked, I turned to look at Aiden and he was already staring at me.

" work" he said

" how long have you guys been together??"

" 4 months..."

" A year..."

We both looked at each other again and we turned to everyone staring at us.

"Uh.." I began to explain " we've known each for a year and we started dating four months ago"

" that's amazing " Olivia said

" mom what were you going to tell me??" I was glad Aiden was changing the subject.

" Xander will be coming home soon"

" what??" Aiden slammed his hands on the table angrily as he got up.